This is an intensive that comes with a Certification Option in Partnership with the Wild Creatrix Creativity & Business Offerings. 



Create your dreams in circles of transformation as we step up & into the world together to ripple out.

Create transformational space & leadership

Create workshops, programs & retreats to embody the creative power of nature in circle leadership. From vision to discovery, inquiry to creativity, this is a class that guides you as you design & create your soul's call or purpose as a healing gift for the world. Come gather together to co-create life-changing offerings as a path of self-realization & collective transformation for our time & world with unique curriculums designed by & for you.
I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the water to create many ripples. 
Mother Theresa

Vision & Creation

We seek to transform ourselves & the world through the power of the Creatrix or embodied feminine nature of creation. We believe in the power of transformation & the need to birth & offer our gifts to transform the world.
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Our mission: help you facilitate your purpose.

Designed for real change
In depth analysis
Inspired passion for creation 
Technical insight

28 Steps to wild CREATRIX Leadership

Step by step guide to support your calling in the world from creating safe space to facilitating deep change.

Practical Resources to SUPPORT YOU

We need your gift (s), so here are practical tools & skills to support you as you as you develop them together.

Networking CONNECT YOU & your GIFT

With an imbedded social media for connections & a live kit DISCUSSION GROUP, we are here to help each other. 


We are changing the WAY we are making change with deep reflection, self-honesty, empath & creativity.
I see a creatrix as someone who uses his or her creativity to take the feminine wound & transform it. To take us from pain to power. To be a creatrix is to dedicate oneself to the cycle of creativity--to embodying soul . . . to consciously engage directly with the forces of the Universe . . . transformed.
Lucy H pearce

Remember our Feminine Nature

As we circle together, we remember past ways of knowing & being in relationship to each other & all of nature. Rooted in our connection to the earth, this is a chance to spread the wild seeds of circle leadership as well as the unique gift of your calling as in integrity with nature.

From vision to graphic facilitation

From visioning to sharing your vision, we walk forward to design & create powerful & personal transformational experiences to embody our gift in an offering that matches our energy with a form that reflects & brings it to life. Learn to be inclusive & creative in YOUR leadership.

Cultivate Common Ground Together

We offer a reliable, consistent & evidence-based approach that integrates all of the steps needed to facilitate the change you see & seek to create in the world. Integrating pluralism & diversity within a framework of integration & unity, we tend our garden to cross-pollinate our garden.
We need female leadership. Yet, despite teams with female leaders significantly outperform men (up to 30 % +), women hold only 8.8% of Fortune 500 leadership roles & make up only 5% of the top 1% of wealth. 

Circle Leadership

Remember & honor feminine Creatrix leadership with:
  • Content that is relational, natural, equal, intentional & integral
  • Weekly videos, exercises, prompts, journal . . . & progress
  • New skills like graphic recording & facilitation to build consensus
  • Partner & small group practices with coaching & mirroring
  • Outcomes, including Vision Map, Project Blueprint, Circle Agreements, Conflict Transformation Outline, Completion Practice; Stages of Building Community Structure & more
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Journal, prompts & exercises

Reflection Journal, creative prompts &activities 

Tools, Techniques, Skills & Strategies

Mind-map, story-board, graphic facilitation & more

Holistic View: Mind, Body & Spirit

Integration in a model that synthesizes head & heart

Experiencial & Transformational

Information that is embodied in yourself & life
Leadership is about making others better as a result of your presence and making sure that impact lasts in your absence.
Sharyl Sandberg

Creative & Natural Structure

We move with nature together to co-create together

Mindful Creative Practices

Create with intention for greater clarity & power

Inner & Outer Creation

Creation in multiple forms, inside & outside 

Manifest your Creation

Practice & practical experience & expertise
Becoming a leader is synonymous with becoming yourself. It is precisely that simple, & it is also that difficult.
warren c bennis
Creating the culture of burnout is the opposite of creating a culture of sustainable creativity.
arianna huffington
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Write your awesome label here.
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Creatrix Models

We need female leadership

Art is a window into our humanity. In art, prejudice is not checked by institutional check & balances. So, for example, there is a 194 billion$ pay gap between men & women in art (women make 2% of a man's dollar). Art is thus a way to work directly with prejudice in the psyche.