Circle Passages

Connect with Nature in Nature

This is a new take on an ancient practice: nature-based initiation. Enter the wilds of your psychological landscape in the wilderness (cabin, tent, nothing . . .) & an archetypal practice of profound power.

Soul of Creativity

Creative Transformation in Art

Art is a way to recreate your life, self & world that is fun, powerful, meaningful & natural. Come on an inner journey to retell your story through creative imagination. You are an artist & the art!

Wild Creatrix

 Feminine Soul Rewilding

Come together and rewild for + change. Rooted in the archetypal nature of the feminine Creatrix, these offerings are designed to help us bring balance to our lives & world in kinship & relationship.
AI, Ancestors, Animal, Art, Art History, Astrology, Body Image, Business, Cancer, Chakras, Conflict Transformation, Creatrix, De-recolonizing, Depth or Esoteric Psychology, Dreams, ET, Fairytale, Grief, Healing, Imago Dei,  Jung, Leadership, Money (?!), Mushrooms, Mysticism, Myth, Nature, Psychism, Red Book, Relationship, Rites of Passage, Shadow, Soul, Spirituality, Tara, Trees (Roots), Vision Quests, Visionary Art, Yoga.



All paths lead to the soul & center. You get to find what works for you with programs that:
  • Offer online archived material & ongoing support for accessible & flexible content you can do at your own pace & redo when you want. You do soul in your way.
  • Integrate content in ways that accommodate diversity & unity, so everyone can express in their own way, from art techniques to rituals & beliefs.
  • Include in person opportunities at beautiful retreat centers in Olympia, WA & La Quinta, CA with deep dives in Joshua Tree, Olympics, Mt. Rainier & more.

No prerequisite knowledge

You are perfectly imperfect. Ready. In the right place at the right time. No art "skills" or psychological knowledge are required . . . in fact to knowledge or skill is required. Soul Space is about deep transformation & that requires self-honesty, love & compassion in reflection & relationship. To really see & be ourselves does require some other things like courage & commitment. If you haven't already got this: this is not an easy straight path, but it is your path & you were literally made for it. You will love & cherish it because WE WANT LOVE & RELATIONSHIP! Our deep desire is to love & be loved.

Journey Your Way

Listen on your phone as you walk in the woods. Come alone, bring a partner or form your own group. . . Contact Heather for group pricing.
All offerings have online archived content & support but come in different forms for different experiences & outcomes


24-40 day online challenges 


Self-paced, independent & online


Longer, live, online & in person


Live & online/in person deep dives


Live, onsite & in person immersion

Consistent Structure & Container 

Each week you walk on steppingstones that introduce fundamental concepts, quotes & skills. These steps are patterned to help you follow your soul. Each day or week you will get a new video to watch, along with creative prompts, tutorials & written material. You journey held within a circle of support, aided by an alchemical partner, interacting in live/recorded zoom sessions with a private social media platform. The learning structure includes many unique features that help support you as you grow & we grow together. 

Creating a safe space

A circle is a sacred container of healing wholeness that protects & nurtures us.

Dropping into the body

3 breaths bring us in & take us out as we enter each session & reenter the world.

With a benevolent creation

We create with Creation & a benevolent universe to create a better world.
multi-modal information . . . 

Interactive & real content

Interact with our content in ways that are natural, playful, creative & sacred. This is applied, experiential eco-art & ritualplay.
creative demo & practice . . .

Learn by watching & doing

While you are finding your way guided by your soul, there are also demos, live Q & A as well as lots of examples & stories.
Soulful play & exploration . . . 

Enjoy, relax & let go

This is about playing with what you love. Resting for restoration. While SS  has darkness & the unconscious, it is fun.

Ongoing open access

Core resources to create & sustain our community.
  • Creating a container, holding circle, mediating conflict for transformation, dream tending & social dreaming. 
  • Connecting in partners & groups in the free offering sharing platforms & the social-media SS hive for deep support.
  • Learn how to create amazing products for Beginners & Advanced professionals
FREE RESOURCES for creating your soul space & our shared Soul Space where you can share images, activities & ideas.

Creative Container

We need a safe container

Transform Conflict

Deep community building

Social Dreaming 

Share images to dream together

Uplifting Eco-Activism

Connect to & heal the earth

Art Play Dates

Preschool take 2! Let's play.

De & Recolonizing Education

We need a safe container

Climate 101

Deep community building

Social Dreaming 

Share images to dream together

Uplifting Eco-Activism

Connect to & heal the earth

Art Play Dates

Preschool take 2! Let's play.

Begin: Barefoot Ethic & Orientation 

Barefoot means to walk softly on & be receptive to the earth, leaving no garbage or damage (including emotional) behind you. It also means to honor the earth as a sacred place. Take off your shoes as you would when you enter a temple & enter with reverence, wonder, curiosity, gratitude & receptivity. The Soul Ethos kit is first because it creates the spirit of place & community. It is our cultural ethic: a commitment to right relationship with ourselves, others & the world that is the foundational common ground of our garden.
I. 24-DAY REBOOTS: intensives to establish life change with content that orients you to the path

