Celebrate death as a goal & fulfillment of the life journey on a path in which death & life are atONEd, alchemized & integrated as LIFE.

Life &


Initiate a cycle of dying to be reborn into a greater light & life, here & now.

Fierce Grace: Gratitude for Death & Life

Come on a 15-step/week journey that leads to a deep love & appreciation of life by reimaging death. At a time of crisis when death has come close through epidemics of covid-19, depression, addiction and deaths of despair, this offering guides & supports you in reimagining death as an initiation. Death takes many forms, ecological, spiritual and biological. It can come as a disease or divorce, old age or accident, leading to a deeper archetypal understanding of its gift. Come explore death as an opportunity to live your life & sustain all life.
Embrace your grief. For there, your soul will grow. . . For, seen in correct psychological perspective, death is not an end but a goal, and life's inclination towards death begins as soon as the meridian is passed.
c g Jung 
In truth, we are all dying, but when we realize & prioritize death it helps us to live more deeply & fully the lives we want to live.

The Days of the Dead Offer a Portal

Embarking on an archetypal 3-Day Initiation on the eve of Halloween through the Days of Innocents, All Saints, Day and the Day of the Dead, we weave a web of remembrance to catch the mysteries of life and death and touch the mystery at a universal time to envision soul. 

A Thinning of the Veil for Contact

In this sacred time, we honor our ancestors, embracing the shadows and the light, as we dance on the delicate thread and through the thinning veil that separates the worlds, finding connection and wisdom in the echoes of their whispers as they approach to come close.

Playing with Life and Death

Through rituals, storytelling, and communal gatherings, we create a sanctuary of shared memory and love, inviting in the spirits of the past to guide us on our path forward, as we navigate the dance of life and death with grace, courage, and a healing heart.

Death invites us to live deeply & fully

A course to hold & help you to live life to the fullest with:
  • Live & recorded talks & sessions, partner & group discussion
  • Includes Excerpts and Quotes along with Additional Reading
  • Creative Therapeutic Processing in art, journal, ritual & nature
  • Activities, Rituals, and Meditations to engage in your life 
  • Private Group Forum for intimate sharing, caring & loving
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Death is psychologically as important as birth. 
c g Jung 

Death can be scary, so here's a video to help.

I had dropped this class & was going to do it later. Then a couple things happened. So . . .
  • Let's face it, death is in us & around us, even if we don't want to see it. Death has come closer to life.
  • So, let's invite death in to talk & have tea. In fact, they are here already. (I will explain in the video.) 
  • Now is our time. Death is so close in so many ways, it is the perfect time to get to know each other. It will be ok. In fact, it's a privilege to have death as a guide. 
Visioning beyond life & death 

Fierce Grace: Dance with Life & Death

Come on the inevitable journey . . . willingly not dragged into the underworld of Thanatos (death). We all go at some point & the descent is part of our life journey. Plus,
LOVE (50% off), LOVE25% (25% off) & FREELOVE (free).
Write your awesome label here.

Who is this path for? Everyone

We all die & now we have more older people than younger for the first time. More than this, we all experience many deaths, times when we surrender an idea or ideal, a loved one or part of ourselves. This path is for everyone who wants to catalyze the power of death to live a fuller life. It is also designed to help those in approaching their final passage into the beyond, however they imagine it. Come explore beyond the veil of our ignorance.


C G Jung; Alice Bailey; Elizabeth Kubler-Ross;  Marion Woodman & more


Ancient cross-cultural & archetypal rites, rituals & wisdom from Egypt to Tibet & more


Nature-based & self-generated creative practices to guide you on your inner journey


Art & journaling to capture images from visions, dreams & guided meditation


Give back to your family, community & world as a death doula & life emissary
It's only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth--that we have no way of knowing when our time is up, we will then begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had. 
Elizabeth Kubler-Ross 
liberate yourself from fear, regret, & self doubt

We come to life by honoring death

This is a paradoxical path in which dying brings us to life

Fear leads to love, illuminating the darkness in dawn's light.

