This class can be taken as a kit alone (at your pace) or with a class & a certification option. It includes examples & applied theory.

Art-Based Learning 2.9.23

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Course features
  • Author: Heather
  • Level: Intensive
  • Study time: Varies
  • Video Time: 12+ hrs
  • Exam: Certification
  • Academic & Personal
Course overview
An immersive course designed to activate & access the insight, information & skills that are the hallmark of soul. With examples, demonstrations, visual talks & activities, this is a place to embody & remember the heart-centered knowledge of the natural world.
Empty space, drag to resize
Certification included
To demonstrate your experience.

LOVE25% is a coupon for 25% off.
Available for early registration, ending on 12.1.23. Group Discount too

If you need more help, please reach out. Additionally, we partner with Klarna with a monthly payment plan without interest. If anyone wants to give additionally to support another, please contact Heather or donate to:

Art (s) is inclusive of many mediums

Mediums include 2 & 3-dimensional art with lessons in: sketching, painting, drawing, collage, calligraphy, words as art, clay, dance, wood carving, fabric arts, mandalas & visionary art. Each medium facilitates a different experience & teaching for you to explore & experience to create your own style in the image of your soul.

Sharing across mediums integrates our collective understanding.

With live drop-in studio time for emergent questions on process, experience & technique, along with sessions for sharing & an embedded partner & group practice, this is a social-learning intensive, designed to facilitate both individual & collective healing transformation.
Scholarliness alone is not enough; there is a knowledge of the heart that gives deeper insight. The knowledge of the heart is in no book and is not to be found in the mouth of any teacher, but grows out of you like the green seed from the dark earth. . . soul speaks in images
c g jung
While influenced by C G Jung, we take an archetypal approach, recognizing that ABR is an ancient form of scholarship, practiced by artists in caves before words. It is an emergent, natural & innate function of the creative psyche at play, unique to each person. 

Should I take this course? Yes, if you...

* Wish to access a deeper knowledge that transcends your limited capacity
* Want to remember & activate past ways of imaginal knowing & healing 
* Seek to collaborate in the education of our time by the world soul to find 
sustainable solutions for tomorrow
Objectives. reawaken a love for learning in fun and innovative ways to improve comprehension & retention, while healing & transforming yourself & life. 

Each week includes an objective like removing creative blocks or self-reflection & an artist who exemplifies the process, walking you through a journey of creative discovery including a variety of artists as well as Heather & her experience.

Artists include: Frida Kahlo, Georgia O' keeffe, C G Jung, Picasso, Van Gogh, Leonardo da Vinci, Gabriel Roth & Wassily Kandinsky as well as traditions that are either not preserved by history or collective like the art of Indian mythology, Native American totem design, Australian Aboriginal Dream Time.

Most of all, art is explored experientially & personally as archetypal medicine, transcending any one artist or culture to discover what is unique & emergent in you & your research. Are you called to drum or dance? What myth is being told?  
Examples can be famous or the person next door. The point is to help show the depth & breadth of ABR & apply it, including:
  • Figures from Art History 
  • Culturally Diverse & Inclusive Art
  • Ritual & Ceremonial Totemic Art  
  • Marginalized Artists & Traditions
  • Transdisciplinary Approach
  • Personal & Academic Applications 
  • Archetypal Patterns & Paths 
  • Arts & Crafts as well as Nature
  • Diverse Mediums & Techniques
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Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
Paintings are but research and experiment. I never make a painting as a work of art. All of them are researches. I search constantly and there is a logical sequence in all this research. . .  The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls. 
Pablo Picasso

Who is this path for? Yes, you!

ABR is for everyone, whether you are a doctoral student or student of life, because it calls us to remember an embodied yet forgotten way of knowing that is already in us. Weaving experience from Heather's doctoral dissertation as well as examples of drumming, dancing, writing . . . you name it, this class takes an archetypal approach. It doesn't matter if you can draw a nose (at all) or if you went to high school, college or kindergarten. In fact, Jung said that the "soul is everywhere that scholarliness is not," returning to imaginal scholarship & the roots of academia in Plato's academy: play, nature & lived experience. 

Art is our first language . . . 

It is in your bones & DNA, as natural as breath. Emerging from the psychic soil of soul & the collective unconscious, your images show you what you need to know to navigate & search.
  • Art is as individual as your fingerprint. Be yourself. Picasso said great artists steal, but only for ideas. Don't create in anyone's image but your own! 
  • ABR is a process of allowing & uneducating as we remove inner blocks that limit our soul knowledge.
  • When you create art you connect with soul & a natural FLOW state that access information beyond your separate self to reach into collective knowing.

