

Journey deeper into dreams.

Awaken to dreams as a path of discovery

Welcome to an 8-week orientation on the power of dreams in which we create & cultivate a dream garden. Beginning with a dream journal, we learn skills and techniques to dig deep into the rich soil of our dream life.
We have forgotten the age-old fact that God speaks chiefly through dreams and visions.
C G Jung

Kit: Dream Council

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Images guide you

This is a deep dive into dreaming and visioning as sources of guiding imagery from the soul. Based on the metaphor of creating a dream garden, we will weed, plant, water, tend and harvest a garden of dream seeds to gather the nourishing guidance and healing of our soul. The course is an 8 week deep dive into the beauty and wisdom of dreams and dream images (whether sleeping or waking) with bi-monthly dream drop-in groups. In this course participants will work with dream journaling, gardening and active imagination.
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Dream Garden 

Learn to use all the related tools, walk into a job and be a rockstar from day one
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Is this path for you?

No art skills or psychological knowledge are required. This class is about deep transformation, requiring only commitment, compassion, and authenticity. It is ideal for anyone who seeks their: life purpose or soul's calling; a deeper relationship to themselves, others, and their soul; a connection to the unity that underlies reality; and an abiding love that comes from realizing that you indwell an animate or ensouled cosmos. 

What are people saying . . .

This coursework is deep psycho-active or soul activating creativity. It is often described as life changing, offering the gift of getting to know your soul and yourself. It is not easy, but it is profoundly rewarding and life affirming, touching upon the core of who you are and why you are here. At its foundation this art is about your heart's purpose and soul's call.
Its beautiful the language that you use. . . I really feel that you have made such a huge contribution to our souls, to our artistic creative selves. . . You have come in and created a furthering of neuropathways and pathways for us to look at the artist, the archetypal artist, and give us a place where we can have soul. I have great appreciation for what you have done with your dissertation. I would like to have a lot more Jungian work like this.
Fanny Brewster, MFA, PhD, analyst, artist, educator,, and author
Heather is a masterful educator on how to heal and grow through art. Her presence is open, kind, wise and playful. She is skilled at creating an amazing and safe container for individuals to explore, go deep and have meaningful transformative experiences while guided by her. Her engagement with nature as a vessel for her work is powerful. Embarking on a journey of personal growth with her guidance will be blessing in your life.
Mary Gibbons, MD, physician, policy maker, educator, and facilitator
Heather is an exceptional teacher and group facilitator, as well as a beautifully soulful artist and person. She is gifted in leading persons in learning how art evokes the soul while also guiding them into creative exploration of their own inner images. Heather's depth and breadth of knowledge on Jung's Red Book is rare and is complimented by a graceful adeptness at teaching others how to journey into the spiral of their own depths through art and creativity.
Fanny Brewster, MFA, PhD, analyst, artist, educator,, and author
Heather clearly brought scholarship and art together to achieve a transcendent function in a really beautiful way.
Jennifer Leigh Selig, PhD, educator, speaker, and award-winning co-author of Deep Creativity
You and the work you are doing are an inspiration.
Susan Rowland, PhD, educator, speaker, and co-author of Jungian Arts-Based Research
Heather is a creative genius, making artists feel safe to explore and create.
Victoria Christiansen, MFA, MSW, therapist and award-winning author of Feminine Mysticism in Art

Heather Taylor-Zimmerman, PhD

Cultivating a Rich Dream Life

Heather has spent weeks without sleep, exploring the realm between sleeping and waking, learning to navigate the land between light and dark, day and night. Through this experience and her exploration of dreaming and visioning traditions from the East and West, past and present, she has cultivated a unique and archetypal approach to dreaming the dream awake. Navigating terrain from Jungian dreamwork to modern vision quests, she helps you plant, tend, cultivate and enrich the soil of your life with your dreams, both waking and sleeping. This class awakens the dreamer and the dream with journals and group work. Moving through the seasons the seeds of your soul potential take root, transforming yourself and life. 

 Planting Dream Seeds

Follow Your Soul Dream Guide

 "Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake." 

