Connecting to the Earth on the Equinox 

The Earth Altar is a sacred nexus where the heart meets the soil and the soul finds its rhythm in the cycles of nature. By tending to this consecrated space, you tune into the Earth's wisdom, attuning your internal clock to the seasons, moon phases, and other natural markers of time that govern the world around us. It's like becoming a living sundial, harmoniously set to Earth's tempo, an embodiment of the ancient adage "As above, so below; as within, so without; as the universe, so the soul." 🌿🌕🌍

 Create Community

At the Spring Equinox, let us lay the first foundational stone of Soul Space by creating an elemental altar embodied in us and our community. Together we are:
  • Guided through a 200-page living curriculum of BEAUTIFULLY illustrated earth-based lessons and practices.
  • Co-Create Self-Generated Rituals for Elemental Balance 
  • Community Hub and Hive with a Discussion Board to share.
  • Earth Play to continue healing ourselves and the Earth.
  • Ongoing Support in community with resources and practices
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Soul Space Orientation

As we move into Soul Space, we begin with a week-long archetypal creation journey to identify with & embody soul in ourselves, lives, calling & world. Come initiate soul & create Soul Space together.
What is this?

Healing Earth Altar Creation

Starting date: 3.25.24

September 24, Equinox & Aries

Come Create Community



Videos & Living Curriculum


7 "Days" and 



Instead of being at the mercy of wild beasts, earthquakes, landslides, and inundations, modern man is battered by the elemental forces of his own psyche.
(ok. now we may be battered by both.)                                   c g jung

What is this?

Watch an introductory video to explore & experience a Soul Space Orientation with Heather to orient to and through your nature in alignment with nature. Honor the living balance of the Equinox to rebalance your life.
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
This art is about transformation not perfection. You can collage images & then add paint . . . or do anything you want. NO RULES!

Is this SS Intro for you? (It's for everyone)

This retreat is for you if you identify with any of the following statements and answering retreat commitments:
  • You are feeling lonely, isolated or disconnected           & want partner, group & circle to support you  
  • You want to set a deep intention . . . & fulfill it              with guided visualization, meditation & reflection
  • You don't commit to & honor your dreams                   & want to reinforce your commitment to yourself
  • You want to pattern deep self-care & support                to help your realize your passion, purpose & plan 
  • You want to deepen relationships to self & other          with content to make new relationships & deepen old ones
  • You want to commit to embody your authentic self     & could use some support to help you make it a reality 
  • You want a community to support you in making change . . . plus new friends & playmates!             
There are many reasons to come. Drop into your heart & see what it says.

Reboot & Refresh your Life

An introduction that offers the essentials of soul to prepare you for more.

You are your soul

Connect with & embody your soul as a conscious creative.

& a part of Nature

Imagine into & co-create your identity from your soul nature.

Calling & Power (s)

Embrace place in the world to co-create with Nature

Soul Space Intro

Come create space for soul within yourself, life & our shared community to embody soul in the world. It is time to come alive & LIVE!
  •  private group

    partner support
  • 8 Videos

    Demos & more
  • Holistic Learning

    Embodied & dynamic
  • 100 page Ebook


This is a chance to transform

As the Autumnal Equinox cloaks the Earth in its balancing embrace, I am creating this foundational offering for you, continuing over the next week to anchor, ground, center, and align our co-creation at Soul Space. As you join and initiate your practice (whatever it is, BTW) by grounding and setting up an Earth Altar, we will continue to connect to co-create a field of potential and potent possibility. For, your altar is more than a physical space; it's a living, breathing cosmos that mirrors the grander Universe, imbued with symbolism and archetypes.