
Image Group

Share images to see the whole picture of our soul.

Share images to gain collective insight

This is an ongoing support group for psyche in which we share images in a private social media group and in ongoing monthly drop-in sessions. Come share your images from dreams, visions, synchronicities, revelries & more. This is a way to vision collectively and dream socially in service of psyche as a teacher and guide. Let's reimagine the world in service to the world soul!
"The soul speaks in images." & "Image is psyche."
c g jung

Social Dreaming Matrix Group

A kit to increase your intuition as the power and nature of the soul. With examples, demonstrations, visual talks, and more, this is a place to come remember not only ancient and archetypal knowledge but also the ways of knowing that leads to and embodies it. Interweaving different ways of knowing including visual, audio, kinesthetic, participatory, natural, and written language, this is a place to explore different ways to commune and communicate with the world. Codes: FREELOVE (free) LOVE75 (% off) LOVE50 & LOVE25 (ongoing access)
  • share images 24/7

    live discussion group
  • weekly content drop

    in response to our image
  • emergent structure

    dream ecosystem
  • visionary art guide

    prompts & inspiration
Examining recalled dreams [& visions] with many others in a Social Dreaming Matrix leads to the transformation of the thinking embedded in the dreams. There are infinite meanings to a dream by regarding the dream as an unconscious product of cultural knowledge, not as an expression of the psyche exclusively, opening new possibilities of thinking.
Gordon Lawrence

Why a Dream Matrix & why share now?

Images are the language of the 95% of us that is unconscious, guiding us collectively to perceive through the soul's collective lens & transcend the individual limitation of separation.
This is powerful work, but it is also fun, offering a time for us to come together in a creative treasure hunt, following soul. This class helps you:

* Understand the images of your dreams, visions, synchronicities & experiences
* Create connections between different people & images to guide us as a whole
* Make friends & network to enact & embody the images in service to the soul
* Explore different techniques for understanding, revelation &  revolution 
* Come together to pioneer group revelation & individuation
* Bridge unconscious & conscious instinct & ideas in images & action
* Document & archive psychic images for future insight
* Synthesize disparate perspectives & traditions
* Catalyze new forms of transdisciplinary learning & teaching

Sight is the function of the soul

As Aristotle said, "the soul never thinks without a picture." Soul sight is revelatory, intuitive, gnostic, emergent, collective, integral, fractal, synthetic, embodied & transformative
Revelation. Late Latin "lay bare" or "reveal"
Idea. Greek "to see," "form or pattern"
Let's see through the eyes of soul in images.

Images are archetypal or universal

Whether images of angel or mandalas (sacred circles), the same motifs emerge in images from around the world & different traditions. These images can surprise you, even taking the form of beings & beliefs that you don't believe in. Sit with them without censorship to find deeper meaning. Things are rarely what we think.

Composite images in soul collage

Images emerge in art as they do in the world, dreams & visions. You can start with a seed image & evolve it or begin tabla rasa with a blank slate to let the soul's image emerge. View & dialogue with what comes through? Add to it to let it tell you a story. Look into it like a mirror into soul.

Who is this path for?

This class is for all of us. In fact, it needs as many people to participate as possible to gain perspective on our shared visioning & calling. What is psyche communicating in our time? How does the spirit of the depths that reemerges to guide & teach us wish for us to create in the world. Come explore the answers in a class taught by all of us as we tune in & connect to the visionary capacity of the eye of the soul. Whether you bring an image from a dream (day or night, lucid or recurring) or from a vision (big or small), please offer it as a piece of our puzzle to connect the dots of a larger emergent big soul picture.

Deep Listening to the soul's whisper

The soul is multiple, in each of us & the world as a whole. So, we gather to come together to dream & vision, creating a matrix ("mother") as a womb for the world soul. Whether you bring a vision in art (sketch, collage, clay, paint . . .), write it down or share it live in our monthly drop in, this is a place to co-create the images of soul to perceive patterns & pieces of a larger holographic vision. You can post in the course group or in the weekly classes (including a prompt, poem, art & other emergent content) or you can create your own subgroup to share with a partner (diad or triad), but please come. This is important! We can see so much more together in service to our group soul.

Without vision people perish . . .

