To find the Beloved, you must become the Beloved.
Deep Connection
Nature connects us to ourselves and others, increasing:
Physical Health
Overall Wellbeing
Empathy & Compassion
Acceptance & Tolerance
Responsibility & Calling
Resilience& Confidence
Understanding & Insight
In & Inter dependence
Creativity & Ingenuity
Hope & Vision
Purpose & Peace
Love & Acceptance
The clearest way into the universe is through a forest... In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks... Keep close to nature's wash your spirit.
John muir
Soul space is created in coordination with land who is the real teacher (& artist)
Land-Based Curriculums: 2 Locations
1. Pacific Northwest
Olympia, WA: Land of Peace
The origin & inspiration of Soul Space is land that called to Heather wanting to teach. With a history of native peace gatherings, it offers its own curriculum
Puget Sound Beauty
Islands & mountains
The beauty of the Salish Sea lies in wind swept beaches on sacred islands, majestic mountains, high forests, deep lakes, and running rivers to the sea.
2. The Cove
La Quinta, CA: Land of Light
Come to an intimate and beautiful location bathed in light and a cove that was a pilgrimage place to the native women in childbirth and rebirth.
Joshua Tree
MIrroring & rewriting
Beyond the trees that name it, Joshua Tree is a place of enormous stones sculpted by nature, bright stars, and energy vortexes where 2 deserts meet.
Come as you are Beloved.
Touch the Magic of Nature
The Natural World
Find Alchemical Refuge
Journey Within
Soul Space is Built in Collaboration with sacred land
Onsite offerings allow you to drop deep
Connect with the world soul to connect with yourself, others and the earth.
Learn to commune and communicate with the being and beings of the land.
Get lost and find yourself in the wild beauty of earth-centered teaching and healing.
Plant seeds
Modern vision quests: Nature is the guide
Eco-Mindfulness & Nature Skills
Self-Generated Ritual
Create meaning
Create rituals to express your belief and experience. Ritual gives meaning to our life and gratitude to the earth.
Mindful Ecotherapy
presencing awareness
In nature we become present and centered outside of the boundaries of time and technology. Peaceful & still.
Animal Guides
kindship with all life
Animals are our brothers and sisters, guiding us to buried instincts and intuitions that reconnect us to nature.
Myth &Storytelling
MIrroring & rewriting
Remember the past as you narrate your life journey to rewire your brain, rewrite your story and live your myth.
Natural Benefits
Our nature is rooted in the earth. When we return to nature we experience an improvement in our:
Heart Rate
Blood Pressure
Stress Hormones
Immune System
Muscle Tension
Brain state
Weight Management
Deep Healing
Nature heals us, decreasing:
Violence & Aggression
Defiance & Opposition
Sleep Disruption
Relational Conflict
Dementia & Aging
Take the next (big) step of your life journey on an archetypal path into the wilderness to lose & find yourself & way. Experience the power, mystery & majesty of nature to discover a deeper sense of yourself, power, passion & call. Perfect for visioning, grieving, healing, restarts & life decisions.
Nature heals holistically and naturally through:
Forest Bathing
Deep Conservation
Dark/Night Journey
Nature Sculpture
Wilderness Rites
Eco-Art & Play
Conscious Gardening
Eco Mindfulness
Medicine Walks
Earth Ritual
Drumming & Dancing
Medicine Wheels
Mindful Ecotherapy
Raven Wisdom & a year-long path leading to greater connection with the earth, featuring a workbook, live group, rite of passage, and optional residential with online support. This is a calling for our time to heal and grow.
a nature retreat center
Come Drop Deep with the LAND
Root & Grow
Tune & drop in
Simply being in nature is a way to experience a deep connection to life, transcending borders to atone with the life in and around you. Root deep.
Befriend a Tree
Healing magnetism
Trees embody grounded strength. They center us and help us find inner and outer balance. A tree will help to guide you on your healing journey.
Ancient Practice
Drumming & chanting
The heartbeat of the earth echoes in the beat of the drum, the pounding of dancing feet, harmony of song and sound of chanting. Find your rhythm.
Camping & Hiking
MIrroring & rewiring
Whether looking for birds (Beloved is a bird refuge) or camping on the beach or in the Olympics, look to nature to mirror, guide and rewire you.
land with a unique calling, teachin & Offering
Visionary, Creative & Embodied
Yoga in Nature
Attune Mind & Body
Simply being in nature is a way to experience a deep connection to life, transcending borders to atone with the life in and around you. Root deep.
Singing Bowls
The Land loves music
Play a set of singing bowls to create healing music spontaneously and naturally. Each person has music in them. Time to let it out with the Land.
Ceramic Arts
Bowls, cups & more
Create nature-inspired art in our clay studio. Using different molds, prints, patterns, paints and glazes, come manifest your vision on the Land.
Forest Meditation
Grounded Visualization
Connecting and healing is more about being than doing. Let go and open to the support of the earth and the life around and in you.
Inspiring Beauty
Life's Wonder
Ancient Practice
The Land is the Teacher
Sound Healing
Experience Your Vibration
Embrace Magic
Life's Wonder
Celestial Sound
Healing sound
Wild Landscape
Diverse Ecosystems
Places to Grow
Plant Seeds
Flowing Waters
Rites of Passage
Earth Prayer
Eco-Art Therapy
Magic Square
Walking the Star
Bee & Gardens
Plant Teachings
Medicine Wheel
Rites of Passage
Seasonal Growth
Natural change turns in a circle of wholeness with the cycles of the day, year and life cycle to learn the gift of the season.
Place to Gather
Alchemical Stone
Retreat in Nature
Great Beauty
Deep Healing
Places to BE
Natural Fun
Be natural
We are a part of nature so all we have to do is be natural to heal. Let go of who you think you should be to be your whole and healed Self.
How can you truly know yourself without understanding your interconnectedness with the earth.
don mateo sol