

ongoing availability
(because darkness can't be scheduled)

Turn suffering into sacred sacrifice

This kit is designed to help turn the sh*t of every day life into rich psychic soil for soul growth as we journey from dusk to dawn, past to present to harvest life's challenging experiences. We all suffer & this is a chance to turn the lead of our unexamined lives into gold as we mine our memories for the gifts of meaning, insight & revelation.
The dark night of the soul comes just before revelation. When everything is lost, and all seems darkness, then come the new life and all that is needed. [If we see it.]
Joseph campbell

Find inner light

We are all initiated into the underworld of depression, death, disease & divorce (you name it). It is up to us what we do with these experiences . . . whether we mine them for the treasure buried in the unconscious or remain in a state of unexamined victimhood (i.e. suffering).  This is a call to heal ourselves & the world & feel real soul JOY.
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The dark sky helps to see the stars . . . The dark night of the soul helps us to see the light within.
Bert McCoy

What will you receive?

Guidance to and through the darkness. As night follows day, we all have darkness to navigate & wounds to heal.

Support Grieving

Grieving is from grever "to burden," & rituals helps us lay our burdens down 

Insight & Intuition

Support & activities to gain insight into the past & intuition for healing insight

Embodied Process

Body Mapping, movement, yoga & dance aid in somatic memory healing 

Forgiveness & Release

Letting go of the past to receive in the present & create your own future.

Death & rebirth (metaphor)

Something has to die to be reborn & night is symbolic of death. What is being born?

Vision & Hope

End with a vision quest to see the dawn of a new day, calling, name, life & soul ID.

Introduction to the darkness

What will you get from this night journey?  (Is this scary?)
Write your awesome label here.
May it be a light to your in dark places, when all other lights go out. . . not all who wander are lost.
JRR Tolkien

Transform together

"Don't build a wall around your own suffering- it may devour you from the inside." Frida Kahlo
Come and cocoon over a 3 month journey to transform like the metamorphosis of the butterfly from the caterpillar. Individually we experience the darkness as an alchemical disintegration that precedes integration. In the velvet dark of the cocoon, we liquify into the unconscious waters of imaginal cells to be reborn in a new form. But in the pitch black of the darkness, we can feel lost and alone. This course is designed to help hold us as we transition together through dusk until dawn as a community.

Is this path for you? (Got darkness?)

This kit is ideal for anyone who seeks to lay the burden of grief down and create new patterns, memories and stories to guide you to a place of greater lightness of being, moving from night to day and fear to love. It is a journey of hope and soul rebirth as we work and play with shadow. Honestly, if you are on this planet, you have darkness to alchemize . . . personally & collectively. We are light bringers for our new Enlightenment. Kindle your light!
*As always, no art "skills" are required or even relevant. . . nor will this be dark or painful. We will not dwell in the darkness but illuminate it (& even love it).

Our mission: support you with soul resources to navigate the darkness

100k students
In depth analysis
Market structure
Technical insight

Flexible hours

Our online learning platform & kits give you the flexibility to travel at your own pace, on your own schedule & still connect to others as we travel together.

Training materials

Our training materials have been specifically designed to be engaging and informative. Our courses are easy to follow, and are broken down into digestible chapters, which contain a mix of text, images, and videos.

Quality content

We understand that staying at the top of your profession means accessing education and earning certificates efficiently and effectively.

Online courses

We provide online courses that prepares everyone for the real world. We offer an array of courses that cover everything from business to writing skills, helping our students gain knowledge and practice their skills at the same time.
The soul faithfully comes to our aid through dreams, deep emotion, love, the quiet voice of guidance, synchronicities, revelations, hunches, and visions, and at times through illness nightmares, and terrors. 
Bill plotkin
Write your awesome label here.

Myth & Story

Discover your myth to retell & remember your life story
Write your awesome label here.

Nature Immersion

Connect to your nature through the cycle of nature
Write your awesome label here.

Creative Expression

 Collage, write, paint, sculpt, doodle or draw inner truth
Write your awesome label here.

Embodied Movement

Dance & dialogue with your shadow cast in your body
Write your awesome label here.


Write daily reflections to support your process
Write your awesome label here.

Active Imagination

Dialogue with your soul in life, dream & fantasy
Write your awesome label here.

Shadow Work/Play

 Illuminate the wounds of the past to heal them
Write your awesome label here.


Meditate & pray as a process of vision & revelation
Become the bright light for others, when their world becomes dark. 
Josh Stobbard
Write your awesome label here.

Daily Creative Prompts

Write, Doodle, Draw to explore shadow
Write your awesome label here.

