Ground yourself in a new & old worldview.
Yet there is so much that fills me: plants, animals, clouds, day & night & the eternal in man. The more uncertain I have felt about myself, the more there has grown up in me a feeling of kinship with all things.
c g Jung
Worldview is a concept 'whose time has come,' & its increasing appearance in the contemporary climate change & global sustainability debates can be understood as both response to, & reflection of, the challenges of our time & the solutions they demand.
monica dean, United Nations Foundation
28 "Days" to Restore a Kinship Worldview
Kinship Offering
Celestial Aligning
Earth Healing
Lesson series
This is a 28-day challenge to initiate the new year and change your life by making contact with your soul. A soul challenge based on how and how fast we change habits, connecting with your soul jump starts your year to give you a vision and the inspiration you need to make a soul contract and fulfill it.
28 Days of Video & Lessons
Ongoing Ritual Teachings
Spirit of Place Ritual Atonement
Earth-Based Healing Activities
That [creative opus] was the primal stuff that compelled me to work on it, & my work is a more or less successful attempt to incorporate this incandescent matter into the worldview of my time. The first imaginings and dreams were like fiery, molten basalt, from which the stone crystallized, upon which I could work.
c g jung
Who is this for?
28 Days of Healing with the EARTH
This class includes ancient practices & modern technology designed for personal & ecological transformation.
Contrasting worldviews between Dominant & Indigenous Kinship Worldview of Manifestations
Live weekly drop-in sessions coordinated with the Socially Dreaming Kit to guide us
Engaging daily content that expands into a life-time commitment & journey
Ritual, eco-psychological & creative embodiment activities
Archetypal & evidence-based power practices to anchor our learning
Ongoing journaling for emergent images from psyche in dreamwork & shadowplay
Kinship with all creatures of the earth, sky & water was a real & active principle. In the animal & bird world there existed a brotherly feeling that kept the Lakota safe among them, & so close did some of the Lakotas come to their feathered & furred friends that in true brotherhood they spoke a common tongue.
Luther Standing bear
This class comes with a monthly drop-in covering the content over a year of live discussions, emergent content, native art interviews, guest speakers & performers.
In fact, it seems to me as if that alienation which so long separated me from the world has become transferred into my own inner world, & has revealed to me an unexpected unfamiliarity with my self.
c g jung
We return to the earth to live.
Understanding ancestral eloquence is our last & best chance, & these pages can only help.
Alan Ereira, From the heart of the world
Shift paradigms in an ensouled view.
Objectives & Outcomes
In some Native languages the term for plants translates to those who take care of us.
robin wall kimmerer
A 3 week journey (+3 days)
Nature & Spirituality
Day 1
Nonhierarchical Society
Day 2
Courage & Trust in the Universe
Day 3
Death & Dying
Day 4
Emphasizing Community
Day 5
Respect Sacred Feminine
Day 6
Respect Gender Role Fluidity
Day 7
Gift/Barter Kinship Economy
Day 8
All Earth Entities are Sentient
Day 9
Sacred Games & Competition
Day 10
Nature over Anthropocentric
Day 11
Words are Sacred Truth
Day 12
Mutual Interdependence
Day 13
Complementary Duality
Day 14
Generosity as Way of Life
Day 15
Ceremony as Life Sustaining
Day 16
Humor as Essential
Day 17
Conflict as Return to Community
Day 18
Laws of Nature ast Rules of Living
Day 19
Becoming Fully Human
Day 20
Nature seen as Benevolent
Day 21
Responsibility Emphasis
Day 22
Connection to the Land
Day 23
Centrality of Gratitude
Day 24
Noninterference & Nonimposition
Clare Brant (Mohawk, Wolf Clan
Circular Time & Knowledge
Tyson Yunkaporta (Apalech Clan in north Queensland)
Self-Initiated Relational Healing
Gloria Lee (Cree-Pelican Lake)
An Emphasis on Heart Wisdom
Ilarion "Larry" Merculieff (Unangan)
Earth Element: our Bodies
Water Element: our Emotions
Fire Element: our Thoughts
Air Element: our Intuition
We live, we die, & like the grass & trees, renew ourselves from the soft earth of the grave. Stones crumble & decay, faiths grow old & they are forgotten, but new beliefs are born. The faith of the villages is dust now . . . but it will grow again . . . like the trees.
Chief Joseph, leader of the wal-lam-wat-kain nez perce
Paying attention is a form of reciprocity with the living world, receiving the gifts with open eyes & open heart.
robin wall Kimmerer
What people are saying . . .
Its beautiful the language that you use. . . I really feel that you have made such a huge contribution to our souls, to our artistic creative selves. . . You have come in and created a furthering of neuropathways and pathways for us to look at the artist, the archetypal artist, and give us a place where we can have soul. I have great appreciation for what you have done with your dissertation. I would like to have a lot more Jungian work like this.
Fanny Brewster, MFA, PhD, analyst, artist, educator,, and author
Heather is a masterful educator on how to heal and grow through art. Her presence is open, kind, wise and playful. She is skilled at creating an amazing and safe container for individuals to explore, go deep and have meaningful transformative experiences while guided by her. Her engagement with nature as a vessel for her work is powerful. Embarking on a journey of personal growth with her guidance will be blessing in your life.
Mary Gibbons, MD, physician, policy maker, educator, and facilitator
Heather is an exceptional teacher and group facilitator, as well as a beautifully soulful artist and person. She is gifted in leading persons in learning how art evokes the soul while also guiding them into creative exploration of their own inner images. Heather's depth and breadth of knowledge on Jung's Red Book is rare and is complimented by a graceful adeptness at teaching others how to journey into the spiral of their own depths through art and creativity.
Fanny Brewster, MFA, PhD, analyst, artist, educator,, and author
Heather clearly brought scholarship and art together to achieve a transcendent function in a really beautiful way.
Jennifer Leigh Selig, PhD, educator, speaker, and award-winning co-author of Deep Creativity
You and the work you are doing are an inspiration.
Susan Rowland, PhD, educator, speaker, and co-author of Jungian Arts-Based Research
Heather is a creative genius, making artists feel safe to explore and create.
Victoria Christiansen, MFA, MSW, therapist and award-winning author of Feminine Mysticism in Art
Heather Taylor-Zimmerman, PhD
not native but a lover of the earth
Wahinkpe Topa & Darcia Narveaez, PhD
an alternative book club
This is a journey home to yourself.
Connect to the earth
Alchemical Partner mirrors you
You travel alone.
A partner helps to mirror you.
A circle to discuss & reflect.
Knowing that you love the earth changes you, activates you to defend & protect & celebrate.
robin wall kimmerer
Creating a container for soul
Follow in archetypal footsteps.
True kinship has naught to do with blood ties, however strong they be. I think we are all kin, brothers & sisters on to the other, all children of all parents.
lloyd alexander
On this path you find YOUR WAY.
A walk in nature, walks the soul back home.
Mary Davis
Look deep into nature, & then you will understand everything better. . . What I see in Nature is a magnificent structure that . . . must fill a thinking person with a feeling of humility. This is a genuinely religious feeling that has nothing to do with mysticism.
Albert einstein