People learn through art in different ways

Find your way (we include all 3)

Create art to learn & heal
Use another's art to learn
Integrate art in your process 
What is essential in a work of art is that it should rise far above the realm of the personal life and speak from the spirit and the heart . . . as man to the spirit and heart of mankind [educating ourselves & the spirit of our time].
C G Jung
Art is a way to learn that is creative, holistic & natural

You evolved to learn through art

Humans evolved over 45,000 years of art (vs 4,500 years of writing). You were made for this! 

Art connects to the deep unconscious and its embodied wisdom & wounds.

To create one's world in any of the arts takes courage.
georgia o'Keeffe

An animated intro

Want to get a lived sense of what this is & can be? View the video below to hear of Heather's soul calling that people had forgotten how to learn through art that lead her to a ABR dissertation that transformed herself & life. 
  • 68 learners

  • 4 hours

    Video duration
  • 27 hours

    Course duration
  • 4 Ebooks

    Free of charge

Deep Retreat In-Person or On-line

Drop deep as we open our container to get to know the material & each other. This intimacy will initiate & deepen our learning experience as we journey on.

1st Art-Informed 

Learning from pre-existing art is a powerful & natural way to begin our ABR Journey, as we learn core skills, theories & techniques to honor imaginal ethics & create a container. 

2nd Art-Based 

On day 2, we drop into direct experience with an intensive designed to initiate & facilitate our immersion by triggering embodied ancestral land-based memory & active imagination.

3rd Art-Influenced

We end with an exploration of art's influence on our path, including nature as a living text to guide us in the alchemical Great Work of ART. We close with our partner practice.
Transform with 24 weeks of video lectures, lessons, activities & LIVE hour discussion sessions with sharing, questions & answers in course that melds arts-based research with Jungian depth psychology as a transformative journey. Here’s a roadmap for a course that speaks to both individual and collective archetypal dynamics, art as therapy, and research as a soul quest. 

 Jung & Picasso

Introduction to the Soul & Unconscious

Week 1: Introduction to Jungian Depth Psychology and Arts-Based Research
Objective: Understand the fundamentals of Jungian psychology and its relevance to arts-based research.
Activities: Lecture, group discussion, and an art activity to "map" one's unconscious mind.

Week 2: Ganesha

Overcoming Resistance & Calling in Assistance

 Week 2: Archetypes and Art
Objective: Explore archetypal images and how they manifest in art.
Activities: Drawing archetypal patterns, journal reflections.

Week 3: Beginning

Exploring Ancient Art & our Ancestors

 Week 3: Shadow Work in Art History
Objective: Examine how our shadowed history informs our art.
Activities: Art history, collage, and writing exercises.

Week. 4 Whole

Whole Brain & Body Holism Orientation 

Week 4: Neuroaesthetics and Jung
Objective: Explore the neurological basis for art and symbolism.
Activities: Cognitive drawing exercises, discussion on neuroscience articles.

Week 5: Images

Words & (as) Symbolic Images in Illuminations

 Week 5: Visual and Verbal Images
Objective: Investigate and Integrate Synthesis
Activities: Illuminated Manuscripts and The Red Book

Week 6: Jung

Relating to Art as Soul School & Teacher

 Week 6: The Anima/Animus in Art
Objective: Explore the inner feminine and masculine through art.
Activities: Gendered images of Eros and Logos

Week 7: Kahlo

Art as Embodied Psychic Curriculum

Healing the dismembered Self in Artistic Process
Objective: Understand how art can serve as a path to individuation.
Activities: Mandalas and self-portraits, journal reflections.

Week 8: Identity

Native Totem Design & Symbolic Function

Week 8: Art and Alchemy
Objective: Dive into the alchemical processes in art-making.
Activities: Artwork inspired by the stages of alchemy, textual analysis of alchemy of totemic design

Week 9: Journal

 Art Journaling & Healing Function

Dream Analysis and Art  
Objective: Learn to decode dream symbolism through journaling.
Activities: Dream journaling, creating dream boards.

Week 10: Kandinsky

Abstract & Spiritual

 Art as Spiritual Practice
Objective: Artwork as a pathway for spiritual unfolding.
Activities: Meditative painting, chanting, and movement.

Week 11: Hildegard

Visionary Art Intro

Active Imagination and Art
Objective: Engage with Jung’s active imagination technique.
Activities: Guided visualization, imaginative artwork.

