

The world needs us to manifest our feminine values in finance to restore balance to the earth.

Transformational Feminine $ Leadership

Come on a 36-week journey from inception to gestation, birth & maturation to create & launch a business as an extension of your feminine creative (Creatrix) power. Moving with the natural cycles of the moon & the feminine life cycle of Maiden, Mother, Queen & Crone, you will heal your relationship to $ & rewrite your $ story to manifest your feminine vision & power & generate the resources, community & prosperity needed to create & launch a successful business. . . in sisterhood.
To be a creatrix is to dedicate oneself to the cycle of creativity--to embodying soul, through impregnation, gestation, birth, nurturing and death in a way that is not really understood in our culture [but deeply needed]. 
Lucy H Pearce

Creatrix Business: Feminine Power +

We are all pregnant with possibility. This is a birthing class for both women and men who want to reclaim the archetypal creativity of the creatrix (feminine creator) by creating & launching a business (or . . ?). We need the healing balance of the empowered feminine in finance & business, expressed in values of love, creativity & community. This course creates a circle of support for all of your creative+ needs as we help one another to recreate the world in an image that is sustainable & equitable.
  • 2 weekend retreats

    intensives orient & initiate our circle with live support
  • 36 videos +

    Plus multi-sensory with audio, transcripts & music
  • 36 lessons

    Daily prompts & embodied exercises, activities & rituals
  • community support

    Partner, group & live sessions for Q & A

Heather Taylor-Zimmerman, PhD

Creatrix Business Power Activate! 

I made this class as I launched my business, recognizing that I needed to walk my talk . . . & needed help to succeed. I also heard (over & over from all over) how there was a real need to empower women in business & finance. So, this course was born, along with a quest for knowledge & resources. I realized that what I already knew could be applied in a different way to help heal the intergenerational feminine wounds. I have degrees & certifications that help, but I added finance & women's business courses. I looked at the nature of women's business & created a WCB Model to help it grow along with the cycles & seasons of nature in rhythm with our bodies & selves.

Your & Our Inner Business Creatrix

Creatrix is our Leader & we learn from each other

The Creatrix and creation itself are really the guides--the conscious creative energy in which we live move and have our being. Like all of the Soul of Creativity offerings, this is deeply rooted in soul as your embodied, feminine inner knowing & intuition. More than this, we learn in partnership & community. This is a deeply relational model that expands the normal work in partner, triads & groups into Circle Leadership, including training in embodying, modeling & leading circles in your WCB. The bottom line is that we are shifting the paradigm of business from individual to relational. We rise up & grow together in a circle of related interconnection.
Get fundamental Questions & an orientation 

Video Introduction

This course was designed in a unique & specific way to model after & accommodate the Wild Creatrix as a creative Business Archetype. From the beginning & ending work/playshop retreats to the 36 weeks of wild business development, we move with the cycles of nature & the circles of the moon, sun, seasons & stars. Watch.
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Never start a business just to 'make money'. Start a business to make a difference. [Then make $!]
Marie Forleo

36 weeks to create a Feminine business: create, name, launch & nurture your "baby"

This class includes ancient practices and modern technology in a simple structure to facilitate lasting change with:
  • Individual, partner & group circle work because we know we are not only in it but better together
  • Live weekly sessions with Heather provide engagement, accountability, inspiration & creative collaboration
  • Engaging, flexible & accessible archived material allows you to go back (again & again) because LIFE happens
  • Safe transformative group container & support's  is the womb we grow in as we share, support & nurture each other
  • Archetypal, depth psychological & evidence-based power practices to reach the buried treasure of your power
  • Personal, practical & transpersonal healing outcomes that root your success in your deep vision, mission & core values
  • AND Practical (technical, strategic, financial & more) support to foster successful strategies, tools, skills & outcomes

This is for you if . . . 

You are ready to change your life & world by extending your feminine power to create a business (or?) from your deep passion & full power in a way that honors you by:
  • Moving with the rhythms of nature & feminine creation cycles
  • Rewrites old stories & patterns for lasting & collective + change
  • Transforms your work life to align to your inner authentic values 
  • Brings feminine power into balance in your life & the world
  • Creates a community of support for yourself & Self (whole self)
Write your awesome label here.

