Reimagining wounding as transformation.
A true healer is the one who heals himself first so others can benefit from his [or her] own healing.
Hong Curley

The Wounded HEaler is the core of Soul Space's
Healing Community
This is an introduction to soul medicine that initiates our collective healing journey, embodying the archetypes of the Wounded Healer, Creator & human (we are all hurt). Designed to help us heal ourselves & then our families, community & earth, this pilgrimage is a great first step.
Write your awesome label here.

When our wounds cease to be a source of shame, & become a source of healing, we have become wounded healers. . . We are all healers who can reach out & offer health, & we are all patients in constant need of help.
Henri J M Nouwen
Who is this path for? (Are you alive?)

Heal Yourself:
Remember soul healing:
Basics of Soul Anatomy & Energy
Core principles of Soul Healing
Initiating essential habits for wholeness
Foster soul consciousness
Repattern beliefs, self-talk & intention
Internalize soul love (to forgive self & others)
Heal the World:
Unlock your wounded healer:
Identify & heal core wounds
Develop skills and strategies for deep healing
Foster habits for healing & wholeness
Process unconscious shadow material
Foster personal, cultural & ecological healing
Become a wounded healer for the world

The analyst ["deliverer"] must go on learning endlessly . . . it is his own hurt that gives the meaning to his power to heal. This, and nothing else, is the meaning of the Greek myth of the wounded physician [healer].
c g jung