Share images to gain collective insight
"The soul speaks in images." & "Image is psyche."
c g jung
Social Dreaming Matrix Group
A kit to increase your intuition as the power and nature of the soul. With examples, demonstrations, visual talks, and more, this is a place to come remember not only ancient and archetypal knowledge but also the ways of knowing that leads to and embodies it. Interweaving different ways of knowing including visual, audio, kinesthetic, participatory, natural, and written language, this is a place to explore different ways to commune and communicate with the world. Codes: FREELOVE (free) LOVE75 (% off) LOVE50 & LOVE25 (ongoing access)
share images 24/7
live discussion group -
weekly content drop
in response to our image -
emergent structure
dream ecosystem -
visionary art guide
prompts & inspiration

Examining recalled dreams [& visions] with many others in a Social Dreaming Matrix leads to the transformation of the thinking embedded in the dreams. There are infinite meanings to a dream by regarding the dream as an unconscious product of cultural knowledge, not as an expression of the psyche exclusively, opening new possibilities of thinking.
Gordon Lawrence

Why a Dream Matrix & why share now?
Images are the language of the 95% of us that is unconscious, guiding us collectively to perceive through the soul's collective lens & transcend the individual limitation of separation.
This is powerful work, but it is also fun, offering a time for us to come together in a creative treasure hunt, following soul. This class helps you:
* Understand the images of your dreams, visions, synchronicities & experiences
* Create connections between different people & images to guide us as a whole
* Make friends & network to enact & embody the images in service to the soul
* Explore different techniques for understanding, revelation & revolution
* Come together to pioneer group revelation & individuation
* Bridge unconscious & conscious instinct & ideas in images & action
* Document & archive psychic images for future insight
* Synthesize disparate perspectives & traditions
* Catalyze new forms of transdisciplinary learning & teaching
* Understand the images of your dreams, visions, synchronicities & experiences
* Create connections between different people & images to guide us as a whole
* Make friends & network to enact & embody the images in service to the soul
* Explore different techniques for understanding, revelation & revolution
* Come together to pioneer group revelation & individuation
* Bridge unconscious & conscious instinct & ideas in images & action
* Document & archive psychic images for future insight
* Synthesize disparate perspectives & traditions
* Catalyze new forms of transdisciplinary learning & teaching
Who is this path for?

Deep Listening to the soul's whisper

Without vision people perish . . .

Ongoing monthly drop in sessions
with a 24-7 group discussion to share
It all depends on how we look at things, and not how they are in themselves. The least of things with meaning is worth more in life than the greatest of things without it. [Find collective meaning.]
C G Jung

24/7 Dream Discussion
Share in Community
Weekly Prompts
Prompts Responding to You
Monthly Live Drop-In
Sessions to Vision Together
Dream & Vision Journal
Begin to record your dreams
Symbols & Synchronicity
Record key images & insights
Images in the World
Track visions & living images
Coursework and play . . .

Write your awesome label here.
Share Images
Journal & Embody Images
from dreams & visions
Write your awesome label here.
Study Symbols
Symbolic Image Meditation to arrive at deeper insight
Write your awesome label here.
Create Art
Embody Images in the Arts
write, dance, draw, collage...
write, dance, draw, collage...
Write your awesome label here.
Discuss & Gain Insight
See Through Image Sharing
for a collective perspective
Emergent matrix structure guides us

Set Structure
Weekly drop-in content
Emergent Structure
Emerging in & through images
Holographic Structure
Synthesize multiple perspectives

Everything to come was already in images: to find their soul, the ancients went into the desert. This is an image. The ancients lived their symbols . . . [how can we?].
c g jung
Understanding archetypal ancestral images
Social Dreaming is a place for you to drop deep, share images, create positive change, and make new friends. This is a place of soulful (inclusive, loving, respectful . . . ) community in which we dream the dream on in a Social Matrix of:
Soul Conversation including many visions & voices
Deep Meaning derived from many hearts & heads
Intuitive Practice brings us together to teach one another
Emergent Complex Adaptive Structure based on biomimicry
Visionary Equality in which all voices are required
Matrix Structure of the "Realm of the Mothers" & Matter (mater, mother)

Our souls do not speak human language; they communicate to us through symbols, metaphors, visions, poetry, deep feelings, and everyday magic.
[Let's be real, sometimes it is hard to figure images out.]
[Let's be real, sometimes it is hard to figure images out.]

Whose eyes do you see through?

It all depends on how we look at things, and not how they are in themselves. The least of things with meaning is worth more in life than the greatest of things without it.
C G Jung

Live your anima-l & ancestors (or?)
The path from dreams to success does exist. May you have the vision to find it, the courage to get on to it, and the perseverance to follow it. (social = together)
Kalpana Chawla

Friends & Guests
Visionaries through Time
Dreams & Visions
Learning & Healing
The path from dreams to success does exist. May you have the vision to find it, the courage to get on to it, and the perseverance to follow it. (social = together)
Kalpana Chawla

Visionary art embodies images

Structure: You are held in CIRCLE

A circle of ONE
this is between you & YOU
A Partner . . . if you want
you can make this on your own
A community CIRCLE
You are held in a larger circle
All symbolic images welcome . . .