Vision is essential (see cartoon). Without it we will perish, walking off a cliff of ecological & social suicide in an act of collective genocide. As we launch on Earth Day & I read of children walking out of class to protest, it is a time to remember that we endanger future generations, not only of human but nonhuman life. Our short-sighted myopic perspective is based on an illusion of separation in which we see only our own limited perspective to deny our interconnection. Yet, soul offers us a chance to see & be so much more, an opportunity to reimagine our connection with each other & nature as we share images. If you have a big dream, bring it (please). Start to integrate the dream seeding in the offerings & upcoming dream class. Incubate dreams & begin to vision. Together we can see enough to guide us in co-creating a new world.

Ongoing monthly drop in sessions
with a 24-7 group discussion to share

Come when you are called. Whether you attend the session, you can submit your image (in visual, written or a hybrid combined form). This is a chance to put together puzzle pieces to see a larger interconnected whole & socialize together as we do it. Now is a time to imagine into & see through the lens of the soul as both single & multiple lens. What will be revealed when we look through multiple images over time in community? How can this vision guide us? This is collective visionary art project & a chance to pioneer new psychological art forms together as we create an Art Movement to evolve.
It all depends on how we look at things, and not how they are in themselves. The least of things with meaning is worth more in life than the greatest of things without it. [Find collective meaning.]
C G Jung

24/7 Dream Discussion

Share in Community

Share images, experiences, symbols, synchronicities & more to fill in missing pieces & expose an emerging picture.

Weekly Prompts 

Prompts Responding to You

Heather responds to your posts & images with a related question of image from the world to move us forward together.

Monthly Live Drop-In

Sessions to Vision Together

Come gather live to share images to see through the lens of the soul & discuss the living images emerging in our time.

Dream & Vision Journal

Begin to record your dreams

Combining words, drawings, and doodling, record your dreams & visions. You can map the dreamscape and color it in or write stream of consciousness, whatever works to anchor the memory and experience for you to return, observe patterns & vision the images on.

Symbols & Synchronicity 

Record key images & insights

Record symbols & synchronous experiences in visual & verbal imagery. Track to note patterns & constellate connections. Return to add insight as it emerges over time. Amplify the images from myths & associated cultural elements to continue to evolve the images.

Images in the World

Track visions & living images

All the world is a living evolving image of the soul in the world. Pay attention & observe. Get curious & follow energy. What attracts or repels you? What can you not escape as if it haunts you. Track these images & include them in our dreaming matrix to give voice & vision to soul.

Coursework and play . . .

Each week your content drops down & you will be directed to the new content by email. It's that easy. You can also continue the conversation on our hub or in the private kit discussion group. Come collaborate & help create soul vision & soul in the world. Together we will activate our collective imagination to invoke soul, who seeks an audience in the world. Over time, image by image we approximate a larger soul vision. Each time you post, respond to another image, attend a live session, you are helping to unveil a greater whole.
Write your awesome label here.

Share Images

Journal & Embody Images
from dreams & visions
Write your awesome label here.

Study Symbols

Symbolic Image Meditation to arrive at deeper insight
Write your awesome label here.

Create Art

Embody Images in the Arts 
write, dance, draw, collage...
Write your awesome label here.

Discuss & Gain Insight

See Through Image Sharing 
for a collective perspective

Emergent matrix structure guides us 

Jung "let things to chance," implying synchronicity but also the emergent structure of nature as a complex adaptive system. Emergence is defined as "the arising of rich & coherent macroscopic structures from numerous repetitions of simple elementary interactions among large numbers of microscopic particles [us!]. An emergent system is characterized by a property of wholeness that is not contained in its generative rules." Soul is not only alive but life & nature, creating in ways that are natural, because they literally are. Facilitating emergence is what we are doing in Soul Space & here in creating a soul ecosystem or recognizing that it already is. So just do what you do naturally . . . & don't expect this to have an overt order. Look for emergent design. 

Set Structure

Weekly drop-in content

Gather & create images to dream together.

Emergent Structure

Emerging in & through images

See what patterns surface in excavation. 

