What is your myth? Do you live it?
Myths must be kept alive. The people who can keep it alive are the artists of one kind or another. . . For it is the artist who brings the images of mythology to manifestation, & without images (whether mental or visual) there is no mythology.
Joseph campbell
mythIC IMAGES ARE THE STEPPINGSTONES we follow as we navigate & create our lives
to live our myth is to live OUR life
Myths can create or destroy us as individuals & a world,
depending upon whether we make them conscious or not.
We live in our myths.
robert anton wilson
What's included in the living your myth kit?
12 Videos & 24 Lessons
12 Live Sessions w Q & A
24 prompts to explore
Partner & Group Support & Social Media Hub
Outcome. create your myth
Self-paced and guided, prompts and activities lead you to explore the mythic content in your life and way as a living myth to guide your creativity.
Value. live YOUR life
Examine inherited myths & stories that unconsciously guide your life and values to consciously create and live your life as your unique story.
Myth Drop-In Circle.
Everybody acts out a myth, but very few people know what their myth is. And you should know what your myth is because it might be a tragedy and maybe you don't want it to be. . . the collective unconscious appears to consist of mythological motifs or primordial images.
C G Jung
"When we lose our myths we lose our place in the universe." Madleine L'Engle
Why we all need to live OUR myth & a living myth?
Past Prejudice
Our myths hold the seeds of old biases which grow like weeds into our lives
Shadow Work
Making your myth conscious requires our confrontation with unconscious darkness
Visionary Guidance
Modern myths are needed to match the pace of our evolution & lead us forward
Destiny vs Fate
What is not made conscious directs our fate unconsciously, sabotaging our lives
Path & Purpose
Our myths center & align us to our purpose, passion & power to live our life
Kinship with All Life
We need a myth of sustainability to lead us into a future of equality & justice for all
LIVE your myth
Myth is a story of your life and all life . . . of soul who communicates through the language of mythic images. This kit explores modern myths & how they direct our lives unconsciously to make them conscious & really live.
Jung said, "The one thing I have learned is that one must live this life." This is another way to imagine living myth.
Jung said, "The one thing I have learned is that one must live this life." This is another way to imagine living myth.
combining journaling and creative writing
with creative activities, prompts and practices
We need myths that will help us to identify with all our fellow-beings, not simply with those who belong to our ethnic, national or ideological tribe. We need myths that help us to realize the importance of compassion, which is not always regarded.
Explore myths from the personal to the cultural, ecological, political & cosmological to guide you in creating your own holistic myth.
- Mythic structure & purpose
- Archetypal images & motifs
- Mythic language & narrative
- Shadow work & mythic wounds
- Healing complexes & relationships
Myth is the cultural framework to create, educate and evolve humanity. Co-creating a new mythology heals us.
Objectives & Outcomes
Self-paced to take as much time as you choose to give it, weaving in practices:
- Dream & myth journaling
- Reading, reflection & Journeys
- Live sessions & assignments
- Partner & group support
- Private social media sharing
Outcomes vary but include:
- Understanding & co-creating your myth
- Illustrating & amplifying it creatively
- Mapping your myth (s) to synthesize
- Goal setting for your mythic journey
- Guideposts to living your myth
- Viewing through a mythic lens
- Co-creating a myth of our time
"You can no longer see or identify yourself solely as a member of a tribe, but as a citizen of a nation of one people working toward a common purpose." Idowu Koyenikan
roles, power & relationship
equality, shame & mythic history
opportunity & privilege
possibility, hope & diversity
transcendence & imagination
Union & transformation
Conscious or not, we live our myths (if not, they live us). We must live our myth to claim the power of:
personal & collective unconscious evolution
soul & Self-creation
cultural renaissance
intergenerational healing
Myths are essential
They order our lives and create meaning, while limiting our roles, behaviors & opportunities
Effecting & creating all life
Myths are powerful narratives whose values influence all aspects of our lives and all life, including:
It is a sure sign that a culture has reached a dead end when it is no longer intrigued by its myths.
Greil Marcus
Set within the seed of the soul is not just a fleeting image or a vague pattern but a lifelong story enfolded within, waiting to be cracked open and lived all the way.