Sing up & invest in yourself

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Course features
  • Archetypal Identity
  • Level: Committed
  • 1 year of support
  • Tap Unconscious  
  • Archived: 24 hr access
  • Certification: WCB
Course overview
WCB begins and ends with 3 day virtual retreats to open & close our circle & drop deep with 36 weeks of step by step content in between. Partner, triad & group works fosters intimacy & insight with an additional 3 months of live support for advice . . . & emergencies.
Empty space, drag to resize
Certification included
The WCB certification is a way to recognize, network & support each other in a shared commitment to an ethic of equity & sustainability.
* We need to work together to break through the intergenerational, societal & institutional barriers. Plus, it's fun!

ID WCB$ Patterns

1.  unconscious embodied patterns in the nervous system

ID WCB$ Habits

2. ID old habits to make them conscious & retrain +new ones

ID WCB$ Beliefs

3. Beliefs underlie & program your self-talk & success (+ or -)

ID WCB$ Wounds

4. ID & heal core wounds & complexes for new story

ID WCB Origin Story

5. Remember, reclaim & retell your creation story to create

ID WCB$ Myth

6. Creating a myth means creating your WCB blueprint
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Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.

Day 1. Friday 6-8 pm

Opening Creatrix Circle. Dropping into our Heart's Essence, Gift & WCB Offering. Guided Visualization on Purpose & Passion with ritual & Partnerwork & Play. Ritual Creation, Journaling & Dream Incubation

Day 2. Saturday 9 am-12 & 2-5 pm

Dream Sharing & introduction to Visioning, Purpose & Mission Art & Statements. Intro to WCB Model & the Cycles & Structure of natural creation. Business Ecosystem Collage & Sharing. Ritual & Closing. 

Day 3. Saturday 9 am-12 & 2-5 pm

Embodied Visioning & Active Imagination for WCB Mapping & Exploration. Sharing & Reflection in triads (3s). Ritual for Releasing & Receiving. Claiming our WCB Nature & Rewilding Rite of Passage.

Community WCB Circle

Week 1

Business Creatrix Intro & Relational Model Creation.
A: Circle Leadership Contract
Circle & Partner Guidelines & Creating your Womb Altar

Money Story, Wound & Shadow

Week 2

What is your relationship to business & money as a story?
A: Creatrix Biz Journal, Goals, $ Inventory & Complexes
Rewrite/Draw your $ Story

Wounded Womb & $ Healing

Week 3

Dive into your wound (s) to heal them & get their power.
A: Body map with color, Core Business Complex, ID Gift &
WCB Womb Healing Ritual

Deep Self-Worth & Real Value

Week 4

Get in touch with your core value & inner prejudice.
A: Vision Board, Belief Blueprint, Courage Journal & Claiming Self-Worth Action

WCB Archetype
of Empowerment

Week 5

Imagine, identify & embody business Creatrix Archetype.
A: Free Association, Active Imagination & Collage to create YOUR WCB Archetype

Your WCB Myth
& Archetype

Week 6

Imagine, identify & embody your business archetype.
A: Journaling & Storytelling to find & redefine your myth. WCB Mythic Framework

WCB Visionary

Week 7

Envision your business through your archetypal lens.
A: Guided Vision, Visionary Leadership Collage & Past, present & Future Vision 

WCB Gestation & Co-creation

Week 8

Let your vision fill your womb & birth begins.
A: Art Journaling, Embodied Vision Practice & WCB Altar Sale & Home Page as YOU

Seeing & sharing your WCB Vision

Week 9

Creating a vision of your creative business as a whole.
A: Creative Seasons Mandala, Map & List of your biz steps

Moon Altar. New
 "I set" Intention

Week 10

Create a strategic path & intention for your business.
A: Create an Altar & Set your Intention into staged steps.

Waning Crescent Moon "I feel"

Week 11

Nurture your WCB feelings to create with a free heart.
A:  Journal "I feel" for your new business. Create a ritual.

Third Quarter Moon "I act"

Week 12

Time to take action & set your WCB plan in motion.
A: Make an Action Plan & Take Action with Reflection

Waning Gibbous Moon "I trust"

Week 13

Trust yourself, wild instincts & intuition as WCB creator 
A: Trust Inventory, Plan & Embrace natural change.

