Come embody the imagination in art.
Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution . . . Imagination will take you everywhere.
Albert Einstein

Active imagination requires a state of reverie, half-way between sleep & waking. + In everyone some kind of artist is hiding...'man' in a higher sense--he is "collective man"--one who carries and shapes the unconscious psychic forms of mankind.
C g jung
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Activate Creativity
Activate Your Imagination in a class designed to support your creative transformation. Together we will embark on an imaginative journey that people have travelled through the ages with our soul as the guide. This is a journey of the embodied imagination that includes our body, a body of art & the world as the great work of art. Sometimes referred to as the holy imagination, our ability to animate or enliven ourselves & the world offers a powerful & ancient knowledge that can help us navigate our lives and our times. Reimagine yourself & life by activating your imagination.
Write your awesome label here.
Learning, Transforming & Healing

Who is this path for?

Enter and go within.

The power of the imagination

What people are saying . . .
Its beautiful the language that you use. . . I really feel that you have made such a huge contribution to our souls, to our artistic creative selves. . . You have come in and created a furthering of neuropathways and pathways for us to look at the artist, the archetypal artist, and give us a place where we can have soul. I have great appreciation for what you have done with your dissertation. I would like to have a lot more Jungian work like this.
Fanny Brewster, MFA, PhD, analyst, artist, educator,, and author
Heather is a masterful educator on how to heal and grow through art. Her presence is open, kind, wise and playful. She is skilled at creating an amazing and safe container for individuals to explore, go deep and have meaningful transformative experiences while guided by her. Her engagement with nature as a vessel for her work is powerful. Embarking on a journey of personal growth with her guidance will be blessing in your life.
Mary Gibbons, MD, physician, policy maker, educator, and facilitator
Heather is an exceptional teacher and group facilitator, as well as a beautifully soulful artist and person. She is gifted in leading persons in learning how art evokes the soul while also guiding them into creative exploration of their own inner images. Heather's depth and breadth of knowledge on Jung's Red Book is rare and is complimented by a graceful adeptness at teaching others how to journey into the spiral of their own depths through art and creativity.
Fanny Brewster, MFA, PhD, analyst, artist, educator,, and author
Heather clearly brought scholarship and art together to achieve a transcendent function in a really beautiful way.
Jennifer Leigh Selig, PhD, educator, speaker, and award-winning co-author of Deep Creativity
You and the work you are doing are an inspiration.
Susan Rowland, PhD, educator, speaker, and co-author of Jungian Arts-Based Research
Heather is a creative genius, making artists feel safe to explore and create.
Victoria Christiansen, MFA, MSW, therapist and award-winning author of Feminine Mysticism in Art

Deep Experience

Heather Taylor-Zimmerman, PhD
Following in the soul's footsteps
Activating Self-Awareness
Following those who have gone before
Active imagination is powerful.

This is a trailhead.

A 10 week journey
Removes Block
Step 1
Black Books
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Red Book
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Step 9
Step 10

Journey of the imagination.

Follow in archetypal footsteps.
Coursework and play . . .

A structure to CONTAIN the process
You travel alone.
A partner helps to mirror you.
A circle to discuss and reflect.

Your soul brings you a vision

Sign Up

Soul advice: "drop into your heart"

The soul speaks in images