Henry David Thoreau
Dreams and visions are the primary ways that the soul communes and communicates with us. Through symbolic sight and insight, we will learn to see and see through our dreams to envision the soul beyond. In this course you will remember the lost language of the soul's dream, returning to the root of the word shaman as a healer "who sees in the dark. This is a chance to play in the rich soil of your dream garden and remember and create your dreams in the light of day.
"We have forgotten the age-old fact that God speaks chiefly through dreams and visions." Jung

Fostering a rich dream life

This course centers around a natural metaphor of a dream garden. Starting with the rich soil of our dreams, both sleeping and waking, we lay the groundwork for these seed images with dream journaling, activities, and prompts. An additional monthly dream group and dream partner help us tend our dreams together. This is a psychological offering, rooted in the symbolism of our dreams to guide us in our lives.

This course comes with a discussion group, bi-weekly zoom, and 2 personal sessions with Heather.

Dream Seeding to awaken

"Every human life contains a potential, if that potential is not fulfilled, then that life was wasted." This is a call to the rhizome buried in our life that holds our purpose. What is our potential--our soul's true call?

Dream Seeds and Soul Gardening

"The dream is the small hidden door in the deepest and most intimate sanctum of the soul, which opens to that primeval cosmic night that was soul long before there was conscious ego and will be soul far beyond what a conscious ego could ever reach." C G Jung
The dream garden is a sacred place for you to return to again and again. You will be encouraged to cultivate in ways both "real" and "imaginal."

Dreaming the dream on

This is a chance to explore dreams and visions by dreaming them on in your life. In cultivating a dream practice, you invite your soul to come and dream speak, teaching you a symbolic language that you know unconsciously and speak naturally but have forgotten in your waking life. Dreams help us to awaken memories and capacities, buried like hidden treasure in our past. They teach us how to dream and imagine--whether asleep or awake--a life of soulful meaning

The trailhead and toolkit

In this class we explore a variety of dream approaches from the psychologist Carl Jung to more recent dream orientations like Stephen Aizenstat and more ancient ones like the Senoi tribe. Weaving individual and group dynamics together, we will explore our dreams and how we can dream the dream on in our lives as individuals and as a whole. It is said that a dream which has not been interpreted is like an unread letter. This is a chance to open and read our letters and begin a lasting correspondence in the garden of our soul.

Designed to see & seed in the dark  

The Soul of Creativity is based on a connection between our nature and nature—biological, psychological and ecological. Deeper still, it is rooted in the alchemical or transformational connection between spirit and matter that connects us to our soul through our creative nature, deepening our relationship between the unconscious and conscious—body, mind and spirit. To dance in turn and in time with the seasons, the courses allow you to step in whenever and wherever you are, beginning the dream cycles of seeding, weeding, watering, tending and harvesting.

A Container of 1


You dream your dreams.

A Partner of 2 or 3

You and a Partner

You partner together.

A Group

You and a Group

You are held in circle.

Creating a structure.

A container holds you encounter and transmute our inner images. In this process you create a container with a dream journal and sleep rituals as well as a partner practice and dream group. Creating a container is how we begin. It helps to hold you with your classmates.

Dream Garden + Dream Growth

Dream gardening involves 4 stages: dream seeding, watering, tending and, harvesting. 
Each stage is introduced over 2 weeks with activities and skills with one month to begin, introducing the practice of a dream journal and techniques and another month of active dream garden cultivation, harvesting and sharing at the end. An ongoing drop in dream group extends the practice with dream partnering and sharing, fostering collective dreaming. In this way we tend the garden of the world and help to cultivate our soul's seeds.
Week 1, 2 weeding & Seeding
Dreams seed our awareness with symbolic images that speak to us from the unconscious depths of our soul. These seed images lie dormant, planted in our imagination. 
We begin with an introduction to dreams and a dream journal practice, sharing our history with dreams and dream images. So we begin by planting, weeding and caring for the soul's seeds, enriching our soil.
Week 3 & 4 Watering & Composting
Dream seeds are watered by activating our imagination and pouring out our attention. Dream active imagination helps us water the images so they grow and develop. 
Watering the seeds of our dreams helps us to not only activate but enhance our imagination as a tool of dream exploration. Like watering a plant, our dreams are watered in creative journaling, dream labs, and a dream seed group. Watering is how we bring the dream to life.
Week 5 & 6 Tending & Sharing
When tended, dream seeds grow into a garden full of rich themes and characters. Like a small ecosystem, the garden is natural and organic, feeding our dream nature.
Tending our dreams through art journaling, dream visioning (active imagination) and circle work/play, we develop along with the plants in our dream garden, nourished by their growth in ourselves and our lives.
Week 7 & 8 Harvesting & Turning 
Dreams feed us. When we cultivate our dream garden, we reap the benefit n ways known and unknown, as dream images stimulate our imagination and intuition to grow.
Harvesting our dreams in dream alchemy, mapping and sharing practices, we create a sustainable dream agriculture that can help feel and sustain not only ourselves but our group and the world--dreaming the dream on.
Beginning with an orientation and toolkit creation for deep sleep and dreams with protocols and a dream partner practice. . .