Week 12: Black Elk

Cultural Creation as Revelation

Ancestral Archetypes and Art
Objective: Delve into how our ancestry influences our archetypal landscape.
Activities: Family constellation through art, ancestral portraits.

Week 13: Roth

Embody Art in Dance, Yoga & Movement

Embodied Movement
Objective: Explore 5 rhythms and Shamanism in the human body's rhythms
Activities: Trance Dancing

Week 14: O' Keeffe

Courage to Embark on your research journey

Overcoming Resistance
Objective: Creative problem transformation in education.
Activities: Free Drawing for Humour

Week 15: Alchemy

Union in Creation

Gendered Archetypes
Objective: Contrast the Eternal Youth, Wise Old Man/Woman and union in archetypes.
Activities: Dioramas, storytelling.

Week 16: Transfer


 Transference and Countertransference in Art Therapy
Objective: Understand the emotional dynamics in the therapeutic art setting.
Activities: Role-play, artwork reflections.

Week 17: Myth

Storied Creativity

Myths and Fairytales
Objective: Study classical myths and fairy tales and their impact on art.
Activities: Narrative artwork based on myths.

Week 18: Map

Cartographic Knowledge

The Hero’s Journey in Art
Objective: Understand the Hero.ines Journey as a template for artistic narrative.
Activities: Sequential art or storyboard of a personal hero’s journey.

Week 19 Trickster

Seeing through Soul

The Trickster in Art
Objective: Explore the trickster archetype in art and its role in change and transformation.
Activities: Create paradoxical and humorous art, storytelling.

Week 20: Nature

Yoga, Meditation & Nature to Ground You

Nature and Eco-Psychology in Art
Objective: Investigate the importance of nature in our psyche and art.
Activities: Nature walks, outdoor sketching.

Week 21: Flow

Synchronicity and Creative Flow

Objective: Explore the role of synchronicity in artistic inspiration.
Activities: Assemblage or collage based on 'found' materials.

Week 22: Healing

Art and Trauma Healing

Objective: Learn techniques to process trauma through art.
Activities: Safety building through artistic media, body mapping.

Week 23: Change 

 Social Justice and Art

Objective: How can art challenge and transform societal norms?
Activities: Creating political artwork, community project planning.

Week 24: Opus

Integrative Review

Objective: Consolidate the course’s insights through discussion and art-making.
Activities: Collaborative art project, reflective essays.

Week 25: Resources

Literature Review and Archetypal Patterns

  Objective: Conduct a literature review and identify archetypal patterns in existing arts-based research.  Activities: Researching scholarly articles, annotated bibliography creation, and group discussion to find common archetypal themes in existing literature.

Week 26: Methods

Methodology in Depth Psychology

Objective: Learn how to design an arts-based research project from a depth psychology perspective.
Activities: Finalizing research proposal, including methodology, ethical considerations, and intended outcomes; peer review of proposals.

Week 27: Writing 

Dissemination and Academic Writing

 Objective: Understand the importance and methods of sharing arts-based research findings.
Activities: Workshop on academic writing and presenting research, including how to prepare a manuscript for publication, and how to give an academic presentation.

Week 28: Be it

Embody Soul in your Opus & Life Path

These last four weeks offer an opportunity to transition from the more experiential aspects of the course into an academic framework. The goal here is to integrate intuitive, embodied knowing with scholarly rigor, thereby bridging the realms of academia and personal transformation.

Gather in Circle On-line & Continue

We gather together online to close our class container, though our circle continues online for 6 months of additional support, revelation & sharing.

Circle & Ritual


Share Presentations




Research is to look again (& back) . . . "to seek or search"

In Arts-Based Research we return to a way of knowing rooted in our bodies, memories & past soul ways of knowing

Art is an embodied gnosis 

Art connects us to our instincts (all 23+), nature & the earth itself, accessing the eco-psychological gnosis of the un & supraconscious world soul in a forgotten feminine knowledge of the heart & art.

Art atones duality in unity

Rooted in ancestral (quantum) memories, art is transpersonal, human & formational, transcending opposites of space & time, past & present, nature & culture, above & below, within & without, male & female & spirit & matter in a new/old synthesis.
*Don't think about this: wait to experience.

Art teaches, heals & guides

The soul is the artist & teacher, guiding us in a eco-psychological landscape. As we walk this path, we journey into our past individually & collectively to remember childhood creative play as knowledge.

