This is for people who want to go deep themselves to guide & support others upon a path of personal growth & Self-development.




New Cohort

An Archetypal Idividuation Journey

Come on a 12-month journey, following in the footsteps of the psychologist C G Jung on a path he walked & led his advanced patients on, referring to it as an "invaluable method" & "my method." Embodied in The BlackRed Books, this path leads into the depths of soul & the Realm of the Mothers to rediscover our intuitive heart.
Each person has a unique opus, a soul work. 
c g jung

Who is this path for?

While no art skills or specific psychological knowledge are needed, this class requires an ability to create & hold a safe container individually & together. For this reason, there is a written application & interview process for admission. Since this course is about the realization & facilitation of deep transformation, requiring a sincere & authentic commitment to growth. It is ideal for anyone who seeks to transform themselves or to aid others in a therapeutic, research, facilitation or coaching practice to help others find their life purpose or soul's calling; a deeper relationship to themselves, others & their soul; a connection to the unity that underlies reality; & an abiding love that comes from realizing that you indwell an animate or ensouled cosmos. 
The acceptance of oneself is the essence of the whole moral problem. [This is the primary prerequisite.]
c g jung

Apply for the 2024 cohort now

Read & watch the video below to find out about the course structure & experience outlined below. Designed to facilitate deep experience, while accommodating diverse outcomes & access, there are both online & in-person options available. Though the 1st gathering is strongly recommended because it anchors the group as a whole, leading to ongoing group intimacy & integrity.

Retreat + 12 weeks

We open with a 3-Day retreat followed by 12 weeks of deep psycho-activating content to begin embodying the path.

Retreat = Wild Soul

We center with a 3-Day retreat followed by an art & nature rite of passage into the wilds of your soul on a vision quest.

12 weeks + Retreat

Dive into your own creative opus while we explore the examples of Jung & others to learn the ways of soul growth.

After acceptance, please enroll below.

This is a deep dive into the process that the Jung called "nature" & his soul called "art." While it focuses on Jung as the most popular example of both art-based research & therapy, this course is archetypal, including examples from artists throughout time. Come on a path designed to help guide & support you as you begin your own creative art journal journey into your soul & Self.
Write your awesome label here.

Follow in archetypal footsteps.

While we follow the voice and vision of Jung to guide us upon our way, we also follow in the footsteps of artists & seekers from the past and present who have trod this soulful path through the ages. Integrating different examples from different traditions helps us explore & experience the breadth & depth of the soul's archetypal pathway as a creative form of transformation. While we follow in the footsteps of Jung, Christiana Morgan & others, we ultimately find our way through the interweaving of synchronicity & story that reveals our own unique passage and images. Beginning with the embodied example of Jung's Black & Red Books, we end up off road, exploring the terrain of our own living psychology. As Jung said, "There is only one way, your way."
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Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
From Ancient Art, including Totem & Tribal Art to Illuminated Manuscripts, Modern Movements & Visionary Art through the Ages

Cave Art

Ancestral Healing

Egyptian Art

Evolving Images 

Black Elk

Prophetic Art

Frida Kahlo

Embodied Wound

Pablo Picasso

Art as "Nature"


Modern & Ancient
The knowledge of the heart is in no book & is not to be found in the mouth of any teacher, but grows out of you like the green seed from the dark earth.
c g jung

23+ Senses

Embodied Imagination

Visioning 3rd Eye

An Archetypal Vision

Right Hemisphere

Rebalancing our Lives

Collective Psychism

Group Consciousness

Natural Intelligence

Connecting with Nature

Earth Gnosticism

Gnosis World Soul
Based on Heather's experience in her doctoral degree, walking this alchemical path of art & nature follows YOUR soul vision & call.

An Introduction

Getting to know Heather and the PATH
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What are people saying . . .