Full Moon
"I release"

Week 14

Reflect on limiting beliefs that you hold to release.
A: Intuitive Practice, Release Ritual for WCB & yourself.

Waxing Gibbous Moon "I see"

Week 15

Visioning your WCB future as an embodiment practice.

A: Guided visualization & Story Board Creation

First Quarter Moon "I receive"

Week 16

Receiving is an art. Integrate ideas & inspiration to embrace A: Offering, Giving & Receiving Activity & Ritual

Waxing Crescent
Moon "I nurture"

Week 17

Cultivate gratitude & support in your life & WCB design.
A: Systems of Support Plan & Gratitude Practice

Maiden Medicine New Moon

Week 18 Spring

Blossom in the promise of spring & new beginnings.
A: Maiden Ritual, Journal what you Love & Inspires you

Mother Medicine
Waxing Moon

Week 19 Summer

 Ripen in the mother's full fertility, power & stability.

A: Mother Creatrix Ritual & Creatrix Archetypal Profile

Queen Medicine
Full Moon

Week 20 Fall

Queen is the Ruler & the heart of our WCB success.
A: Leadership Model, Queen Bee Rules & Guidelines

Crone Medicine
Waning Moon

Week 21 Winter

Let your vision fill your womb & embody in art.
A: Journal & Mandala, Vision,
Cycle, Collage & Board

Creatrix Launch
Blue Print

Week 22

A business blueprint is where you finalize your launch plan.
A: Mission, Vision, Product, Target & Launch Schedule

Weeding, Planting & Watering Seeds

Week 23

Enacting your blueprint with Masterclass & campaign.
A: Launching, Master Class & Introduction Content & PR

Growing in the Garden of Mother

Week 24

Self-reflect with support to enact & refine launch
A: Create Feedback Incentive to process & implement

WCB Gathering

Week 25

Inventory & ask for what you need to strategize to call it in.
A: WCB Living Inventory of Resources & Community

WCB Product Development

Week 26

What is your relationship to business & money as a story?
A: Creatrix Biz Journal, Goals, $ Inventory & Complexes

WCB Value Yourself & Baby

Week 27

Pricing! Anchoring yourself in your value to reevaluate.
A: Price Comparison & Deep Value Strategy Marketing

WCB Core Values & (Re)Investment

Week 28

Get in touch with your inner wild & free Creatrix spirit
A: Vision Board, Fear to Love & Courage Journal & Action

WCM Remember
Mission & Renew

Week 29

Imagine, identify & embody business Creatrix Archetype
A: Free Association, Active Imagination & Collage

WCB Vision on
to New Horizon

Week 30

Imagine, identify & embody your business archetype
A: Journaling & Storytelling to find & redefine you myth

CW Success Portal
Goals & Activities

Week 31

Envision your business through your archetypal lens.
A: Guided Vision, Visionary Leadership Collage & Circle

CW Business Matrix & Map

Week 32

Let your vision fill your womb & embody it in art.
A: Art Journaling & Embodied Vision Practice

WCB Launch Review & Reset

Week 33

Creating a vision of your creative process as a whole.
A: Creative Seasons Mandala, Map & List of your biz steps

Outreach & WCB
  Focus Groups

Week 34

Imagine & enact the creative moon & life cycles in ritual.
A: Create an Altar & Set your Intention for rebirth & begin.

WCB Analysis
Inside & Out

Week 35

Nurture & support yourself as you dive into deep feeling.
A:  Journal "I feel" for your new business. Create a ritual.

WCB Celebrate, Share & Party

Week 36

You did it! Let's get down & party to honor each other.
A: Reward yourself by acknowledging & honoring

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Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.

Day 1. Friday 6-8 pm

Emergent Design will mean that this is unfolding . . . 

Day 2. Saturday 9 am-12 & 2-5 pm

Also, still unfolding in emergence. Will come in mid-way in class.

Day 3. Saturday 9 am-12 & 2-5 pm

Ceremonial launch. Circle connection 

OK Wild Creatrix (ie creative soul), You have a business to birth. What does this look & feel like?

Archetypally Feminine . . . means this is 2nd nature

Archetypal Patterns

We are literally designed for this. It is who we are. We just have to let go of societal (etc) patterns, habits & beliefs that we have internalized to remember the more natural archetypal ways of the Creatrix from which our authentic creative power is born to offer a new business to the world. BE YOURSELF.