1. Barefoot Soul Ethos
24 Days + Workshop 

Core beliefs, values & centering in nature

2. Soul Art Boot Camp
24 Month Inner Work

Artful deep dive into creativity + soul

3. Soul Challenge

Essential psychological skills & concepts

4. Right Relationship

Basic skills & concepts to travel

5. Soul Recovery

Remembering your wholeness

Bare Foot Soul "Re-Boot" Camp

We start with pilgrimages & challenges to create quick & lasting change as a foundation for our journey. Simply put, we are jump starting & repatterning our habits & lives so that we can leverage greater transformation in our lives & creative revolution. Just as discipline & disciple share the Latin root "pupil," we are learning to be soul students. Like it or not, this requires that we foster a sense of the shared sacrifice to help us achieve its root meaning "make sacred."  Don't run away! Instead pick a soul "boot" camp (2 or 3?) for deep connection.
I. 24-DAY REBOOTS: intensives to establish life change with content that orients you to the path

6. Soul Individuation

Jungian path in Black & Red Books

7. Deep Self-Care

Artful deep dive into soul

8. Soul Life Cleanse
January 24

Spring cleaning inside & out for new life

9. Dream Awake
February 24

Basic skills & concepts to travel

10. Family Healing
March 24

Remembering your wholeness
I. 24-DAY REBOOTS: intensives to establish life change with content that orients you to the path

11. Soul Visionary 

Core beliefs, values & culture

12. Soul Initiation

Artful deep dive into soul

13. Elemental Healing

Right relations with all life

14. Family Healing

Basic skills & concepts to travel

15. Soul Recovery

Remembering your wholeness
Take them as they open or as you feel called. The kits are made to stand alone & complement each other as well as other offerings.

1. Deep Self Care

Remembering our wholeness

2. Mystic Path

Visionary Self-portrait

3. Active Imagination

Practical & playful exploration

4. Neurographics

Connecting brain & body in art

5.  Awakening to Dream

Onsite & in person
II. SELF-PACED KITS & CLASSES: longer flexible offerings for deep exploration of your path in your own time & way

1.  Dark Night of the Soul

Remembering our wholeness

2. Soul Portrait

Visionary Self-portrait

4. Mythic Life Journey

Practical & playful exploration

 3. Your Archetypes

Rewrite your story your way 

5. Your Heroic Quest

Onsite & in person
Take them in ordeas you feel called. They are made to stand alone & complement each other

1. Deep Self Care

Remembering our wholeness

2. Mystic Path

Visionary Self-portrait

3. Active Imagination

Practical & playful exploration

4. Neurographics

Connecting brain & body in art

5.  Awakening to Dream

Onsite & in person

Kits meet you where & when you are

Let's face it, life happens, things go sideways & sometimes we go into the twilight zone. Kits are great because not only is everything recorded (which most offerings are too), but they are flexible. They have no start or stop time. A day can be a day of Brahma or creation or . . . dependent upon the day you had. Not only does life happen, but sometimes the material is paced different for different people, at different times or different classes. Once class might be super "easy" or fast because you've already processed the material, but another could take a lot longer because it touches places that are harder to process. Finally, a kit is great if you already have a partner or group to "go" with.
III. LIVE CLASSES: gather with others for experiences of deep connection & growth online or hybrid/in person 

Return to Creatrix Roots

Embrace feminine power!

Raven Wisdom Council

Eco-mindful teaching for our time

Embodying Feminine Power

Embody Tara's feminine grace

Make your own Black Book

In depth multi-day 

Make your own Red Book

Onsite & in person

Raven Wisdom Council


Creator Power

Co-creating as a Creator

Graphic Facilitation 

Recording & leading with art

4. U

In depth multi-day 

5. Art Play Dates

Onsite & in person
IV. WORKSHOP DEEP DIVES: drop in with others in community for emersion in deep transformation

Creating a Life Garden

Spring Garden: Airies, Equinox & Easter

Rewilding your Nature 

Eco-mindful teaching for our time

Dark Night of the Soul 

Explore & heal in a circle of

Invaluable Method 5

Archetypal healing journal 

Heal & Embrace the Mother 

Honoring: Personal & Archetypal Mother
IV. WORKSHOP DEEP DIVES: drop in with others in community for emersion in deep transformation

Creatrix Deep Dive

Airies, Equinox & Easter

Isolation to Integration

Healing your Self with mandala art

Creative Cancer Healing

Compassionate cancer circle healing

Rite of Passage Orientation

Wander into your own wilderness

Soul Transformation

Onsite & in person
V. HEALING KITS: available for you & your healing community when you need it

Gentle Cancer Care

Support for patients & loved ones

Creative Healing Journal

Inner & outer trauma recovery

Your Medicine Wheel

Create a symbolic circle of healing

Your Medicine Drum

Vision & ritual to create a drum

Embracing Life & Death

Onsite & in person

Grieving & Releasing

Personal & ecological healing

Disease as Initiation

Core healing Lessons

Art Therapy

Reclaiming our Creative Power

Wounded Healer

Heal yourself to heal the world 

Dancing with Death

Onsite & in person
III. Soul Spaces is rooted in the feminine with offerings for womxn (ID as women)  only & the feminine in us all

Reclaim Creatrix Power

Embrace feminine power!

Creatrix Circle Leadership

Eco-mindful teaching for our time

Embody Feminine Power

Embody Tara's feminine grace

Creatrix Womb Healing

In depth multi-day 

Wild Creatrix Business

Onsite & in person

Rite of Passage Kit (s)

For individual or family/group

Write of Passage

Journal-based nature initiation

Vision Quest 

Seek nature to see your future


Natural social-emotional skills  

Medicine Walk

Forest bathing, hiking & healing