This coursework is deep psycho-active or soul activating creativity. It is often described as life changing, offering the gift of getting to know your soul and yourself. It is not easy, but it is profoundly rewarding and life affirming, touching upon the core of who you are and why you are here. At its foundation this art is about your heart's purpose and soul's call. 
Its beautiful the language that you use. . . I really feel that you have made such a huge contribution to our souls, to our artistic creative selves. . . You have come in and created a furthering of neuropathways and pathways for us to look at the artist, the archetypal artist, and give us a place where we can have soul. I have great appreciation for what you have done with your dissertation. I would like to have a lot more Jungian work like this.
Fanny Brewster, MFA, PhD, analyst, artist, educator,, and author
Heather is a masterful educator on how to heal and grow through art. Her presence is open, kind, wise and playful. She is skilled at creating an amazing and safe container for individuals to explore, go deep and have meaningful transformative experiences while guided by her. Her engagement with nature as a vessel for her work is powerful. Embarking on a journey of personal growth with her guidance will be blessing in your life.
Mary Gibbons, MD, physician, policy maker, educator, and facilitator
Heather is an exceptional teacher and group facilitator, as well as a beautifully soulful artist and person. She is gifted in leading persons in learning how art evokes the soul while also guiding them into creative exploration of their own inner images. Heather's depth and breadth of knowledge on Jung's Red Book is rare and is complimented by a graceful adeptness at teaching others how to journey into the spiral of their own depths through art and creativity.
Fanny Brewster, MFA, PhD, analyst, artist, educator,, and author
Heather clearly brought scholarship and art together to achieve a transcendent function in a really beautiful way.
Jennifer Leigh Selig, PhD, educator, speaker, and award-winning co-author of Deep Creativity
You and the work you are doing are an inspiration.
Susan Rowland, PhD, educator, speaker, and co-author of Jungian Arts-Based Research
Heather is a creative genius, making artists feel safe to explore and create.
Victoria Christiansen, MFA, MSW, therapist and award-winning author of Feminine Mysticism in Art

Safe Passage into the Deep

Come on a journey to guide others into their own depths to uncover & discover their gold.
  • An archetypal & emergent format designed to internalize soul as an embodied function & identity.
  • Explore within a framework of support inside & out. 
  • Learn how to guide others into the depths on an archetypal path, following Jung's example & others.
The goal is to understand the path by experiencing & embodying it in yourself & life to lead others upon it as a threshold to nature.
Each person should take their own path in life. 
c g jung

Return to Participation Mystique

Jung said that the “secret of artistic creation & of the effectiveness of art” is “to be found in a return to a state of participation mystique" or a mystical participation with nature. A term first used by the anthropologist Lucien Levy Bruhl, participation mystique is a state of oneness in which indigenous & ancestral people are atoned with nature in the right hemisphere of the brain, which neuroanatomist Jill Bolte Taylor refers to as the archetypal anima/animus & Self.


While Jung pioneered art therapy and research in modern times, he lamented that “despite the fact” that he “so often traveled this path with individual patients,” he had not “succeeded in making the process clear to a wider circle and in working it up in a form suitable for publication.” This course takes a step in that direction, bringing the path to the wider circle of the world and leading people to what Jung called “invaluable growth,” “independence,” and “maturity.” It also leads to our guide—the soul. 

Art's power lies in a return to nature.

The secret of art is that it connects all life through the tripartite (3-part) soul of nature. Going back to a “purely animal participation mystique” in the art of TRB, Jung said: “But now perhaps the age is ripe to go back to this [repressed animal] while still keeping hold of the spirit, that much has been gained.”

Why walk this path?

What people have experienced
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Our mission is to empower personal & collective individuation

100k students
In depth analysis
Market structure
Technical insight

Flexible hours

Our online learning platform gives you the flexibility to complete classes at your own pace, on your own schedule.

Training materials

Our training materials have been specifically designed to be engaging and informative. Our courses are easy to follow, and are broken down into digestible chapters, which contain a mix of text, images, and videos.

Quality content

We understand that staying at the top of your profession means accessing education and earning certificates efficiently and effectively.