I think of a myth as a story that helps you explain all the different pieces of your life. In that broad sense, there is no way to live without mythology.
Lewis hyde
Coursework and play . . .
1. Introduction
Step 1
Soul Myth
Step 2
2. Personal Myth
Step 3
Family Myth
Step 4
3. Cultural Myth
Step 5
Ecological Myth
Step 6
4. Political Myth
Step 7
Step 8
5. Creation Myth
Step 9
Creator Myth
Step 10
6. Mythic Fall
Step 11
Mythic Archetype
Step 12
Mythic Characters
Step 13
Myth you Love
Step 14
Myth you Fear
Step 15
Mythic Claiming
Step 16
Astrological Myth
Step 17
Living Myth
Step 18
Step 19
Larger Life
Step 20
New Name ID
Step 21
Mythic Map
Step 22
Live the Myth On
Step 23
Full Circle
Step 24
I believe that legends and myths are largely made of 'truth,' & indeed present aspects of it that can only be received in this mode, & long ago certain truths and modes of this kind were discovered & must reappear.
J. r. r. tolkien
A living myth grows
Before Jung entered an intensive period of soul exploration and creation (TRB), his soul asked him what myth he lived or "does man live nowdays," and he reflected "we no longer have any myth." Yet, Jung said: "Myth is the natural & indispensable intermediate stage between unconscious and conscious." We need myth and mythologizing (creating myth) to evolve consciousness & live.
The question of what myth we live individually and collectively guides us to discover and create a living myth to live by.. So like Jung, we integrate dreams, play, synchronicity, fantasy, yoga, journaling, active imagination and intuition as we travel on this mythic journey. As we travel, we return to a past where we were "still linked by myth with the world of the ancestors, and thus with nature truly experienced and not merely from the outside." Our return resurrects myths from the unconscious to confront our shadows and choose our fate, as Jung said:
"Myths which day has forgotten continue to be told by night.''"
As we confront a dark night of the soul, torn asunder, we remember that it was in perceiving the archetypal wholeness of unity consciousness (in a mandala) that Jung transcended the false boundaries of material separation by identifying with a larger global and cosmic whole.
"The need for mythic statements is satisfied when we frame a view of the world which adequately explains the meaning of human existence in the cosmos, a view which springs from our psychic wholeness, from the co-operation between the conscious and unconscious." C G Jung
"Myths which day has forgotten continue to be told by night.''"
As we confront a dark night of the soul, torn asunder, we remember that it was in perceiving the archetypal wholeness of unity consciousness (in a mandala) that Jung transcended the false boundaries of material separation by identifying with a larger global and cosmic whole.
"The need for mythic statements is satisfied when we frame a view of the world which adequately explains the meaning of human existence in the cosmos, a view which springs from our psychic wholeness, from the co-operation between the conscious and unconscious." C G Jung
We need a healing mythology
& her experience of myth as a way to follow soul
Your Myth
Which will probably surprise you
Mythic Illumination
We are in a dark time, a dark night of the soul when the need for hope is acute, calling for a mythic version of the light barer or illuminator. Discover yours with:
- Dream incubation, tending & lucid dreaming
- Ancestral & cultural heritage & myth
- Mythic remembering practice
- Natural metaphor for living growth
- Archetypal mythic images & active imagination
Your story
Family history
Deep community
Earth connection
Cosmic relationship
Myth is personal & cultural
New Knowledge
Creative Writing
Symbolic Sight
Creative Expression
New knowledge
Active Imagination
Creative action
Mythic Journal
Journal it all
Depth Psychology
Skills & Concepts
Live Your Myth
Lived experience
A culture without mythology is not really a civilization.
Vilayanur S Ramachandran
Myths are public dreams, dreams are private myths.
Joseph Campbell
Your past creates your future
We are storytellers . . . and have been for a very long time. It is in your ancestral memory & blood. Relax and drop deep into yourself & your lineage to let your voice emerge & guide you.
supernatural characters
heroes from history
magic & lessons
realistic & unwritten
The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again.
robert jordan