

"Art is not a thing. It is a way." Elbert Hubbard
soul + art = deep creativity

Come PLAY with art in a new & old way!

This is a 24 day art pilgrimage introducing basic art & psychology concepts, tools & techniques to help wake up & warm up to your innate inner artist. With daily lessons, labs, affirmations & more, this path is designed to awaken your creative power . . . not just to create art but your life. Based on the time it takes to create a new habit, 24 days is a spiraling into your creative core & back out into your life & world. Come home to your artistic self.
Art is, like magic, the science of manipulating symbols, words or images to achieve changes in consciousness. 
Alan Moore

24-day Art Toolkit

This is a 24-day introduction to the basic and yet essential skills of creative expression.  Plus, a bonus Art History Tour, Soul Collage, (Fun) Critique Group, Mandala Centering & Depth Psychology + Art Orientation. Com PLAY!!
  • Partner & Group 

    Weekly live support
  • Daily content

    Video, audio, prompts . . .
  • soul art school=flexible

    Made for you & your life
  • Bonus Material

    To explore more

24 days for deep & lasting change

There is a method to the madness. 20-26 days has been found to be the time it takes to create a new pattern & sustain it (which is the big part). In order for this change to take root in you & your life, you need to take it seriously . . . but not too seriously. Some things are too serious to take seriously, & this is one of those things (like all of the content of Soul Space). So, we will be playful & have fun, while remaining steadfast in our journey. Perhaps the best word for our approach is sincerity from Latin meaning "clean, pure, sound" or "one growth." 

Why should I take this course?

This course is the most impractical & practical thing you can do, preparing you not to make a living but to make a life & really live. It empowers you through art & a toolkit to transform.
This toolkit is really for everyone, because we all need to heal, learn & grow. It is for you if you feel: lost, anxious, depressed, hopeless, disconnected, lonely, disassociated or confused. Yet, it is also for you if you feel: excited, on the cusp of a breakthrough, a call to something deeper or more, a need to help others or the world. In truth, the "call" to this course can take many forms, and everyone can benefit from its transformative potential. Go within & ask your soul.

Combining powerful transdisciplinary practices this toolkit has many BENEFITS: Increasing: immunity, clarity, cognition, energy, concentration, self-acceptance, love, worth, confidence, empathy, esteem, communication, understanding & power.
: anxiety, depression, dependence, insecurity, stress & addiction 

To create a work of art is to create the is free. 
Wassily Kandinsky

What's in your kit? Content to jumpstart your art!

  • Daily 5-15 minute videos
  • Daily Creative Activities
  • Support Structure
  • Clear & Concise Tutorials
  • Daily Journal Prompts 

50% Discount for you + 10 free kits to those in need. Thanks!

Because this is ESSENTIAL healing for our world & time. We need to pull it & come together inside & out. 

Bonus Material to Continue (value $225)

While you go on to other classes or somewhere else, this toolkit expands to go with you & help along the way.
Everyone is an artist. Everyone is creative in their own way and that creativity is a great thing. . . it needs to be nurtured and it can help us go down life's path and help us to become deeper, richer, more satisfied human beings . . . art is no different than prayer.  
Rainn Wilson

Why an Art Toolkit & what is it?

Art is a way of knowing that is within all of us but buried deep, repressed & dismissed by our society's lack of appreciation & understanding of it's true power. The good news is that we have the innate ability to create, an inner artist that is dormant but powerful. This kit is designed to awaken you to your own ability through a return to an older way of deep creativity. This is the opposite of art to go with your sofa. It is art as an archetypal power that blows up blocks to clear a path & way for our inner creative healer. POW & ZOOM!

24 days of tools for creative life support 

This challenge is designed to loosen up your inner artist & shut up (or calm down) your inner critic (often your real parent). Each day is a psychological play session with introspection facilitated by art as a way of healing & knowing.
  • Partner and Group Work for support (assigned or self-selected & covered in the first day)
  • Live weekly sessions with Heather (as a group & by request)
  • Engaging flexible daily content (that can be done in a "day" of creation of Allah, Brahma, Eurynome . . . or) 
  • Safe Transformative Group Container (class, partner & self-generated by creating your own ) 
  • Archetypal & Evidence-Based Power Practices (combining ancient wisdom & modern science)
  • Personal & Transpersonal Healing (transcending human understanding to connect to the world)