Depth Psychological

An archetypal approach that allies with the un & superconscious within our nature & Nature to work and play with core wounds, shadow, complexes, stories & myths of women & $ personally & culturally. We recognized that the old story & myth have to be reviewed & retold for lasting change.
deep change=lasting change

Local & Global Outreach

Our orientation is personal & local, but also global to reach a larger market & make a bigger difference. We are earth-based, rooted where we live but also in ancestral land to claim the power & influence of a larger circle of influence . . . because the whole world needs us. Think & intuit BIG!
rooting deep=standing strong

Relational & Communal

As Creatrix, we are individual & collective, personal & communal in a deeply relational approach. While each person creates their own business with unique needs, we are co-create a movement together in which we collaborate & help each other as a part of our super power: circles of support.
circles=shared success

New Tech & Old Wisdom

While our coursework covers interactive online support, technology, launching marketing & more, we weave in wisdom from the ages, combining the best of both ancient & modern worlds. At the heart of our path is the nature of the Creatrix which is archetypal, adapting to any & all times.
new&old=best of all worlds

Practical & Soulful

You need support for mind, body & soul as well as business development, from circle support & self-care to flow charts & launch lists. As we seek to create in alignment to our nature & nature, we honor the ways in which we are bio & psycho-spiritually diverse for a program tailored to you.
individualization=real help
Deep healing leads to growing your VISION, MISSION & CORE VALUES, the inner heart of CWB 
Vision guides & reflects you

Visioning: Body Intuition 

If there is a heart to this methodology, it is visioning as an embodied intuitive way of knowing & connecting to your soul who is one with all life & transcendent knowledge.
Mission drives & grounds you

Mission: Heart Song

What makes your soul sing & kindles your spark to life? This is your mission. It is a joy to do the deep work of your calling. We create our mission like an art project. Fun!
Core Values center you

Values: Corer Blueprint

Our values create our life because they are the unconscious beliefs that guide all of our behaviors. Make sure your values are a reflection of YOU.
Beliefs are your blueprint

Powerful undercurrents

Interact with our content like you’ve never interacted with content before. You can read articles, watch videos, and work with professionals in a variety of different ways.
habits program your life

Helping you do your thing

Habits are unconscious patterns in your nervous system. 
Archetypes=universal patterns 

To meet needs around you

Your skillset is a combination of your unique qualities, abilities & knowledge with the needs of your business. We help ID & cultivate your skills, your way.
"Real" change is the WCB creation in the world that lead to your successful outcomes (next)
Goals are your soul steps

Goals are essential steps

What are your deep goals? Really think, feel & intuit into this question. Journal & journey to find inner goals & research for the goals that are shared with others.
objectives offer outcomes

Objectives inspire & guide  

resources meet your needs

Resources allow creation

Online learning courses are an outstanding opportunity to learn new skills. We help people to progress in their careers by offering high quality content.
strategies frame solutions

With practices & tactics

Interact with our content like you’ve never interacted with content before. You can read articles, watch videos, and work with professionals in a variety of different ways.
tools facilitate objectives

Helping you do your thing

Habits are unconscious patterns in your nervous system. While they begin as adaptive, they become maladaptive. We have tools to help us change & reframe.
skills develop your gifts

To meet needs around you

Your skillset is a combination of your unique qualities, abilities & knowledge with the needs of your business. We help ID & cultivate your skills, your way.

Creatrix Outcomes are inside & out

To help you create, market & launch, we will give you a business skillset for deep & abiding success
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Creatrix Business Creation 

You will be walked through the basics of creation as well as the deeper elements of healing wounds, removing blocks & retelling your $ business story.

Creatrix Business Trial & Marketing

You will network & market your business as a way to refine it & release it into the world, creating connections & circles of support as you go.