Online courses

We provide online courses that prepares everyone for the real world. We offer an array of courses that cover everything from business to writing skills, helping our students gain knowledge and practice their skills at the same time.
Structure includes 3 3-day immersion retreats (in person or online options)

Drop Deep Together

We circle together at the beginning, middle & end to create a circle & community of intimacy & integrity.
Transdisciplinary curriculum connects alchemical poles of art + nature in soul

Rooted in Alchemy

This is a path of alchemical healing reconnecting our nature to nature in individual & collective transformation.
embodied Experience animates Theory to guide us on a path of emergent design 

Natural Design

Soul is natural, emergent & complex, evolving & adapting in us & through us in our dreams, visions & synchronicity.

In everyone some kind of artist is hiding. . . The forgotten artist must be fetched up again from the darkness of the subconscious, and a path cleared for the urge for artistic expression [to heal us psychologically]. 
c g jung
While the path is personal & unique, it is also archetypal, offering transformation in ways that are consistent in nature in not expression.

Why should I take this course?

This is the only class that goes to the depths of soul in a way that facilitates not only self-growth but fosters the ability to guide others into the deep.
This is a dual offering in which you are led by Heather & your own soul while learning to guide & lead others. While it is based on a path that she walked in her doctoral dissertation, following the example set by Jung who then led his "advanced patients" upon it, Heather also includes her experience & certification guiding people on wilderness quests & rites of passage as well as decades of classes, workshops & retreats, including self-generated ritual, psychological mirroring & more. So, the Individuation Certification is a distillation of the essence of arts-based transformation that weaves depth psychology, indigenous wisdom, visionary art, nature mysticism, group process, complex theory, cultural therapy, art history & esoteric practice with creative research & therapy into a deeply transpersonal model of individuation rooted in the embodied psyche.
I should advise you to put it all down as beautifully as you can—in some beautifully bound book. . . Think of it in your imagination and try to paint it. Then when these things are in some precious book you can go to the book & turn over the pages & for you it will be your church—your cathedral—the silent places of your spirit where you will find renewal. . .in that book is your soul. 
c g jung
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.

This class comes with 3 sessions with Heather to help guide & support you.

Only in our creative acts do we step forth into the light and see ourselves as whole and complete. 
c g jung
Man is indispensable for the completion of creation . . . a second creator of the world, who alone has given to the world its objective existence. [Creation & creation]
c g jung

Applications & Outcomes of Certification:

While the deepest transformations cannot be quantified or anticipated, this course & certification leads to:
  • Deep personal transformation, healing & education from which you can live a life of deeper purpose & meaning 
  • Applying the course content in your own therapeutic or coaching practice to transform & enhance client live
  • Offer your community a curriculum with lessons & practices from the course content, embodied in your experience
  • Connect to nature in new & emergent ways to heal yourself, others & the natural world in ongoing service
  • Explore & expand the model of community building, conflict transformation & collective individuation
  • Embark on an ongoing life path of transformation & soul-based communication, transformation & individuation
More than anything, the path leads to awakened intuition & vision, what Jung called a psychology of vision & an "intuitive method."
A healing & teaching transformation

Individuation is a word for becoming soul.

You are your soul & a part of the world soul, individuating into the Self which is another word for the whole of Creation as soul art. 
This is a path that activates our embodied imagination

The secret of this path is that we are changed.

This is an archetypal visioning method that Jung studied through the lives & practices of those before as well as the lives of his "advanced patients."
About our journey

Help people come home to their nature.

Your awakened imagination is kindled through this process, opening the door to the multiple animated intelligences of nature as ensouled.
Overview of course benefits, outcomes & applications

You will come away from this immersion with:

Embodied Imagination

The goal of this process is to embody soul in active imagination as a multi-sensory & transdisciplinary ability to commune & communicate with nature in your body & a body of art as a way of imaginal knowing.

Natural Intuition

Soul's primary gnosis is a natural intuition that roots & connects with the world to access a transcendent ability to know the unknowable. Intuition is not bound by space & time but a quantum connection.