There is a technique to dying just as there is to living. 
Alice Bailey

Perceive through the lens of your heart

How can you enter the cosmos through the gateway of death?

Life & death grow together.

Where are the boundaries? Can you find any? Learn to notice.

Death is a soul LENS on life.

Learn to see through death to emergent life & life to emergent death.

Death's Gift

Receive death's gift of life.
What is the gift for you?

Your Gift to Death

Find what is dead to offer.
What is ready to be released?

Life in Death ROP

Death is a rite of passage.
Create a threshold to cross.

Life Review

See through death's lens. Reflect on what is important.

Shrinking away from death is something unhealthy and abnormal which robs the second half of life of its purpose... [when ready] death appears as a joyful event. In light of eternity, it is a wedding . . . The soul attains, as it were, its missing half, it achieves wholeness. 
c g Jung 
Weekly live sessions, discussions, videos, directions, reading, partner work & prompts explore an example (E) & activity (A).
*I kept trying to shorten this course or make it a kit, & it is too important to do that. This is a BIG LESSON with HUGE benefits.

 Week 1 Introduction

Join the Dance

- **Activity**: The Life-Death Mandala

- **Teaching**: Cycle of Life and Death

- **Reading**: Introduction to C.G. Jung's The Red Book and serving the dead

- **Affirmation**: "I am a living paradox, a dance of life and death."

Week 2 

Death's Shadow

- **Activity**: Shadow Journaling

- **Teaching**: Jung shadow & death

- **Reading**: Excerpts from Alice Bailey's "Death: The Great Adventure"

- **Affirmation**: "In the shadow, my light is reborn."

 Week 3 Communion

Gather in Communitas

In our circle we introduce & mirroreach other . We open fundamental questions: Who are you & why are you here? 


Week 4: Identification

Life & Death: Altar your Life 


Week 5: Restoration

Life-Review: Remember


Week 6: Connection

Lessons of Nature's Seasons

Rewrite your story

Week 7. 

Many forms

Denial, anger, bargain, depression, acceptance... grief calls us to lay down our burdens in a (safe) fire ritual.

Week 8.

Something needs to die

Self-forgiveness blossoms into self-love as we let go of judgement of ourselves and others with a water ritual.

Week 9. 

Community meal

Across cultures the breaking of bread together is a ritual act that honors & deepens connections inside & out.

Week 10. 
NDE Stories

Hint: toward the Light

Near Death Experiences offer a window into the afterlife and hope to the living. Explore your belief in journaling.

Week 11. 
Overcome Fear

Let go & Jump

Fear is the opposite of love. It contracts when we need to open and expand. Take a courageous action to overcome your fear.

Week 12. 
Embrace Love


Self-acceptance is another form of love. 

Week 13. 

Circle in Community


Week 14.

Rippling Out


Week 15. 

Circle in Community


A kairos or opportune moment

We live in a unique time of shifting demographics & the first year in which there are more older people than younger in the US. We also live in a time of ecological crisis & mass species die off, facing the potential of species extinction for the first time. This convergence offers a turning or tipping point where we are called to transition from fear into love, compassion & action. It is a time to come together to celebrate the final season of life & acknowledge the gift of wisdom embodied in the final chapter of our story. We also need to help carry the burden of the youth who are left with an economic & ecological death not of their making. The epidemic of youth suicide calls to us all. 
And what shall we know of this life on earth after death? The dissolution of our timebound form in eternity brings no loss of meaning. Rather, does the little finger know itself a member of the hand.
c g jung 


Life initiates Death

Your life guides through unique elements and events constellated to teach & evolve you. Your life is the map that you will follow & reflect upon as you journey.


Life & Death in Balance

Nature in and around you helps connect you to the world as an ensouled whole. On this path, you see through the lens of nature to find your way home to yourself.


Death Appreciation

Heather's dance with death has led her through the dark night of the soul to come through with a deeper understanding and appreciation of it's purpose & gifts.