Creatrix Business Launch

You will launch your business with a soft & hard or full launch, according to a launch blue print. 
It [to be a creatrix] is to consciously engage directly with the forces of the Universe on a daily basis . . . Being a Creatrix is a powerful and necessary journey. . . you are so much greater than our culture allows. 
lucy he pearce

1. CB Story & Healing

Recreate your myth & message 

2. CB Map &

 Envision your path & purpose

3. CB Circle & Support

 Gather your circle & supplies

4. CB Success Portal

Imagine success & how to do it

5. CB Business Matrix & Map

Create a structure hold your growth

6. CB Launch Blueprint

Structure your launch to fly

Together with Each Other

Circle together in circle facilitation & leadership

 with the Tide, Earth & Moon

Create with moon  in synch with our body & energy 

with Nature's Seasons

Orient in circle to the seasons, time of day & direction

with the WCB Womb Cycle 

Pregnancy moves within the circle of the WCB womb

with the WCB Life cycle

Maiden, Mother, Queen & Crone *Especially Queen

with the Sun & Stars

Astrology Support moves with the circle of heavens

This class comes with a weekly drop-in because, let's face it, we need each other.

Living our WCB values: we create life. So we honor:

  • Creation>Destruction
  • Heart + Head=WHOLE 
  • Embodied>Disassociated
  • Equal>Hierarchical
  • Individual in Circle


Charity means "dear" & is associated with agape or love. So, we claim the power of love>fear & act in the service of love to help ourselves, others & all. We realize that we only rise together

Gift Economy=Prosperity

You get 50% off & with each purchase we give 10 classes/kits to people in need (unhoused, at risk youth & domestic violence shelters). We are socially altruistic, living our values.
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Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.

Friday 6-8 pm

The skill you need to become a real professional.

Saturday 9-12 & 2-5 pm
share insight & enthusiasm

Circle opening, 

Sunday 9-12 & 2-5pm
launch together

Boost your confidence, master "the field".

Why we need Creatrix Businesses . . .

Feminine creativity is fundamental to life itself. Now it is time to birth our creative gifts to offer them to the world. The reason for this is simple & complex. We need the balance of the feminine as perhaps the greatest issue at the root of the other issues of our time. While the reasons for the repression & absence of the feminine are varied & systemic, the solution is found in all of us: manifest our offering & claim our power. To do this, we need power, $ & resources. We need women & the feminine in business to have it in society. Women receive 1/3rd less funding yet their companies grow faster. Let's go!
Shifting my mindset from a scarcity mentality to an abundance mentality opened up so many opportunities and experiences. [We need the empowered feminine!]
Tracy Komlos

Return to your roots & nature

We need to return to feminine values for ourselves, our children & the EARTH. So, Wild Creatrix returns to & aligns with the seasons of nature to learn from, with & as nature. From time immemorial, humans have aligned to the seasons, sun, earth & moon to maintain balance. As Creatrix, we recognize the earth as the source of all life, not as a resource to extract but a living relationship. Like a micorrhyzal web, we stand as a forest rooted together to grow tall as a single socially altruistic organism. Our grounded embodied nature is the source of our power through which we connect to & care for each other. We are stronger together when we honor our mother & Mother Earth. 
This is about really honoring ourselves & the feminine. When you are ready to conceive & pregnant, you take your vitamins & treat yourself as a temple. You honor body in a unique way, recognizing it for the sanctum of life that it is. That is how we act now. YOU ARE PREGNANT with life. Honor it & yourself by giving yourself what you need. This is deep Self-care.
Wisdom we know by Heather


Partner, Triad & Groups.
For a relational approach to global Self-empowerment


Earth & Moon Orientation. Connect to natural seasons & the cycles of life & moon


Personal & Business Growth. Root your business in the transformative soil of soul


Deep Healing for Success. Ground lasting change in a model of natural balance
Matrix. "pregnant animal, mother" "uterus, womb" & "source, origin" Mother & Matter share etymological roots in both as a mycorrhizal Creatrix network of =. 

Matrix Structure. an organizational approach that is not hierarchical but networkal based on collaboration & co-creation, patterned after nature in biomimicry (roots). 
the roots from which we grow

Co-create with a powerful Matrix

Matrix principles of quantum creativity are included in a structure that is based on co-creative equality in which we collaborate with all of Creation as a benevolent force.
  • Highly Engaging Formats for Deep Inner & Outer GROWTH
  • Unique Learning that is Held by a Fixed & Emergent  = Structure
  • Video Conferencing with Live & Asynchronous Formats
  • Assignments, Activities & Dialogue with Partner & Group Support
  • Private & Ethical Social Media for Partner, Group & Community
Write your awesome label here.

