Co-create a healing practice with the Land
This is not Tylenol but "medicine" as the spirit & energy of kinship that is the root of all healing as Life, a web of holistic interconnection in which we are one. A way to align, attune & atone with all life as Life (soul=life), the "wheel" is a mandala of wholeness that holds us in its womb, nurturing us as we grow into our true Self.
heal theyself: each of us creates our own medicine
You are the wheel
Medicine wheels are maps uniting inner and outer realities on fractal levels of scale. They connect above and below, heaven and earth in ways that are personal and universal. Built upon an archetypal blueprint, this kit helps you design a medicine wheel to reflect YOU as a co-creator of your own harmonious universe.
God is an infinite sphere, the center of which is everywhere, the circumference nowhere.
Hermes Trismegistus, the fabled originator of Alchemy
circle Medicine connects everything from the big bang to the singularity
Align to & move with the circle of Creation
This is a living path where map and compass are one.
Come create your story, mythology, and cosmology
Are you walking in balance with the greater cycle?
Grandmother Medicine song
I see a time of seven generations when all the colors of mankind will gather under the sacred tree of life and the whole earth will become one again.
crazy horse
Medicine for the Land
Who is this path for? Earth +
Create many wheels
You will probably find yourself called to create different wheels for different purposes at different times. To help you imagine into & do this, resources are included for a:
- Outside Medicine Wheel with mineral, plant & animal medicine
- Altar Medicine Wheel (inside, out or aligned to creative project)
- V
- Assignments
- 24/7 Support with Live Chat
Indigenous Wisdom
From Sun Bear to the Sami & the ancestors within
Depth Psychology
Eco & Terra Psychology
Plant Medicine
Nature-Based Ritual
Womb of Self-creation & realization
Ethic of Appreciation vs Appropriation
At a recent native ceremony, a leader declared & embraced the gathering by acknowledging that we all have a drum beating in our past. So, we all have a medicine wheel practice too.
The beauty of this kit & process is that it is one of self-creation & realization in which you create your own medicine . . . every step of creation & every time you step back in. For, each medicine wheel has its own magic & medicine that only you can know & experience. As you tune in & create, listen into what is called forth, for what reason & from what source. In this way, you become the medicine wheel attuning yourself to inside & out. Each time you enter & exit, you create a reciprocal relationship that bridges opposites, weaving back & forth .
There are no rules to this. As the saying goes, it is between you & You, but it is wise to check in with your motives & how you "feel" in a synthetic sense as a whole (all 22+ senses). This is all about alignment & attunement. Be self-reflective & self-honest. Be natural & connect to your nature. Listen to & honor the earth.
There are no rules to this. As the saying goes, it is between you & You, but it is wise to check in with your motives & how you "feel" in a synthetic sense as a whole (all 22+ senses). This is all about alignment & attunement. Be self-reflective & self-honest. Be natural & connect to your nature. Listen to & honor the earth.
A portal between worlds
1 Center
First you center yourself inwardly to find your Self and your inner circle.
2 Square
Then you align to the outer world with its season, directions, and elements.
3 Activate
When you have created your wheel you will dedicate and activate it.
4 Create
Once activated return again and again for ongoing healing and empowerment.