Art history makes history

Just as we create art & art creates us, we are creating soul & soul is recreating the world in its image. In this way, our time is educated by the spirit of the deep. This is the larger curriculum & classroom that soul is teaching. We are but teachers working for soul as a superintendent.
  • Fosters: Visual & verbal literacy 
  • Intuitive insight & guidance
  • Embodied creative imagination 
  • Multi-modal & intelligence
  • Holistic & holographic perception
  • Personal & collective healing 
  • Body-mind-spirit connection
  • Understanding, integration & retention
  • Life wellbeing & success
In everyone some kind of artist is hiding. . . The forgotten artist must be fetched up again from the darkness of the subconscious, and a path cleared for the urge for artistic expression. 
C G Jung
One of the fundamental facts of creative existence is that it produces something objectively significant for culture, but that at the same time these achievements always represent subjective phases of an individual development of the individuation process of the creative [person].
erich neumann


Your art is part of you, reflecting & guiding you by embodying the answer you seek . . . or your soul seeks for you to have, including your ancestral past, soul's calling, intergenerational healing & more. Like steppingstones, your art guides you on on a seeker's path. 
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Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
Often the hands will solve a mystery that the intellect has struggled with in vain. 
c g jung

Control how you learn and progress

At Soul Space we make learning personal, self-paced & navigated by & for you.

Interactive Content

The course content is engaging with visual & audio format for simple but in depth embodied experience & understanding.

Applied Techniques

Activities drop you into your research in an embodied gnosis in which your body is a knowing organ of perception.

Cultural Forms

Art draws on personal experience & culture as well as the deeper eco-psychological roots that connect all life.
Learning gives creativity. Creativity leads to thinking. Thinking provides knowledge. Knowledge makes you great . . . dreams transform into thoughts . . . in action.
abdul kalam

You are recreating yourself

All art is said to be a self-portrait and at the root of art (s)-based research or ABR is the truth that you are creating yourself as a body of art. This art is a form of embodied wisdom that is uniquely adapted to reach unconscious and collective material beyond our conscious perception. It is natural & emergent like a seed growing out of us to bridge above and below, art is both transcendent and immanent, a living force and unstoppable power that creates and evolves us. The trick is to find out how YOU work with art in YOUR way.
  • Including: Journaling with C G Jung 
  • Embodied imagination in yoga
  • a
  • Painting wounds with Frida Kahlo
  • a
  • Personal & collective
  • Painting: abstract & realistic
  • Writing: poetry & story
  • Musical: singing & drumming

Art-Based Learning

  • Embodied Gnosis
  • Level: Intro
  • Study time: X hours
  • Video time: X hours
  • a
Write your awesome label here.
The Art of Making
The skill you need to become a real professional.
Develop your skills
Learn the tools used by the world's top professionals.
Read. Watch. Learn.
Boost your confidence, master "the field".
The eye, the window of the soul, is the chief means whereby the understanding can most fully and abundantly appreciate the infinite works of Nature;
It [soul] is not to be thought. It is to be viewed. It is a painting . . . 
c g Jung

Remember Visual Thought:
A Time to Remember Past Knowing

Art-based research is a kit to help you explore creative ways of knowing. 
  • Creating Partnerships 
  • Fostering Collaboration
  • Forming Groups
  • Teaching Skills
  • Guiding Visualizations  
  • Charting Strategies
The soul never thinks without a picture. . . As sight is to body, so understanding is to soul. 

Before: C G Jung Intro

Review of your experiences with art

Like any pilgrimage or rite of passage, this journey begins with some preparation. So, we send out information on the path and process for you to read to orient you and open with a circle.

Deep Dive into Jung's Method

3 Day Workshop Recorded for Flexibility


Week 11: Hilda of Klimt

Self-Reflection on Relationship to Art


Week 12: Vincent van Gogh

Relating to Art as Teacher

Holding circle and beginning to separate from your old life.
What do you want to leave behind? 

Week 13: Frida Kahlo

 Art as Self-Portrait & Journaling for Wounds

Frida embodies wounding in art, mirroring her experience in life. From her physical wounding to the socio-emotional, gendered & political wounds, she is an exemplar of how art can teach, heal & empower us to know ourselves & lead others in the avant-garde of art, offering a window into the intersection of personal & cultural.

Week 14: Va/Wassily Kandinsky

An Alchemy of Spirit & Matter in Abstraction

Pioneering abstraction through the interrelation between color & form, Kandinsky played with expression & spirituality in both applied art & theory, helping us glimpse into the visionary realms.

Week 15: Gabriel Roth

Dancing to Connect with Life's Rhythms

Entering onto the land to transform and create a power circle.
What is your calling, purpose, and identity? 

