Create transformational space & leadership
I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the water to create many ripples.
Mother Theresa
Vision & Creation
We seek to transform ourselves & the world through the power of the Creatrix or embodied feminine nature of creation. We believe in the power of transformation & the need to birth & offer our gifts to transform the world.
I see a creatrix as someone who uses his or her creativity to take the feminine wound & transform it. To take us from pain to power. To be a creatrix is to dedicate oneself to the cycle of creativity--to embodying soul . . . to consciously engage directly with the forces of the Universe . . . transformed.
Lucy H pearce
We need female leadership. Yet, despite teams with female leaders significantly outperform men (up to 30 % +), women hold only 8.8% of Fortune 500 leadership roles & make up only 5% of the top 1% of wealth.
Circle Leadership
Remember & honor feminine Creatrix leadership with:
- Content that is relational, natural, equal, intentional & integral
- Weekly videos, exercises, prompts, journal . . . & progress
- New skills like graphic recording & facilitation to build consensus
- Partner & small group practices with coaching & mirroring
- Outcomes, including Vision Map, Project Blueprint, Circle Agreements, Conflict Transformation Outline, Completion Practice; Stages of Building Community Structure & more
Leadership is about making others better as a result of your presence and making sure that impact lasts in your absence.
Sharyl Sandberg
Becoming a leader is synonymous with becoming yourself. It is precisely that simple, & it is also that difficult.
warren c bennis
Creating the culture of burnout is the opposite of creating a culture of sustainable creativity.
arianna huffington
Creatrix Models
We need female leadership
Art is a window into our humanity. In art, prejudice is not checked by institutional check & balances. So, for example, there is a 194 billion$ pay gap between men & women in art (women make 2% of a man's dollar). Art is thus a way to work directly with prejudice in the psyche.