Mirroring Skills

Mirroring is a powerful way of knowing & communicating that combines both psychology & ecology in a technique that facilitates contact with the unconscious embodied in art, nature & play.

Powerful Applications

The applications & implications of this work are many. The practice is a way to contain your own emergent content & growth, regardless of what field you work in, used within your family & profession.

Arts-Based Techniques

Art-Based techniques, concepts & theories from Heather's research & decades of experience help you explore possibilities. Art also helps as a memory anchor to understand & integrate complex material.

Increased Soul Guidance

This is the most powerful aspect of the work, taking diverse forms. It can manifest as an intuition or communication in crisis or a premonition with profound impact. In particular, automatic writing is a lasting gift.

If you go to thinking take your heart with you. If you go to love, take your head with you. Love is empty without thinking, thinking hollow without love.
c g jung

Deep Dive into the Unconscious

Art accesses the archetypal power of the personal & collective unconscious to transform our lives & the world, following the inner guidance of the tripartite soul who connects Above & Below. While we follow in the footsteps of Jung, Hildegard of Bingen, St. Augustine, Black Elk, Christiana Morgan & others, we are really following the footsteps of the creative soul within ourselves & the world. 

Teaching + Healing = Individuation

This is a transdisciplinary approach to healing & learning that Jung called individuation or a transformative journey of wholeness & Self-discovery. On this path arts-based research & therapy is held within a context of art history in what Heather refers to as eco-art & play, as she weaves in the wilderness experiences & ritual integral to indigenous art cultures as essential elements of creation & participation mystique

Access a Transcendent Consciousness

This path transcends the separative consciousness of the ego to enter the transpersonal state of the collective unconscious & superconscious of the soul embodied in art & nature. Through the psycho-somatic union of the soul embodied in art, we reach the core wounds of our individual & collective complexes to transform, educate & heal in ways inaccessible to words alone. 
The way of life is transformation. 
c g jung
While this course is a year intensive, the journey of individuation is life-long, leading us through the depths to our buried treasure.
About us

Learn without limits

The program is designed to provide students with the most comprehensive online education available in the marketing field. With a focus on advanced problem solving and critical thinking, this program requires students to learn from their best instructors, who are highly qualified educators and mentors. 
About us

Online education as it should be

In the realm of psychology, Carl Gustav Jung is widely recognized as a pioneer and visionary thinker. However, what many may not be aware of is that Jung also pioneered visionary art, art therapy, and arts-based research in the modern era. His artistic endeavors, particularly manifested in his personal journals known as The Black Book and The Red Book, offer us a glimpse into the depths of his psyche and the rich symbolism that shaped his theories.

The Black Book, which spans the years 1913 to 1932, served as a container for Jung's personal reflections, dreams, and fantasies. It allowed him to explore the hidden recesses of his unconscious mind, uncovering profound insights and archetypal images that would later inform his psychological theories. Through intricate drawings, vibrant paintings, and poetic writings, Jung expressed his inner world, delving into the realms of myth, spirituality, and the collective unconscious, paving a path for his patients, us, and our patients to follow as we traverse our own individuation journeys.

The Red Book, often considered Jung's magnum opus, is a beautifully illuminated manuscript that chronicles his journey through a period of profound psychological turmoil and transformation. Filled with intricate illustrations and hand-written texts, the Red Book serves as a visual and textual representation of Jung's encounters with his own psyche, archetypal figures, and the spiritual dimensions of existence. It is a testament to his creative and introspective genius.
About us

Study with us

Whether you want to go back to school, train for a new career, or simply want to learn something new, our school delivers the skills and knowledge you need to achieve your goals. Advance your career with courses taught by industry experts right from your computer, tablet or smartphone. 
Give me your hand, my almost forgotten soul. 
c g jung
Our primary location is in Olympia, Washington at the bottom of the Puget Sound, surrounded by giant cedars & living native arts.
3 3-day retreats open, center & close our circle, creating an immersive depth experience.

