Co-Creating with the Creative Imagination

Creatrix Powers
Embrace your full creative powers as creator & creatrix to bring healing balance to the world. It is time to remember the female face of God as the embodied soul, including nature, animals, ancestors & creativity. Coupon Codes: FREELOVE (free) LOVE75 (% off) LOVE50 & LOVE25 (until first 100 or 1.1.24)
Write your awesome label here.

The God Image is not in the Body but in the Mind.
*Meaning that it is in the masculine mind not soul.
*Meaning that it is in the masculine mind not soul.
C G Jung
Why this is essential:
If all art is a self-portrait and we create in our own image, it is essential that we create our own relationship and image of the creator/creatrix to reflect all of us.
It is time to return to our roots, both etymological & imaginal as we trace early iconography to find the original images of Western divinity & create OUR OWN image of the sacred.
As we reimagine the god image, it is important to remember that Yahweh & Elohim were originally both non-gendered, plural. In Genesis the reference to divinity is "they," and Yahweh translates to "the One who is" or "I am." For, just as God created man & woman in his image (Genesis), both genders are creative. So, in Imago Dei we return to the feminine image of divine creativity, the Creatrix & creativity as the "maternally creative" soul as archetypally feminine as Jung stated.
As we reimagine the god image, it is important to remember that Yahweh & Elohim were originally both non-gendered, plural. In Genesis the reference to divinity is "they," and Yahweh translates to "the One who is" or "I am." For, just as God created man & woman in his image (Genesis), both genders are creative. So, in Imago Dei we return to the feminine image of divine creativity, the Creatrix & creativity as the "maternally creative" soul as archetypally feminine as Jung stated.
Who is this path for? You
"Everyone has an opus--a soul work." C G Jung

What is your image of Creation?

To create a work of art is to create the world. The spirit, like the body, can be strengthened and developed by frequent exercise. Just as the body, if neglected, grows weaker and finally impotent, so the spirit perishes if untended . . . There is no must in art because art is free.
wassily kandinsky

Unconscious legacy
Reimagine your cultural inheritance to find your image
Create your image of a creator by creating. You are the creator.
By whatever name, what is the collective and future vision?
Related to Soul Psychology.
*Including Religion (s)
Direct Relations or Gnostic
Biocentrism, Quantum . . .
Explore unconscious images inherited from your ancestors
Reimagine your cultural inheritance to find your image
Create your image of a creator by creating. You are the creator.
By whatever name, what is the collective and future vision?

Creation is a calling
What is your mission? What is the mission or purpose of art?
From Cave Walls
Art served an initiatory purpose from our ancestral past, painted or carved on cave walls as sacred ceremony
To the Renaissance
In the Renaissance are initiated collectively, inspiring and enlivening a generation in rebirth
Kandinsky, Grey +
The mission of art has remained constant: to birth and evolve consciousness but in new ways and expressions
Why do we need it?
We are the creators, not only of our own destiny, but ultimately we are the creators of universal destiny. We are the creators of the universe.
John hagelin

What is your creative path?
Why should I take this course?
Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McCl

Why do we need it?



Experience creation.

Heather Taylor-Zimmerman, PhD
Following in the soul's footsteps
Following those who have gone before

The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me; my eye and God's eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one love.
Meister eckhart
Seeing is half of creation

Basic Questions
Creativity connects us to the soul

This is a trailhead to the imagination.
Coursework and play . . .

A structure to CONTAIN the process
You travel alone.
Mirror each other
Circle together
Creating a container for sacred space.

This class follows in archetypal footsteps.

A 12 week journey
Week 1
Week 2
Imago Therapy
Week 3
Lost Feminine
Week 4
Week 5
Creative Imagination
Week 6
Week 7
Sacred Feminine
Week 8
Sacred Masculine
Week 9
Week 10
Sustainable Balance
Week 11
Week 12

The map is not the landscape

Your soul brings you a vision

Archetypal Psychology + Creativity
Creation & Creator
Reflect on your belief and story about creation.
How are you a creator and what are you called to create?
Power of Creativity
Explore and experience the power of creativity.
What is the power of creativity in your life?
Create your IMAGE
Play with and create an image of God or goodness.
How can you see divinity in your creativity?Receive tools that will support you to release unconscious patterns of self-doubt and neglect that lead to imbalance and disease. Down time is essential for creative growth.
Self Love
Embrace your image and create it in your life.
How can your image help hold and direct your life?

Soul of Creativity, Drop In + Circle Up

On this path you draw from a soul toolkit

Dream into your nature

Connecting to the soul's creative nature
Your Heroic Quest Kit
Your Heroic Quest is a kit designed to support your life journey, whether you are embarking after graduating from high school or college or from a career in retirement. This is a journey that explores and navigates your life through the perspective of a hero.ine's quest to .

A path into the wilderness of the soul
Soul advice: "drop into your heart"

The soul speaks in images

The soul's ethic is authenticity

The soul's goal is to make you whole.

Imagine a new/old way and You

This is about embracing your soul power.

This is about embracing your soul power.