Feminine is holistic 

This path is whole brain & body, an approach that is holistic, including financial analyses, technology advice & boundaries. Yet it is oriented toward feminine business aptitudes like intuition, inspiration & co-creation that are often absent in business models. In its soulful approach, a Creatrix business goes deep, into the un or superconscious to heal core wounds associated with your personal history and our collective feminine mythology. For, the truth is that we need to rewrite our old stories to re-right the inequality that handicaps the feminine from more fully manifesting the gifts we are birthing to launch. 
Sisters: talk to each other, be connected and informed, from women's circles, share your stories, work together, and take risks. Together we are invincible. {Remember that women's businesses grow faster with less support. Imagine what we can do with the support we need!]
Isabel allende

Create business your way 

We are recreating the face of business to reflect our image . . . whatever that looks like.
  • Women don't have to fit in a male mold or clothes. 
  • Women share power & access both hemispheres of the brain more to create a new paradigm & ethos.
  • Matrixes grow naturally & emergently to meet needs in real time. All we have to do is be natural & act on the embodied knowing that transcends & unites us.

Creatrix = Feminine Creator (ie Goddess)

As we create our Creatrix story, we return to herstory & Venus (Aphrodite), the mythic goddess who initiates us & Psyche as the feminine soul to claim our power & natural sovereignty. In Aphrodite's story we return to Creatrix:
  • Lineage & roots as Aphrodite evolved from Ishtar, Inanna & on
  • Virginity (sovereign untamed woman of "strength, force & skill")
  • Guidance as Venus is the brightest heavenly body of the night sky
  • Image of naked natural beauty without projected shame & pain 
  • Attributes of embodied love, beauty, fertility, power & prosperity
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Your image (always)

This is creation done your way, whether you believe in the Mary the Mother, Aphrodite, Mother Earth or nothing. Now worries. You are in control. That is the whole point. 
While archetypal feminine images & examples are used, you do not have to believe them or take them literally. In fact, please don't. This course is really about the symbolic power uniquely helpful to you & your needs. We are literally creating this course together, weaving our experience together as a wisdom greater than any individual belonging to the whole.

*     No beliefs are necessary or desirable. Be & bring your full self. We need her.
*     Always honor your own intuitive inner  knowing or gnosis as a gift & blessing.
*     This is a rite of passage & ritual to honor you & your creation.
*     This is a cycle of completion but also the beginning of a new way of leading.

What is Creatrix Leadership?

With great power comes great responsibility . . . just as without vision people perish. Creatrix leadership is required to navigate the new world that we are co-creating, leadership that envisions equality & justice, sustainability & equity in which all people can achieve their potential to the benefit of all life on earth. While this may seem like magical unicorn nonsense, the truth is that we have not had feminine leadership (or not for a very long & temporary time). Yet, studies tell us that peace is 35% more likely under female leadership which has better performance, problem solving, happiness & financial success. Magic! 
We are on Earth to take care of life. We are on Earth to take care of each other. [It's actually pretty simple.]
Xiye Bastida

Imagine, Envision & Create a Different World

A woman in synch with her power can change herself & the world. So, we synch with the movement of the moon, seasons of our life & all life to create a business that models feminine power in the world.
Wisdom women Know: Heather Taylor-Zimmerman

A structure & support to guide you

Circles guide us in the form of the moon, earth, sun & the orbit of our lives. This is a 24 week course but reality doesn't work that way . . . and neither do women. While masculine time is linear, feminine time is circular & spiraling, returning in an orbit outside of time. 

What is a Circle & why make one?

Circles, like the soul, are never ending and turn round and round without a stop.
ralph waldo emergson

Natural movements guide us

We flow with the seasons in a natural movement reflected in the stars & the tides. 

Maiden . New Moon

Phase 1. Inception, Inspiration & Imagination  

Mother . Quarter Moon

Phase 2. Gestation, Growth & Nurturing Preparation for Birth 

Queen. Full Moon

Phase 5. Maturation of Sovereign Feminine Business & Leadership

Crone . Quarter Moon

Phase 4. Creation, Collaboration & Wisdomc

Triple Moon=Full Power

Phase 5. Full Circle of Adaptation & Expansion 

We are part of a movement



Let an idea take hold:
Mindmap, Vision Cycle & Boards, "What ifs", Intentions & Art


Play & gestate growth:
Guided C Meditation, Workflow Plan, Sales IQ & Automation?