3-Day Intensive 1. Create intimacy & community as we embark together

Studies & experience have shown that coming together in a hybrid model is essential to creating the deep connection & strong circle of a powerful cohort. So, we gather in person for intensives where we enter & alchemize our nature in nature to create the Great Work of Art as we activate our embodied imagination. An additional day touring native arts is also available at no cost.

1. Jung Introduction

This is an Itroduction to the model as archetypal. While Jung is the primary exemplar, there are others who help to round out the soul's model.

2 Jung Psychology

This is Jungian Psychology through the lens of the creative soul. Meaning, all of the curriculum is designed from the angle of the soul, not Jung.

3. Jung's Opus

We dive deep into our opus or soul work to walk & embody the path in order to lead others upon it as a part of ourselves.

Coursework and play . . .

Each week your content drops down & you get an email to connect, including assigned reading, activities, practices & discussion. The learning site is always accessible, so you can return to the content again to deepen integration.


Step 1

Introducing basic concepts to help you orient to the path.


Step 2

Beginning your path and starting to reach out to soul.


Step 3

Creating a transformative container for creation.


Step 4

Practicing methods to help us navigate our journey.


Step 5

Activating your imagination to play with your imagery.


Step 6

Getting to know yourself through your psychology.


Step 7

Befriending your shadow to gain understanding and love.


Step 8

Embodying soul to know through direct experience.

Black Books

Step 9

Exploring Jung's example and process as a path.


Step 10

Journaling your dreams and visions in art diaries

7 Sermons

Step 11

Playing with color as emotion, energy, and art.


Step 12

Elaborating your writing and drawing in art illuminations.


Step 13

Rewriting your story and living your mythology.


Step 14

Hearing and heeding your soul call as a living practice.

Art History

Step 15

Reconnecting your nature to nature by being natural.


Step 16

Reclaiming the soul's imagery and capacity.

Mystic Participate

Step 17

Reconnecting with nature in mystical participation.

Words as Images

Step 18

Holding & transcending the tension of opposites.


Step 19

Remembering forgotten parts within a whole.


Step 20

Individuating through a process of atonement. 


Step 21

Continuing to create with partner and group support .

Visionary Art

Step 22

Holding and transcending the tension of opposites.

Art Elements

Step 23

Continuing to create with partner and group support.


Step 24

Continuing to create with partner and group support.

Retreat 2. Transitioning to TRB

A 3-Day on online retreat to follow up our 1st intensive with onsite & online options, as we transition from Jung's Black to Red Book. While ongoing weekly open studio sessions are offered throughout the 2nd section, this retreat is a great time for people to come experience art demonstrations & explore in person. Each night we will have a creative party with live painting available. (Dancing too as well as deep discussion & emergent fun!)

1. Ritual Art History

Jung as an artist of his time & all time, situating him in the context of Art History & the lineage of ritual art initiation.

2. Visionary Artist

Visionary practice with examples from shamanic traditions including Black Elk, Hildegard, Alex Grey & you.

3. Mystical Nature

Participation mystique connects us to all life, atoning opposites in the symbolic transcendent function of soul. 

Journey deep into your wild nature.

This spiral of return goes deep into the state of participation mystique in which we return to past ways of relating in kinship, opening us to the communion & communication of the soul in a body of art & the world.

Illuminate soul

Step 25

Study manuscripts from the past to make your own.

The Red Book

Step 26

Begin your soul opus as an embodiment of your soul.

Desert Descent

Step 27

Enter into inner wilderness & desert to lose & find yourself.


Step 28

Alchemical dissolution into essential parts & substance. 

Liber Secundus

Step 29

Mythic figures & archetypal personifications in your art. 


Step 30

Getting to know yourself through your psychology.


Step 31

Befriending your shadow to gain understanding and love.


Step 32

Embodying soul to know through direct experience.


Step 33

Exploring Jung's example and process as a path.


Step 34

Journaling your dreams and visions in art diaries


Step 35

Playing with color as emotion, energy, and art.

Nox Secunda

Step 36

Elaborating your writing and drawing in art illuminations.

