Composting the Past: Planting the Future

A regenerative retreat in Olympia, Washington designed for deep rest and restoration as we tend the gardens of our lives together to support each other in cultivating a growth mindset This is a time to drop and rewild, remembering and honoring our authentic nature, power, and vision to live our wild and precious lives. It's time to relax and sink into just being you in a kindred community of women. What is stirring in your psychic soil? What are you ready to weed or compost? How about plant? What is the call of your wild and precious life? With the new year, emerging now is the perfect time to tend ourselves and lives in a community garden!
Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? 
Mary Oliver

Let's Tend to Ourselves and Lives

Come drop deep into a supportive container for needed rest and restoration. Nestled in the verdant embrace of Olympia, Washington, this retreat invites you to root deep into the soil of your soul, as we compost the rich material of past experiences to nourish the seeds of our future aspirations and visions together. As the nature goes fallow, our inner lives and landscapes require moments of reflection for renewal, and regrowth. Join us for a profound journey of self-discovery and generativity, as we align personal rhythms with the nurturing forces that harmonize our lives. Each of us will chart our journey on our own garden path as we journey into greater intimacy together.

Some Basics

To learn more, click the button below.
  • What: A 2-Day retreat offering deeply nourishing food and transformation with all essentials provided. 
  • • Who: Most offerings are for everyone, but this is for women.
  • • When: January 18-19, 2025, from 9:30 AM to 5:00/7:30 PM. Plus Bonuses & ongoing support to help you grow into 2025.
  • • Investment: $395-$595 on a sliding scale, with scholarship.
  • • Return of Investment: Invaluable.
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New Year Garden

As we move into the new year, it is essential for us to remember and release the past to vitalize our wild potential new growth. Come share in the power of regenerative co-creation. All you need is provided except yourself. The button below will lead to 3 price options.
  • Private Community

    Share Safely: Images & Info
  • Bonus Videos & More 

    Ongoing Archived Support
  • Resource Library

    Designed for Your Needs
  • Support for your Life

    We want you to GROW

Is this retreat for YOU? 

This retreat is for you if you identify with any of the following statements and answering retreat commitments:
  • You are feeling lonely, isolated or disconnected           & want partner, group & circle to support you  
  • You want to set a deep intention . . . & fulfill it              with guided visualization, meditation & reflection
  • You don't commit to & honor your dreams                   & want to reinforce your commitment to yourself
  • You want to pattern deep self-care & support                to help your realize your passion, purpose & plan 
  • You want to deepen relationships to self & other          with content to make new relationships & deepen old ones
  • You want to make a plan for the coming year                & could use some support to help you make it a reality 
  • You want a community to support you in making change . . . plus new friends & playmates!             
There are many reasons to come. Drop into your heart & see what it says.
 The doors to the world of the wild Self are few but precious. If you have a deep scar, that is a door; if you have an old, old story, that is a door. 
Clarissa Pinkola Estes 


Wild Soul Gardener

Hello, I'm Heather Taylor-Zimmerman, a passionate artist, depth psychologist, and transformative educator who is deeply committed to exploring the healing power of nature and art. My journey and teachings are rooted in the conviction that creativity can catalyze profound personal and collective change. With a doctoral degree in art as an archetypally feminine process of transformation, I have dedicated my life to this power and path of the Creatrix to tend to our live and world.  An international speaker, artist, and teacher who balances the creative energy of the archetypal artist, I am also the nurturing mother, here to help hold a space that is deeply fun and powerfully vulnerable. My deep call is to help you blossom into the fullness of your life’s purpose and harvest. After a dance with cancer, I am dedicated to you living your wild and precious life!


Wise Woman Extraordinaire

Dr. Mary Gibbons is a heart wisdom extraordinaire and a power partner and friend for decades. With her background as an MD pioneering women’s issue and her extensive training and experience as a facilitator, teacher, and life coach in Feminine Power, Mary offers a wealth of knowledge and empathy to guide you on a path of authentic living and loving. A modern-day wise woman, Mary taught at the UW, invited to be the 2nd female dean. (I can brag about Mary. Hopefully.) Head of the Sexual Assault Center at Harbor View Medical Hospital, Mary pioneered women’s health issues on a national and international level. She went on to be a mother of 3 as well as taking care of her parents and in-laws in old age to complete the cycle of care through the generations of life and intergenerational healing.


The Earth is our Teacher

Though it is not how we normally orient, the land is our primary teacher, our nature in communion and communication with Nature Herself. One of the most powerful outcomes will be the cultivation of this deep connection between yourself and your wild soul who is one with the land. As we move throughout the weekend together, we will be dropping into our bodies and rooted connection to the land to gain insight into how to co-create our lives with all life. It's time to remember how to align and move in harmony with our natural rhythms in synch with the movements of the earth . . . and the moon, sun, and stars. So, we leave to transplant our new connection to our embodied instincts, intelligence, and intuition as a guiding force in our navigating and co-creating our wild and precious lives!


Deep Embodied Healing

Robin Maynard-Dobbs is a visionary artist, counselor, hypnotherapist, and health and wellness coach. For the past 30 years, she has guided hundreds of women who struggle with their relationship to food and to their body size. In her practice of Becoming Lighter, her radical feminine approach takes on the deeper issue facing women: the problem is not weight, the problem is a disconnection from Life force that animates the body. She recognizes how we as women in this culture are disconnected from the innate intelligence that resides in the body. This disconnection leads to self-reflection, guilt and shame. Her work helps women release the burden of these heavy emotions and develop a loving partnership with their bodies. Becoming Lighter opens the possibility that we can experience food with joy and a light heart and become lighter on all levels.  

Every year you make a resolution to change yourself. This year, make a resolution to be yourself. 
Write your awesome label here.


Reflect on the bounty of last year's harvest and life
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Drop deep into the body to honor and remember
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Let go in ritual & ceremony to free yourself for new life
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Open to the infinite within in curiosity, hope & wonder
Write your awesome label here.


Reconnect with your soul's purpose and desire
Write your awesome label here.


Tend to the fire to rekindle your life passion with love
Write your awesome label here.


Root deep in your natural power to grow your vision
Write your awesome label here.


Keep mapping & tending your garden & life

What people are saying . . . 

This coursework is deep and transformative, offering a unique opportunity for inner and outer growth. It is often described as life changing, giving the gift of getting to know your soul and yourself. It is not easy, but it is profoundly rewarding and life affirming, touching upon the core of who you are and why you are here. At its foundation this art is about your heart's purpose and soul's call.