Holographic Structure

Synthesize multiple perspectives

3D holographic images come to life.
Everything to come was already in images: to find their soul, the ancients went into the desert. This is an image. The ancients lived their symbols . . . [how can we?].
c g jung

Understanding archetypal ancestral  images

Social Dreaming is a place for you to drop deep, share images, create positive change, and make new friends. This is a place of soulful (inclusive, loving, respectful . . . ) community in which we dream the dream on in a Social Matrix of:
  • Soul Conversation including many visions & voices 
  • Deep Meaning derived from many hearts & heads
  • Intuitive Practice brings us together to teach one another
  • Emergent Complex Adaptive Structure based on biomimicry
  • Visionary Equality in which all voices are required  
  • Matrix Structure of the "Realm of the Mothers" & Matter (mater, mother)
Our souls do not speak human language; they communicate to us through symbols, metaphors, visions, poetry, deep feelings, and everyday magic.
[Let's be real, sometimes it is hard to figure images out.]

Our mission is to see through & co-create with the World Soul 

100k students
In depth analysis
Market structure
Technical insight

Flexible hours

Our online learning platform gives you the flexibility to complete classes at your own pace, on your own schedule.

Training materials

Our training materials have been specifically designed to be engaging and informative. Our courses are easy to follow, and are broken down into digestible chapters, which contain a mix of text, images, and videos.

Quality content

We understand that staying at the top of your profession means accessing education and earning certificates efficiently and effectively.

Online courses

We provide online courses that prepares everyone for the real world. We offer an array of courses that cover everything from business to writing skills, helping our students gain knowledge and practice their skills at the same time.

Whose eyes do you see through?

When you see through the psychological lens of soul, you transcend your separative vision to see through a collective lens . . . human & more than human as a whole. Soul vision connects us to the transcendent collective unconscious for a systemic perspective in which we can see further in space & time. In this process you are seeing through another's eyes (that is also you). This gives you the additional gift of empathy & objectivity. Step outside of your ego into soul in a movement of natural ensoulment. Who do you serve?
It all depends on how we look at things, and not how they are in themselves. The least of things with meaning is worth more in life than the greatest of things without it. 
C G Jung

Live your anima-l & ancestors (or?)

What calls to you to heal? It could be the call of your ancestors or one in particular, your soul, son, a mountain, cat or angel. Who is it that you are serving in bringing forth the image? A recent dream of mine had symbolic imagery that reminded me of the Catholic school abuse & murder of indigenous children in Canada, weaving in a gypsy & other imagery that would indicate native marginalized populations. I woke with the sense of a big dream & calling for recourse as I was trying to work on reburying remains in ritual. While I can't know exactly what this means, it is important to make it conscious in noting the dream elements & following my feeling & intuition.  Who do you represent in the dream. Are you helping someone or thing?
The path from dreams to success does exist. May you have the vision to find it, the courage to get on to it, and the perseverance to follow it. (social = together) 
Kalpana Chawla


Friends & Guests

From multi-media collage to felt, ceramic, mosaic, sacred geometry, and more, artists of different disciplines have gathered to give talks, interviews, demonstrations and more. Come explore the power of art.


Visionaries through Time

Going back through time, artist examples serve as archetypal stepping stones to guide and teach us. From Jung to Picasso, O'keefe to Kahlo, these visionaries show us a way forward in our time.

Dreams & Visions

Learning & Healing

Combining over 4 decades of study on the power of art with graphic recording & facilitation training, Heather offers ways to learn and transform through art from mind mapping to nature-based ritual. 
The path from dreams to success does exist. May you have the vision to find it, the courage to get on to it, and the perseverance to follow it. (social = together) 
Kalpana Chawla

Visionary art embodies images

When we perceive, we receive images from the soul, and when we create art from these images we can remember, review & share these images.

Structure: You are held in CIRCLE

Even if you are seeing people in rectangular form, this is a circle. That means that this is a place of shared equality, knowledge, insight, wisdom, intuition, including all the ways of knowing within all of us. Each of us is unique. Each vision comes through in a unique way . . . our own piece of the whole in which each of us can see things that the others cannot, gain insight others cannot. 

A circle of ONE

this is between you & YOU

This is a process that develops personal insight, healing, and understanding.

A Partner . . . if you want

you can make this on your own

In this process you are held by your family as you heal and grow together 

A community CIRCLE

You are held in a larger circle

From beginning to end, you are held within the circle of your community.

All symbolic images welcome . . . 

All images that are symbolic (archetypal, alchemical & visionary), are welcome, no matter what age or origin. Psyche speaks in many ways. Our job is to look, listen & act in coordination to her call. Ideas for sourcing images:
recurring, powerful, lucid, visionary, experiential, gnostic, synchronous cultural, natural, mythic, musical, written, visual, sculptural, found, created,