Nox Tertia

Step 37

Rewriting your story and living your mythology.


Step 38

Hearing and heeding your soul call as a living practice.


Step 39

Reconnecting your nature to nature by being natural.


Step 40

Reclaiming the soul's imagery and capacity.


Step 41

Travelling through the dark night of the soul.


Step 42

Holding and transcending the tension of opposites.


Step 43

Remembering forgotten parts of ourselves in wholeness.


Step 44

Individuating through a process of atonement. 


Step 45

Discussion: Love
Continuing to create with partner and group support .


Step 46

Holding and transcending the tension of opposites.


Step 47

Discussion: ritual
Continuing to create with partner and group support.


Step 24

Discussion: ethics
Continuing to create with partner and group support.

Retreat 3. 

At our school we make online learning easy. Our only concern is your education. Build your future right here.

1. Circle Sharing

We gather in ritual to renew our circle with a morning dedication as we begin our presentations.

2. Presentations

Using a drag-and-drop interface with multiple choice and true/false questions, quiz sections are interactive.

3. Circle Closing

Participate in our online forum, share thoughts and ideas, increase connection, get help with your studies.

Experience and Certification

These courses are about deep experience, but they also come with a certificate, because they represent steppingstones that lead to an ability & coming class that will help you guide others on this path as Jung did.

Heather Taylor-Zimmerman, PhD

Following in the soul's footsteps

Heather has been called to walk the transformative path of the Soul of Creativity. Having spent decades in self and soul-directed exploration as a professional artist & seeker, she has taught this process in college classes & workshops. With a doctoral degree in archetypal psychology on art as a transformative process (based on Jung's Red Book), she is passionate about the transformative power of creativity. Heather is a playful seeker, explorer & inspirer who combines eco, art & play therapy in a healing & teaching path that is embodied & natural.

Jung and the Soul

Following those who have gone before

While Heather has researched the soul's creativity to walk and lead others on this path, your soul is your real guide. Combining cutting-edge science and ancient wisdom, this path's deep magic is the soul. It is the soul you follow & only you can connect to your soul (You). The heart of this path is your relationship with your soul that connects you with your greater Self.
Only in our creative acts do we step forth into the light and see ourselves as whole and complete. C G Jung

Following soul, step by step

You walk on stepping stones that introduce fundamental concepts, quotes, and skills. These steps are patterned to help you follow your soul. Each week you will get a new video to watch, along with creative prompts, tutorials, and a written material. You journey held within a circle of support and aided by an alchemical partner, interacting in live zoom sessions and a private social media platform. The learning structure includes many unique features that help support you.
Art is a way that we co-create & communicate with soul, navigating an inward & downward path into the depths of our collective being.
About us

Learn without limits

The program is designed to provide students with the most comprehensive online education available in the marketing field. With a focus on advanced problem solving and critical thinking, this program requires students to learn from their best instructors, who are highly qualified educators and mentors. 
About us

Online education as it should be

The world of learning has changed. In today’s environment, employers are looking for employees who have a combination of real-world experience and knowledge. Our online courses allow you to gain the knowledge you need to succeed in your field while earning an accredited certification at the same time.
About our journey

Help people come home to themselves.

This is a journey into ourselves that 

Creativity connects us to the soul

In this course you walk on steppingstones that introduce fundamental concepts & skillsets that connect your creative nature to the creative nature of the soul, as you journey toward the Self. These steps take you into the unconscious through coursework that is patterned to help you trust the process & surrender to soul. Each week you will get a new video to watch, an animated or illustrated visual text to view & a downloadable workbook chapter to explore, leading to the last 2 months in which you dive deeper into your art, with The Red Book reading & emergent revelation. Activities are woven throughout the coursework to help you bring it to life in YOUR LIFE.

This is a trailhead to the depths.

