

"A man is ill, but the illness is nature's attempt to heal him."

Come on a heart path to heal & grow.

Cocoon for 6 months of rest & restoration

Designed by Heather from her cancer journey (still going), this class offers inner & outer resources to help you navigate your healing path to wholeness & hope. Including creative journaling, dreamwork, gentle yoga, centering, shadow play, art therapy, mindfulness, music & ritual. Based on research & lived experience, this class offers Heather's most effective therapeutic activities to optimize treatment, experience & outcome for YOU. Come cocoon in a rich container of social-emotional support where we transform & heal together in circle. 

Time to really live

Moving from diagnosis, through treatment to life beyond, this is a deeply personal approach to cancer for people touched by cancer (or another disease) on which we travel together to share, release, rest, discuss, strategize & inspire each other. While we access the power of integrative medicine & apply depth & eco-psychology in personal & profound ways, this is really about creating a community of care & compassion where we hold & help each other as we are initiated into a new state of being . . . whether we are cured or not, we are healed.
It's about dying into life. With cancer, I discovered how much dying it takes to get here, here into my body, here onto Earth. It's about the soul work required to heal both. . . With cancer, I had to differentiate the energies within myself that, both consciously and unconsciously, led to life or death.
Marion Woodman
a flexible & powerful approach to help You through cancer with fierce grace (gratitude)

Support for individuals, partners, families & groups

We facilitate connection & communication with your body, family, community, ancestors, spirit, soul . . .et al.
(Because healing is holistic.)

We hold you in a safe space of deep rest, allowing your energy to go inward toward root healing & wholeness.

Now is a time to be real & really live!
* Always done your way!
One thing you must know: the one thing I have learned is that one must live this life. [Our call is to really live.]
C g jung

Our mission is deep & radical healing & living!

Integrating family & community
FUN, yes I said fun!
For a life that reaches to life.
Making meaning your way . . . 

Circle to HOLD US together

Part of this, maybe the majority, is having a circle of support with people who know what you are going through & talking about. Let's face it, cancer or the "C" word is hard to talk about. So, there are prompts & activities to help facilitate & put people at ease. 

APPLIED experiential approach

The course has been specifically designed to be engaging & informative but more than that, it is created to embody healing change in you & your life. Broken down into digestible steps that lead into each other, a mixture of text, images, activities & videos bring the content to life.

Live opening & closing RETREATS

A live circle at the beginning & end of our journey makes a HUGE difference, letting us get to know each other, drop deep & be real. That difference travels with us through the weeks with a live session, creating enduring friendships, intimate sharing & deep caring. This is a community. 

Online content with a in-person options

For those who want to go a step further, there is an option to come in person for a yearly reunion at a 5-day immersion in nature, creativity & community. This option is flexible & can be modified. Let Heather know if you are interested for options & availability.

Healing as WHOLENESS

We take a holistic approach to healing, including your loved ones & support community within a framework that integrates mind, body, soul & sprit as one. Interweaving modern innovation & experimentation with ancient wisdom traditions & depth psychology, this is a synthetic MO (modus operandi) that is flexible & accommodating for all. While this is an inclusive archetypal approach it is unique to you, based on self-generated ritual & self-guided insight. It is an invitation to be yourself as you undergo an initiation into the depths, sustained by nonjudgmental, loving compassionate care.
A cure is about the body, but healing goes beyond the physical to repair inner wounds & foster resilience by integrating body, mind & spirit in deep transformation. This class combines evidence-based healing practices that result in a wellbeing that transcends a simple cure. 
co-create with the COSMOS

Cosmos is "order" = Health

We align with the order of the heavens, to harness the creative power of the universe, a cosmos whose "proper order of the world" is what we emulate & co-create to order & bring health to our body & world.
Quantum Healing empowers

*No Quantum Equations!

This simply involves opening to the power already within you, a power to create in alignment with soul to heal forward & backward in time personally & collectively through the power of soul imagination.
complimentary approaches

Transdisciplinary Health

We access a wealth of accumulated knowledge from all times and cultures to create personalized healing systems & approaches for your whole being, rooted in your body, beliefs, ancestry & more.
evidence-based practices

Essential Healing Protocols

Including: active empowerment, creative engagement, following intuition, releasing suppressed emotions, retelling your story, taking supplements, embracing support, increasing positivity, exercise, deepening spirituality, passionate purpose & more.
proven healing strategies

Practical Transformation

Including: self-advocacy, alternative therapies, life style changes, meditation, team approach, community support & giving back. This path embraces self-love, compassion, awareness, exploration, trust, honoring, commitment, resilience . . .
time-tested & universal 

Archetypal Power Practices

Learn fundamentals about healing archetypes like the Wounded Healer & Cosmic Co-Creator.