Week 16: Georgia O' Keeffe

Nature as Inspiration & the Masculine Shadow 

Returning into a circle of story, ceremony, and power.
How are you witnessed and mirrored in your power?

Week 17

Art-influenced Research 

Re-entering family, tribe, and community as your new identity.
Who are you now in relationship with the world?

Week 18: Kahlo

Art-inspired Research

Rippling out in your new life, purpose, and vision.
What do you want to do looking forward?

Week 19: Jess Riva Cooper

Texture, Sensation & Dimensions in Art

Explore your body through a body of art with different senses & dimensions including 3D art in various forms through the art of ceramicist Cooper & others. Play with texture & the change in positive & negative space. Jung worked in 2 & 3D. What difference is there in sense & experience? Activities & guidance to go out & in.

Week 20: Jung Again

Relating to Art as Teacher & Relationship

Holding circle and beginning to separate from your old life.
What do you want to leave behind? 

Week 21: Find What you LOVE

The Best Homework Ever: Play with what you Love

Designing your rite of passage for YOU.
What do you want to bring with you and experience?

Week 22: Kandinsky

Art-based Research Ex. 2

Circling up for intention: gather in ceremony.
Who are you and what calls you?

Week 23: Roth

Art-informed Research Ex. 1

Entering onto the land to transform and create a power circle.
What is your calling, purpose, and identity? 

Week 24: O' Keeffe

Art-informed Research Ex. 2

Returning into a circle of story, ceremony, and power.
How are you witnessed and mirrored in your power?

Week 25

Continuing on with Support

Ongoing contemplations on the role of art as collective research. 

Week 26: Kahlo

6 months of live Q & A Sessions

Rippling out in your new life, purpose, and vision.
What do you want to do looking forward?

Modern Artists

Friends & Guests

From multi-media collage to felt, ceramic, mosaic, sacred geometry, and more, artists of different disciplines have gathered to give talks, interviews, demonstrations and more. Come explore the power of art.

Archetypal Examples

Visionaries through Time

Going back through time, artist examples serve as archetypal stepping stones to guide and teach us. From Jung to Picasso, O'keefe to Kahlo, these visionaries show us a way forward in our time.

Heather's Experience 

Learning & Healing

Combining over 4 decades of study on the power of art with graphic recording & facilitation training, Heather offers ways to learn and transform through art from mind mapping to nature-based ritual. 

Teaching that heals core wounds

  • Opposites of mind & body 
  • Right & Left brain hemispheres
  • Conscious and Unconscious
  • Personal & collective unconscious 
  • Inner "Masculine" & "Feminine"
  • Spiritual & Material
  •  perspectives
  • Writing: poetry & story
  • a

Ready to remember?

Art intuitively apprehends coming changes in the collective unconsciousness.
carl jung
Art is not what you see, but what you make others see.
Edgar Degas
A medium of communication is not merely a passive conduit for the transmission of information but rather an active force in creating new social patterns and new perceptual realities . . .Revolutionary art and visionary physics are both investigations into the nature of reality. . . to imagine things other than they are is the essence of hope. It is also the stuff of revolution.
Leonard shlain 

Embodied and Holistic Education

We are in a time of rediscovery, remembering the past and past ways of knowing. The word idea comes from the Latin root "to see," and this art offers an embodied gnosis that is inclusive & transdisciplinary. Art includes forms from painting to poetry & dance with an emphasis on the visual, embodied & nonverbal to restore balance and greater efficacy (and fun) in education.
The Art of Making
The skill you need to become a real professional.
Develop your skills
Learn the tools used by the world's top professionals.
Read. Watch. Learn.
Boost your confidence, master "the field".

Examples of ABR in art history




This offering comes with a free monthly circle and discussion.


Write your awesome label here.

You are an artist: 

The Art of Making
The skill you need to become a real professional.
Develop your skills
Learn the tools used by the world's top professionals.
Read. Watch. Learn.
Boost your confidence, master "the field".

Why now? We need a road map












A circle of ONE

whether student or teacher

This is a process that develops personal insight, healing & understanding.

A partner approach

made of siblings and parents

In this process you are held by a partner as you heal, learn & grow together 

A community CIRCLE

You are held in a larger circle

From beginning to end, you are held within the circle of your community.

Return to your archetypal roots 

As a practice held throughout time but lost in our time, rites of passage return us to our human roots and to our authentic self. This is a call back into our body and the body of the land, but it is also a call back to ourselves, our families, and lives. Rites of passage bring us home.