As you walk you activate your imagination & open to the symbolic guidance of the soul in synchronicity, dreams & visions. You are dreaming yourself awake & learning to see the waking world as if in a dream through the symbolic sight & insight of your soul. Opening to an archetypal perspective, you will begin to perceive the mythic story that underpins your life, guiding you on a path both within and without. As you move through the coursework, each week's lesson will "show up" & reveal itself in living images & experiences that deepen your insight. Walking in this way, brings you to greater consciousness, as it weaves your inner & outer, unconscious & conscious lives & worlds together. This union is the healing nature of the soul that unites. 

A structure to CONTAIN the process

This process is contained by your soul but also by 3 circles of support made by you and your classmates. Each circle expands with you as you create your opus, designed to offer different levels of containment as you individuate. These circles reflect Jung's process as archetypal or universal.


You travel alone.

like Jung
To really experience the darkness of the dark night of the soul, you need to be alone with your soul. So, you walk alone.


A partner helps to mirror you.

Like Jung in partnership
Jung went through this process with an alchemical partner to mirror him. A partner helps you reflect on your process.


A circle to discuss and reflect.

             Like Jung's inner circle together

Jung led his inner circle on this path, creating a container for group growth. So, we meet in monthly zoom circles.

Create an alchemical container

Additional containment comes from creating sacred space in an art studio, creativity altar & in your art which can be seen as your "church" & "cathedral," housing your soul. In these spaces you create a place of renewal & retreat for you to return to again and again, whether creating art, lighting a candle, meditating, or doing gentle yoga. These spaces help to cocoon you in an alchemical container of transformation throughout your process, nurturing your creative practice in your body & a body of art. Additionally, a container will be created with a circle ritual that opens & closes each class along with individual sessions with me to open & close your personal transformation. Creating a container is essential.

A year-long journey

While a year may seem like a long time, Jung took over 16 years to create his Black & Red Books. These course steps are designed to provide a minimum of support & time to travel on a circuitous journey home to the soul & Self. They balance the need to go deep & live in the world, offering creative isolation along with partner & group work to simulate elements of the path that Jung taught, following his process. In walking this path, you are activating your imagination beyond art, as you enter into the Great Work of Art of the transformation of the world.

Following an archetypal pathway

Your journey follows a staged process like stepping stones with each week bringing a new lesson that characterizes a stage of the path, from journaling and dreamwork to shadow and active imagination. While what shows up for you in your experience and art is unique, these steps allow you to trust the process.  

Archetypal Psychology + Creativity

Soul Path
The soul leads us to deep transformation and self-realization in ways that are creative and imaginative. 
Called by your soul through images from dreams, visions, and the imagination, you are transformed in a process of deep soul care and soul relationship embodied in art.
Soul Love
The soul leads us to love which is the soul's greatest gift, reflecting their ability to unite opposites.
Just as Jung received a crown that said love never ends, we are guided to our own realization of self and soul love. What this looks and feels like is unique to each person.
Self Care
Self-care tends to your whole Self, gathering forgotten and repressed fragments of your soul from the past.
Receive tools that will support you to release unconscious patterns of self-doubt and neglect that lead to imbalance and disease. Down time is essential for creative growth.
Self Love
Gain the courage, confidence, and capacity of your soul to express Self-love for who YOU are.
Self-love is rooted in radical and deep acceptance of your uniqueness--how you are different. It is embodied in the unique qualities that are yours and yours alone.

Your soul brings you a vision 

Jung said that you cannot go directly into the unconscious but if you create unconsciously with your hands your soul will bring you a vision. Imagination has the roots magi for magic & image and it is the heart of this visionary path. As you walk you are activating your imagination & remembering how to play with your soul's images that guide you. Open your eyes, heart, & mind to a new way of seeing and being. Learn to navigate by starlight through the dark night of the soul.

Draw from a soul toolkit

While you are finding yourself and your way, you are on an archetypal path that offers a consistent way to navigate. Including elements of centering, mindfulness, visioning, dreaming, yoga, eco-psychology & breathwork, the soul guides us on a path that connects our nature to nature. So, we begin with introductory videos to seed your imagination with these ancient archetypal practices proven through time.