This is personal, the product of many books, retreats, wise council, inner guidance, my experience & that of friends & family.

An Introduction

Getting to know Heather and the PATH
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What this looks & feels like . . . 

2 deep dive retreats container weekly content, along with ongoing support for your whole circle

Weekly Content

Each week there is a video & workbook with activities that engage both inner & outer worlds in natural & creative ways to guide you deeper upon your healing path.

Support Structure

You cocoon with individual, partner & family or group support structures woven in, to help the whole community as a whole. We have a class discussion group as well.

Ongoing Practice

From creative journalling to medicine walks, affirmations, yoga & meditation, you will come away with a toolkit & 12 live monthly support circles with lifetime access & use. 

Retreats Anchor Us

We begin & end together in the shared intimacy & understanding of retreat with circling, storytelling, art, mirroring, visioning, nature, heart mapping & planning.  
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Write your awesome label here.
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Day 1. Circle Opening & Introduction

Reflections, Storytelling, Vision Holding & Release

Day 2. Changing Attitudes & Habits

Quantum Visioning & Creativity to embody HEALING

Day 3. Radical Co-Creative Transformation

Visioning Quest to receive guiding insight going forward

In + At.tention

Week 1

Drop into yourself & belief
A: Intention & Affirmation


Week 2

Center in a Support Circle
A: Relationship Mandala


Week 3

Create sacred & safe space 
A: Center & Embodied Altar


Week 4

Harnessing your imagination
A: Creative Art Journal


Week 5

Introducing embodied skills
A: Gentle Loving Yoga

Body Map

Week 6

Remembering your life in art
A: Create a Life & Body Map


Week 7

Explore different practices
A: Forest Bathing, Sitting . . .


Week 8

Centering & presencing
A: Centering Art


Week 9

Exploring color & feelings
A: Color Expressionism

Shadow (Gold)

Week 10

Dark night of the soul's gold
A: Shadow Work & Play


Week 11

Envision to create & heal
A: Guided Visualization

Your Story

Week 12

Remember & retell your life
A: Mythologizing your Story


Week 13

See & be seen in relationship
A: Mirror to Empower


Week 14

Record a body ally script 
A: Ally with Unconscious


Week 15

Self-generated ritual skills
A: Transformative Threshold

Rite of Passage

Week 16

Cancer as an initiation
A: Inner Preparation 

Power Statement

Week 17

Who are you Mirroring
A: Deep I statement

Power Circle

Week 18

Discover & claim your power
A: Power Circle & Statement


Week 19

"Death" & making amends . . .
A: Grief & Forgiveness Act

Love of Body

Week 20

Drop into embodied practice
A: Body Love Practice 

Love of Self

Week 21

Deep self-love & compassion
A: Express emotion in color

Love of Others

Week 22

Healing relationships in love
A: Mirroring Circle Practice

Love of Life/Soul

Week 23

This is a big one with cancer!
A: Universe Trust Exercise

Healing Art

Week 24

Create a Self-Portrait for you
A: Talismanic Art Practice
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Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.

Day 1. Circle Opening & Conclusion

Reflections, storytelling, Vision Holding deepening

Day 2. Changing Vision & Expectation

Vision Mapping deep dive to create a Master Plan (2)

Day 3. Radical Co-Creative Transformation

Visioning Quest to receive guiding insight going forward

25 Full Circle: Get Together (Party!) +

Just as your life journey continues, so does this class with an ongoing monthly drop-in support & use of the platform for your partner & group. But it is important to celebrate the steps & the people you journey with. So, we have a party to honor & gift those in our circle, creating a time to celebrate ourselves, achievements & shared gifts. We also have a small, hand-made gift giving for our partner as a way to say thanks & stay connected. Additionally, once a year an in-person group & family retreat will host a group in deep retreat. Finally, we will continue for 6 months more in live monthly support with open circle.