Give the idea form:
CB Altar, Birth Plan, Accounting Strategy & Integration Blueprint


Support its growth:
Management Tools, Self-Assessment & Authenticity, 


Harvest & share gifts:
Collaborate, Partner, Mentor, Woman's Way, Charity

Story & Myth

ID & retell your $story

Shadow Work 

ID limiting beliefs


Replace with new ones

Creatrix Practice 

Support techniques 

WCB Template

Staged to take flight
Honor your calling. Everyone has one. Trust your heart, and success will come to you. 
Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey

Overcome the odds

Claire Zammit 

Share your power

Flora Bowley

Do what your love

Mother Theresa

Making service work


Self-made from shed
We need to accept that we won't always make the right decisions, that we'll screw up royally sometimes, understanding that failure is not the opposite of success. It's part of success!
arianna huffington 

This is a journey home to yourself

Each week you walk on stepping stones that introduce fundamental concepts and skillsets that connect your feminine creative nature to the creative nature of the soul, as you journey toward the Self. These steps take you into the unconscious through coursework that is patterned to help you trust the process and surrender to soul. As you walk you activate your imagination and open to the symbolic guidance of the soul in synchronicity, dreams, and visions. You are dreaming yourself awake and learning to see the waking world as if in a dream through the symbolic sight and insight of your soul.

This is a trailhead to your soul

As you move through the coursework, each week's lesson will "show up" and reveal itself in living images and experiences that deepen your insight. Walking in this way, brings you to greater consciousness, as it weaves your inner and outer, unconscious and conscious lives and worlds together. This union is the healing nature of the soul that unites opposites to connect the dots and see the big picture of the Self and soul. 

Coursework and play . . .

Each week your content drops down for you below.

Creating a womb for soul

Additional containment comes from creating sacred space in an art studio, creativity altar, and in your art which can be seen as your "church" and "cathedral," housing your soul. In these spaces you create a place of renewal and retreat for you to come back to again and again, whether creating art, lighting a candle, meditating, or doing gentle yoga. These spaces help to cocoon you as an alchemical container of transformation throughout your process, nurturing your creative practice in your body and a body of art. Additionally, a container will be created with a circle ritual that opens and closes the class along with an individual session with me to open and close your personal transformation. 

A structure to CONTAIN the process

This process is contained by your soul but also by 3 circles of support made by you and your classmates. Each circle expands with you as you create your opus, designed to offer different levels of containment as you individuate. These circles reflect Jung's process as archetypal or universal.


You travel alone.

This is your dream, business & "baby"


A partner helps to mirror you.

You have business development partner


A circle to discuss and reflect.

Your circle holds & energizes your growth

Collective POWER in Co-Creation

Feminine power is collective and connective by nature like our natural metaphor of the rhizomal network of forest roots that communicates and distributes information, nutrients, and even antibodies. While the archetypal masculine is singular, linear, and materialistic, the feminine is multiple, networkial, and animistic. It's materialism not mechanistic but alive.

Sharing Harvest Gathering

Ending with a gathering to share insights, information & deepen insight. 

Creatrix $ Intergenerational Healing 

Soul Path
The soul leads us to deep transformation and self-realization in ways that are creative and imaginative. 
Called by your soul through images from dreams, visions and the imagination, you are transformed in a process of deep soul care and soul relationship embodied in art.
Soul Love
The soul leads us to love which is the soul's greatest gift, reflecting their ability to unite opposites.
Just as Jung received a crown that said love never ends, we are guided to our own realization of self and soul love. What this looks and feels like is unique to each person.
Self Care
Self-care tends to your whole Self, gathering forgotten and repressed fragments of your soul from the past.
Receive tools that will support you to release unconscious patterns of self-doubt and neglect that lead to imbalance and disease. Down time is essential for creative growth.
Self Love
Gain the courage, confidence, and capacity of your soul to express Self-love for who YOU are.
Self-love is rooted in radical and deep acceptance of your uniqueness--how you are different. It is embodied in the unique qualities that are yours and yours alone.