Dream into your nature

Bridging head & heart, this course follows in Jung's footsteps as he followed his soul into the wilds of his psychological nature to reconnect with the natural world. Because creativity expresses in our nature & nature, this is an eco-art therapeutic path to wholeness--to the whole world. This is more about the alchemical Great Work of Art than art. It is about your transformative growth, patterned after the perennial rhizome planted in the rich earth of your imagination to grow out of you in art.

Connect to your creative nature

Images connect our nature to nature because we are a part of nature. So these courses work & play with the nature of our body. Using the picture superiority effect to draw upon our evolution & orientation to vision, the coursework combines visual & verbal imagery in ways that have been proven to maximize our whole brain and body learning. Just as images are the wealth and language of the soul, they are the language we speak in our creativity throughout the coursework. You are learning the unique language of your soul's images that are both visual and verbal.

Wilderness of the soul

While we enter into the process on a path of painted steppingstones, we find ourselves in the natural world. Jung said that the soul would become less and less a personification, an "other" & more a function. So, we internalize our soul's capacity to activate the image of the world and navigate our life. We come alive & bring our life to life in its images. Where you find yourself upon this path is unique, but most people experience a deepening into the magic of nature & their own nature.

Soul advice: "drop into your heart"

In our modern world we have become head-centered, dismissing emotion and intuition as inferior feminine ways of knowing. In a very real way, this path leads from head to heart, reconnecting inner masculine and feminine ways of knowing in a union or coniunctio that alchemically unites above and below, spirit and matter. This is a path to wholeness that integrates all parts of our being in newly discovered yet ancient embodied ways of knowing rooted in the earth.

The soul speaks in images

The soul's communication is symbolic & imagistic, embodied & imaginal. Jung said that his soul did not have speech centers & let her use his to speak, & studies have found that during spiritual experiences speech is not generated in normal speech centers. Nor is core wounding reached by speech. Both are accessed through the imagistic & embodied language of the soul. So, this soul path combines visual & verbal imagery in the way of the soul (the picture superiority effect) in which words are symbolic & metaphoric images, combined with visual art. When Jung's soul referred to the Red Book as art, she meant all of it.

The soul's ethic is authenticity

This is a very simple path that requires that you honor the soul and the soul's images. Jung called this being a disciple to the image but it is really a discipleship to your soul as a guiding image. What this looks like will be unique to you but it is characterized by a sincere attention to the details of your soul's images, a willingness to follow them as a path.

The soul's goal is to make you whole.

This deep self-care heals you by helping you remember the forgotten & dismembered parts of yourself, life & soul. Buried in the unconscious, these fragments of your Self are gathered by following your soul & harvesting your soul's images in art & creativity. This process touches & redresses core wounds that lie at the heart of your complexes, mining the rich soil of your unconscious to embrace lost parts, buried & cast in shadow. You need all of these pieces to reclaim your power & soul. On a fundamental level this is a soul retrieval & a soul mate relationship. 

The soul's energy is creative.

When we tap into the soul, we tap into our ability to create, reflecting the creative nature of the soul. Our creativity can take different forms of expression in gardening or painting, poetry or sculpting, & it reflects the unique qualities and characteristics of your soul: of you. Art is a path of creativity connecting you & your soul through the imagination. 
Only in our creative acts do we step forth into the light and see ourselves as whole and complete. C G Jung

Imagine a new/old way and You

On this path you activate you imagination, moving ever deeper into yourself & the Self. The activating agent of the soul, the imagination is the soul's super power. An application of the intuition, imagination lets you reach places & knowledge otherwise unknown. As Albert Einstein said: "Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution." We need imagination to grow. 

Embracing your soul power.

Your soul's power is the power to recreate yourself, your life & the world. In this process you are creating soul to reanimate & reimagine the soul in the world. In embracing your soul power, you embrace your soul's gift--something that only you can express. The world needs each of our gifts. So, the end result of the path is that you offer the gift of yourself & soul to the world to make the world whole. You are being You.