And special guest . . . Thanos (Death)

We are making lemons into lemonade. It turns out that an angel turned up to help me launch the platform. At first, I thought, great! They said their name was Thanos (immortality), so I was like, cool. Then I realized at my MRI the next day that they are often perceived as Thanatos (which I knew was death). FUN!!! Since, I'm waiting for my results in a return to my earlier experience (euphemism) with cancer, I decided that I would do my Death & Cancer coursed while I'm in the aura or energy of this being & state. Let's go!
*By the way, I don't believe angels weightlift, making this a fantasy. Sorry.
Birth is not a beginning and death is not an ending. They are merely points on a continuum.
Elizabeth Kubler-Ross 

Death calls us to heal

Tools, activities, and exercises to guide & support you in embracing life & death

Support Structure

Solitary practices combine with partner and group work

Reflection Journal

Prompts to help you reflect & review and be grateful for life

Life & Death Altar

Altar and alter your life by creating an altar for your life

Family Healing

Guidance for in person and out of body family healing

Forgiveness journal

To forgive and be forgiven lets go of a burden of guilt

Give Back Ritual  

What is  your life work? This course helps you do & offer it
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Remember the past
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Embrace the new 
Write your awesome label here.


Forgive self & others
Write your awesome label here.

Give Back

Offer a hand to others
If I have learned anything it is that you must really live this life. Every human life contains a potential, if that potential is not fulfilled, then that life was wasted...The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.
c g Jung 
The knowledge of death came to me...I went into the inner death and saw that outer dying is better than inner death. And, I decided to die outside and live within...I turned away and sought the place of inner life...once inside you taste of such completeness and peace and fulfillment that you don't want to return.
c g Jung 

1 Spring 

Return to childhood

2 Summer

Blossom in adulthood

3 Fall

Mature in elderhood 

4 Winter

Rest into death & rebirth

4 Elements 

First you center yourself inwardly to find your Self and your inner circle. 

4 Seasons

Then you align to the outer world with its season, directions, and elements.

4 Directions

When you have created your wheel you will dedicate and activate it.

4 Life Stages

Once activated return again and again for ongoing healing and empowerment.
For life and death are one, even as the river and the sea are one. For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun? (time to melt into love)
kalill gibran 

We all need to embrace death

This path is for anyone who has faced death (which is everyone). 

Mythic womb of rebirth

The pehonix 

A portal between worlds


Review-look again

In a very real way you are creating your story and cosmology in the form of a Medicine Wheel. At the center you are the creator but this is also the place of the Creator--however you imagine this. While the first week begins with an introduction and orientation, ultimately you will design your own story in stone and in the collaboration with the earth. While you begin in your imagination, you will move through journaling into working with the medicine of the mineral, plant, and animal kingdom to recreate the world. 

A Circle Holds You

The Circle Provides safe Passage

While you are in the open expanse of nature, you are held in circle. Whether you are in circle on the land at BEloved nature sanctuary or in the deep wilderness of the rites of passage, you are held within a circle of support within and without. This is the power of the circle to hold, protect and support you as you grow and transform. The circle provides safe passage, keeping you safe as you go out on your own into the world. Like a cocoon, a circle provides the space for you to take wing and fly. 

A Circle Opens You

Your are Your Guide

The rites of passage are designed by the individual and they are initiated to reflect the unique VISION and experience of YOUR process. While a fundamental archetypal (universal) structure is provided, individuals are encouraged to create their own circle of support and self-generated ritual, including options in terms of where and how the rite of passage takes place. While in the past the rite of passage was determined by culture and gender, we believe that people’s processes are best reflected in initiating ceremonies of their own design.

Coming together here and now.

We live in a time of synthesis in which the archetypal patterns of the past call to us to return to a direct connection with creation and co-create. This is a time to come together and to value life as a whole. So, the medicine wheel is also a way of being in circle and community. It can be seen at play in the world in which we live, move, and have our being as a unifying force.

