Navigating by sight & insight
The eye is a creator, or it is the expression of the creator . . . [through perception] you come into the heart of God, you enter God, the creator of worlds.
C G Jung
24 days to change your vision
Modern Vision Quest
Vision is a way to perceive and receive your soul guidance. Beyond vision, "visions" synthesize multiple senses, perspectives and dimensions into a whole.
Learn through examples
Visionaries from caves to Patanjali, Hildegarde, Black Elk and Jung
Explore through activities
Daily activities and prompts embody visionary capacities in yourself and life.
See psychologically
A psychological or soul lens allows you to see the soul mirrored in the world.
Create a new worldview
24 days helps pattern trust in yourself and life to view the world as a greater whole.
Navigate a vision quest
While the ROP kit is more traditional, this path offers a different kind of vision quest.
Share your vision
Ways to share your visions with others gives you a vision of the objective soul.
Eyes are the window to the soul and "We are only as blind as we want to be." Maya angelou
To awaken we must open our inner eye
to a new worldview of possibility
the teleological call of soul vision, purpose & creation
The eye is the mirror of the soul.
The power of visions can save your life.
Why vision?
Throughout time, the soul is associated with sight and the eye. It is an inner eye and insight that sees through the veil of the world, looking within and without. So we awaken our inner vision and the third eye as a way to see & create.
Kit: Visioning as a Soul Connection
Course features
Author: Name
Level: Advanced
Study time: X hours
Video time: X hours
Exams: X
Course overview
This is a kit designed to help connect you to your soul through archetypal visions. Including the examples of C G Jung, Christiana Morgan, William Blake, Hildegarde of Bingen and visionary traditions from the past, this is a path paved by the footsteps of the prophetic visionaries who have gone before, honoring the truth: without vision people perish.
Certification included
Learn to use all the related tools, walk into a job and be a rockstar from day one. The skill you need to become a real professional. Learn the tools used by the world's top professionals. Boost your confidence, master the field.
Visioning is symbol thought
Who is this path for?
Soul Vision
Collective Vision
As always, your way . . .
What people are saying . . .
Following in the soul's footsteps
Your Soul
Archetypal eye
A gnostic path to direct knowledge
Day 1
Day 2
Complex Lens
Day 3
Night Vision
Day 4
Cosmic Vision
Day 5
Soul Lens
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Eye's Symbolism
Day 11
3rd Eye
Day 12
Synthetic Sight
Day 13
Day 14
Day 15
Day 16
Day 17
World View
Day 18
Quantum Vision
Day 19
Day 20
Day 21
Day 22
Day 23
Vision Quest
Day 24
This is a journey home to yourSelf.
This is a trailhead to your soul
Soul Worldview
Safe Container
Coursework and play . . .
A structure to CONTAIN the process
You + Soul
Follow in archetypal footsteps.
Follow in archetypal footsteps.
Mapping the unseen
Your soul brings you a vision
Soul Vision
Creative Imagination
Self Care
Self Love