Dream Symbols

Bonus: Soul Language

Introduction to Dream Symbols

Dream Practice

Bonus: Sleep Hygiene

Dream & Sleep Yoga and MORE

Dream Council

Bonus: Source of Guidance

Step by Step how to gather your Council

Dream Introduction🌙✨

Week 1: Language of Dreams

- Introduction to dreams as a gateway to the unconscious and collective conscious.
- Exploring the symbolism and metaphorical language of dreams.
- Techniques for dream recall and keeping a dream journal to remember and share.

Dream Sharing 🌙✨🌒

Week 2: Power of Dreams

- Creating a safe and non-judgmental space for dream sharing.
- The art of active listening and empathetic dream reflection.
- Understanding the therapeutic value of sharing dreams in a group setting.

Dream Characters✨🌒

Week 3: Archetypes

 - Identifying archetypal figures and symbols in dreams.

- The significance of dream characters and their messages.
- Techniques for engaging with dream figures and gaining insights.

Lucid Dreaming🌙✨🌒

Week 4: Dream Control

- Exploring lucid dreaming as a tool for conscious exploration.

- Techniques for inducing lucidity in dreams and dream control.
- Ethical considerations and responsible practices in lucid dreaming.

Dream Incubation🌙✨

Week 5:  Intention Setting

- Understanding dream incubation and setting dream intentions.
- Cultivating a deeper connection with dreams through intentionality.
- Group exercise: Setting intentions for shared dream exploration.

Nightmares 🌙✨🌒

Week 6: Healing Dreams

- Navigating nightmares as potential gateways to healing.
- Techniques for transforming and working with challenging dreams.
- The role of healing dreams in promoting emotional well-being.

Dream Symbols🌙✨🌒

Week 7: Personal Mythology

- Exploring personal dream symbols and their meanings.
- Unraveling the threads of personal mythology within dreams.
- Group exercise: Analyzing shared dream symbols and themes.

Dream Rituals🌙✨🌒

Week 8: Dream Communities 

- The power of dream rituals for integration and healing.
- Creating a dream community for ongoing support and exploration.
- Final group activity: Designing a collective dream ritual.

Your Practice🌙✨🌒

Week 9: Ongoing Resources

9. Create and extend your own Practice with reading suggestions.
- Additional Dream Prompts and Seeds

- Suggestions for Dreaming the Dream on.
- Create your own Dream Group Practice with Suggestions

Reading Resources


You dream your dreams.

Dream Extensions


You partner together.

Dream Seeds


You are held in circle. 

Coursework and play . . .

Each week your content drops down for you below.

Dream Techniques

For as long as there have been people there have been dreams and techniques to help us harvest their honey. Dream Gardening integrates techniques from different cultures and times along archetypal lines.
These include: Jungian, dream tending, dream yoga, lucid dreaming

Dream Journaling


Embodying your dreams

Dream Collage


Collage dream images

Dream Time


Move into synchronicity

Dream Yoga


Embody dreams

Dreams open our eyes to connect the dots.

While each dream can be seen as a single communication or image, together dreams can help us constellate and see a larger picture. Part of what we are doing in our dream garden is looking at our own myth and how it is constellated in the heavens like the days of ol.d

Dreams guide us with symbolic images.

Our dreams invite us to journey on a symbolic pathway in which images are the stepping stones that lead us along the way. Just as the ancients navigated epic journeys their lives, whether over unconscious waters or conscious dry land, we remember how to use our dream mythologies to reach new horizons and destinations. This is a time to lie back and drink in the bejeweled heavens of the stars as they radiate a soul map for us.