This is your medicine 

Your wheel reflects you--your values and identity. So, you get to design a ritual and ceremony to guide and honor your transformation. Building upon an archetypal structure that underlies all healing circles, you get to pick how to create and experience your own. Is it in a forest or on the plains? Inside or out? Large or small? Guided through reflection exercises, journaling, medicine walks, creative design, and self-generated ritual, you will navigate the passage from conception to creation and implementation.


Make a symbolic image

Decorate a carved wooden pendant with a power image and cover it with glass. Then string your necklace with leather. Supply packets are available for groups.


Make a power instrument

Create a drum as a power circle to hold you on your quest and remind you of your passage. Recommendations for drum supplies are available on request.


Tell your story your way

Decorate a rattle to take with you to mark your passage, tell your story, and symbolize your new name and identity. Rattle packets are available for groups.

Circling Up

If you lead circles of youth or adults, in cities or in the country, the medicine wheel can provide a basic structure for learning and sharing. To do this, the course offers a number of activities like making a talking stick, creating a necklace, or painting a drum. 
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Creating structure: You are held in CIRCLE

This is called Circle Passages because it is held in a circle. As you undergo your rite of passage there are 3 circles that provide safe passage.


You are alone on the land

On the land and throughout this process you are fundamentally alone, reflecting on yourself and your life. 


You check in with a partner

In this process you are held by a power partner who you check in with throughout the weeks and on the land. 


You are held within a circle

From beginning to end, you are held within the circle of the group to mirror and provide a container.

Look back to see forward

This is a journey from your past to your present to envision your future, moving from separation and preparation to transformation and integration. This journey heals you in body and soul by making you whole. While it may not cure you, this is a healing journey that brings you peace and love, deepening your connection to life and your life. 

Biomimicry: alive & dying

Nature is both living and dead. When we are in nature we come to life, realizing that not only nature but our nature is alive. We realize that we love life and are ready to live. Whether revealed through symbolic or synchronous experiences on the land or within your inner landscape as an inner vision or calling, your nature and nature work and play together to guide and transform you.

Envision your future

At its heart this is a vision quest on which each step allows you to see further into your future, gaining insight on where you are going. Vocation means soul's call and rites of passage are designed as archetypal steps to lead you to a new identity, name, calling, and role in community. They help you step into your power and purpose in a new way. 

Return to your archetypal roots 

What does your native culture do with death? Do you have family stories or relatives you can talk to? What about artifacts, books . . . go on a scavenger hunt. Talking to people about shared history & ancestry is affirming. When I talked to my mom in preparation for teaching a college course on Russian fairytales, I delighted her & learned a lot. I realized that I am really Ukranian which was also Russian when my relatives lived there. Now, we are in the Russian war with Ukranian. What is the current relationship of your ancestors to life & death? Go back & back. For example, Russian lost 1/4 of their male population in WW II. What at the cultural, ecological & archetypal wounds?

A power instrument

Reflecting traditions throughout the ages, you get to create a rattle or a drum to help hold your vision. Constructed throughout your journey, you draw or decorate your instrument with symbolic images from your initiatory journey, embodied in an instrument that empowers your life.

You create a power circle

Your power circle is a circle that supports you on the land and in your life. To reinforce this circle, we offer drum or rattle making. Following ancient traditions, we embody our visions and calling in instruments as people have for thousands of years. Like all of the aspects of your rite of passage, the creation of an instrument is done your way, if you want.

You are telling your story

Retelling your story in your own way has the power to transform you and your life, taking control of the narrative of your past and future. So, we begin by keeping a nature journal--a journal of our nature and nature. This journal helps us move through the stages as we self-reflect and grow.

Lineage healing

What calls to you to heal? It could be the call of your ancestors and family lineage as much as your d. It could be your soul, a song of the bird, or the beauty of the sunrise. On this path you will leave patterns in your past to move more fully into your future. Separation, transformation, and integration lead you to transform yourself but also those around you.