Weekly Lessons & Activities

Reflect & Check
to know yourself
Write your awesome label here.

Reading & Live Support

 Learn & Transform
to gain insight
Write your awesome label here.

Rituals & Rite of Passage

Celebrate Growth
in ritual and rite
There is a light in this world, a healing spirit more powerful than any darkness we may encounter. We sometimes lose sight of this force when there is suffering, too much pain. Then suddenly, the spirit will emerge through the lives of ordinary people who hear a call and answer in extraordinary ways. 
Mother Teresa

What to expect from dusk to dawn

This course leads through the darkness into the light. The truth is that the darkness is always with us, just behind us in the unconscious as a shadow. To confront the shadow is the only way to illuminate it. Though this is not easy, it is profoundly rewarding and life affirming, touching upon the core of who you are and why you are here: what you are called to do. You can expect to encounter dreams and synchronicities to guide you . . . as well as some bumps along the road as you learn to navigate by starlight to release your fear. 
If you comprehend the darkness, it seizes you. It comes over you like the night with black shadows and countless shimmering stars. Silence and peace come over you if you begin to comprehend the darkness. Only he who does not comprehend the darkness fears the night. . . One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious. [Don't be afraid! Love is in the stars.]
c g junG

Step 1.


Create a threshold to mark the beginning of your initiation. What will you take & leave on your night journey? Inventory.
Activity. start journal & make a threshold

Step 2.


Through self-reflection in art & journaling design a ritual to hold & guide you in the light and kindle it as an intention within.
Activity. create DNS altar, cocoon & ritual

Step 3.


Watch where light and dark meet to see both shadows and beauty. Inventory of inner & outer darkness as a story.
Activity. sunset life inventory & story

Step 4.


Chart the stars & your astrology to find your inner North Star. Explore the myth & look to other stories told in the heavens.
Activity. map stars, ID sign & soul symbol

Step 5.


Integrate your life story (& core wounds) in a creation myth/origin story to see where you came from & are going.
Activity. write & illustrate your DNS story

Step 6.

Darkest before Dawn

It is dark before light in myth & story as shadow work births illumination. Be in & befriend the darkness inside & out.  
Activity. soul parenting & bedtime story

Step 7.


Reflect on & map dreams as a story. Look for patterns, messages, characters & motifs to create a dream landscape & play.
Activity. create a dream mystery play

Step 8.


Look for signs of hope in your life & all life to mine the lessons from the deep & jewels from the unconscious underworld. 
Activity. stone memory anchor garden

Step 9.


Greet the dawn as a symbol of hope & renewal. Journal, color & paint an image of the sunrise in open love & ceremony.
Activity. sunrise painting & honoring

Step 10.


Write love letters & poetry. Dance. Skip & give thanks (your way). Notice the sun on dew, the illumination through leaves . . .
Activity. make gifts to give back & forward

Step 11.


Give the gifts to friends, family, the earth & those in need. Lend a hand to pass on your light to illuminate others darkness.
Activity. offer gratitude to forgive & love 

Step 12.


Light gives sight & we end with a ritual circle, vision quest with art, a medicine walk in nature, power symbol & statement.
Activity. rite of passage & power necklace

 Dark Night of the Soul

The darkness that births the light 

Who is (or really wants to be) an expert in the dark night of the soul? The obvious answer is the soul, but another answer is all of us who walk the healing path. Shaman means healer and also "one who sees in the dark," so we walk a healing path together to heal both individually and collectively. On this journey I will create a container to help hold our transformation, following my own forays into the depths and through the dark night of the soul. Having undergone a series of life changes and challenges to myself and those close to me, including depression, addiction, a suicide attempt, cancer, and a car crash in the time of covid, I am learning to be comfortable with discomfort as I navigate the darkness. These experiences have taught me about myself, my belief, and ultimately my power to transform, inspiring me to offer this course as support for others who journey to find themselves and their way at this time. This is a place and a time to help each other as we loose and find ourselves under the stars, waiting in a power circle to greet the dawn and the beauty of the sunrise. 

Soul Birth

A dance of dark and light

 “The dark night of the soul is a journey into light, a journey from your darkness into the strength and hidden resources of your soul.” Caroline Myss
The dark night of the soul offers a safe space to cocoon as we awaken to the brilliance of the light and life growing within us. The darkness of the soul's journey is really another way of saying metamorphosis, reflecting an inner initiation in which we gather the gifts of soul to become integrated and whole. It is a time of opportunity that we are going through collectively and individually. From a pandemic to political tension, ecological disaster to economic strife, t is not surprising that on a personal level we have epidemic levels of suicide, depression, anxiety and abuse. Yet, just as the symbol for conflict means opportunity in different languages, we have a powerful chance to transform and awaken to a new higher potential. Though the circumstances of our night journey may vary, we can all use a container of support to hold us as we come to soul-consciousness together. 
The dark night of the soul is a kind of death that you die. What dies is the egoic sense of self.
c g jung

Crisis as opportunity: change

The dark night of the soul is a spiritual or soul crisis that offers us a path through the darkness into the light of a new day and a new capability through a shift from orbiting around the ego to soul, from fear to love. As we journey, we transform into something deeper and more natural, discovering and embracing who we are. The dark night of the soul is an opportunity to heal and become whole by accepting and loving our darkness to claim our light.
There can be no rebirth without a dark night of the soul, a total annihilation of all that you believed in and thought that you were.
hazrat inayat khan

Explore the darkness

We begin our journey ... exploring the darkness. This is a course that centers around the stars and the starlight of the soul. The heavenly illumination can feel like the diffused light of the stars or the electric strike of lightning connecting heaven and earth. The dark night of the soul can be painful and life threatening but it is also how we come to consciousness and transform. It is a process of death and rebirth in which we are reborn like a butterfly in the form of the soul and take flight.
Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darkness of other people. 
c g jung
create a circle to hold you together

Support Structure

The fathomless depths of the soul require a well to hold the water and reflect the stars. This circle has 3 parts

partner work to support your healing

Create stunning sales pages for your courses using dozens of eye-catching templates. No design or development skills needed.

group work to hold the container

Sell more online courses with coupons, bundles, subscriptions, and Drip Feed. Our tools give you unparalleled flexibility in marketing your courses.

social media hub for community support

A complete built-in social network for connecting with your students. The only online course platform that helps your students connect with peers.


Feeling and walking alone is important to find our soul


Find a partner to talk to and confide in as you journey


Gather your friends & loved ones to support each other


Social media connection will seed cultural transformation

All you have to do is be your Self

While the dark night of the soul can be hard, calling us into the darkness of our past, world, and life, it offers a chance to overcome the obstacles before us and within us. Releasing fear and past patterns, we are able to move forward in our life, releasing the past to embrace the present.
"The most terrifying this is to accept oneself completely." Jung
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
Marianne williamson
Prompts, activities & rituals to illuminate the darkness

A Chance to HEAL the past

We all want a fresh start.

We all have a wound to heal.

The journey of the dark night of the soul is where we find out who we are.
requiem of the Moon
There is no coming to consciousness without pain. People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own Soul. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.
C G Jung
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To be naked is to be vulnerable

In some cultures the indigenous people have noted that the greatest sadness is to not know your true calling or dance naked under the stars. This is a path of trust and courage, calling us to go into our own darkness. 
If you can touch your shadow--within form--and do something out of your ordinary pattern, a great deal of energy will flow from it.
Josh Stobbard

Shadow work and play

The Dark Night of the Soul and the Soul of Creativity work and play with the perfect imperfection of our authentic (messy) self and Self. This is a different kind of art than the superficially perfected image behind glass. We will integrate story, creative journaling, active imagination, dreamwork, and shadow play. The mantra of this journey is there is only one way and it’s your way (really your soul's way). So sit back and relax. Your soul knows the way. This is really a path of creative play.
The reason why the soul not only travels securely when it thus travels in the dark, but makes even greater progress, is this: In general the soul makes greater progress when it least thinks so [or we least think so].
st john of the cross

Dive into the dark

This is a  deep dive into the dark night of the soul in which the structure is one of inner and outer guidance and support with a structure to contain the darkness. 
When everything is lost, and all seems darkness, then comes the new life and all that is needed. 
Joseph Campbell

Birthed from darkness to light

This kit travels the journey from dusk to dawn. While this course digs deep into the darkness of our embodied wounds the the rich depths of our psychic soul. So, on its deepest level, this is about establishing and strengthening your relationship to soul to help guide you through the darkness. It is a time to reimagine and envision yourself and your life. Like a vision quest, you are claiming your power, purpose, and identity in the world. Who are you called to be in your greatness? Dare to move toward the light of our own soul.

Beauty of light in the darkness


Coursework and play . . .

Each week your content drops down for you below.

Continuing support

While we are not in control of how the darkness comes, we can control how we we work with and transform through the movement. We can transform and deepen in love, light, peace and courage, fostering an appreciation for the darkness, but we cannot make the darkness stop.