Healing Outcomes

You will come away with practices, tools & techniques.
  • Hypnotherapy script & recording for subliminal healing
  • Art Journal practice for 6 months (best outcomes after this point)
  • Mindfulness Practice for Morning, Afternoon & Evening
  • Create a Healing Altar, Practice, Affirmation & Vision
  • Gentle Healing Yoga practice & Embodiment Ritual 
    + Healing Mandala, Forest Bathing, Mini Medicine Wheel & More
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Invaluable gift of life

Cancer is lots of things: scary, hard & too common. With almost 2 million people diagnosed annually, getting cancer is people's #1 fear. Yet, it is also deeply transformative, a gift of life (that you want to return to sender). 
Gain a new/old perspective on cancer & what the psychologist C G Jung called the Golden Shadow after the alchemical gold created from the transformation of lead (shit). Jung said 90% of our shadow is golden, making cancer a golden opportunity. (Imagine your wealth!) Time to grab a shovel & dig in to the layers of personal & cultural repression to remember buried stories & traditions & receive gems of insight gifted by your descent into Hades . . . Lord of Riches

Hell is not our favorite destination, but just as shit creates rich soil, deep excavation reveals treasure as, day after day, we are called to mine the depths & darkness. Ultimately, we learn to see in the dark not only to find our way up to the light but also to appreciate the beauty of the gems like stars. There is a reason we get's pulled into the underworld for redemption. Now we go consciously.

Heather Taylor-Zimmerman

Cultivating your full life potential

Heather knows this healing journey personally, having the crazy experience of navigating cancer in the age of coronavirus. She has made her hypnotherapy tape, went to and consulted with specialists, and lost her hair (eyelashes, etc.) . While each diagnosis & lived experience is unique, she has found this to be a time of profound opportunity in which she was open, ready & initiated through profound & lasting change. Struck by the deep beauty, courage & receptivity of the cancer patients around her, Heather wants to share her experience with others, moving through diagnosis, surgery & chemotherapy into radiation, recovery & beyond that has inspired her to offer a path forward for others. Cancer is a community.

Confronting Death helps us Live

This is an invitation to live a life of love

This is about learning to splash in mudpuddles and laugh in the rain as you are strengthened by life experience . . . i. e. challenges. The truth is that confronting our fear of death kindles our love of life. We move through the darkness to the dawn, disease into health. On this journey we explore our stories and memories to rediscover and recover our power. We remember forgotten parts of ourselves to heal more deeply. Through playing with what we love, whether journaling, painting, cooking, or dreaming, we learn to navigate the darkness of our experience to come to a greater understanding of the dawn as a symbol of rebirth. Cancer brings us to a place of profound receptivity to change and grow.

We need HOPE

Hope is the gateway to healing & Heather's name given in a rite of passage is "Daughter of the Sunrise (Hope)." Yet, hope is not something we automatically or always have. This is a toolkit for renewing & giving hope.
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Inspired by Heather's path over the last 2 1/2 years navigating cancer from diagnosis through treatment, this course is deeply personal & dear to her heart. It is made up of all the things that helped make her experience as comfortable, successful & transformative as possible.
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Hope is like the sun, which, as we journey toward it, casts the shadow of our burden behind us.
Samule Smiles
It all depends on how we look at things, and not how they are themselves. . . Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.
C G Jung

A kit for everyone touched by C

This kit began to take form when Heather's best friend was diagnosed with cancer. Visiting almost daily, she was struck by her lack of understanding about how to support someone through the crisis of cancer, prompting a return to an earlier exploration of death & dying from Elizabeth Kublër-Ross & the Egyptian Book of the Dead to hospice traditions from around the world. This information distilled into something very basic but foundationally essential: to really BE there & BE together. It is about really really ourselves & really living.

For you & your people

Gather the support you need with resources for your community.
Retreats are optional in 2 locations in Olympia, WA & La Quinta, CA
Cancer can touch you, but not your soul; neither your thoughts, nor your heart.

Depth Psychology

 Imagination & Deep Unconscious

Sound Therapy

Music, Nature & Sound Healing

Dream Tending

Dream Journaling & Incubation 

Guided Visualization

Healing by Seeing & Somatic Belief

Rites of Passage

Initiate Deep & Lasting Change

 Personal Ritual

Ritual Creates Powerful Truth

Art Therapy

Deep Wounds & Complexes + Fun


Presencing & Purposeful Intent


Yoga, Dance, Body Scans & Self-Love


Nature-Based & Guided Healing


Center & Still for Peace & Insight


Program Your Whole Recovery
I think a lot of psychological healing tends to work on that basis. We go into the unconscious to find what's holding you back, so to speak, and I think there is an unconscious body image that may be responsible for the unhealing that's taking place.
Fred Alan Wolf

This kit journeys with you

This course centers around you as you prepare for and navigate your healing journey. Starting with support for your diagnosis and then moving through research and treatment to the sustained support of your life path, this course offers the compassionate care that your need. Based on Heather's research and experience with cancer, she weaves information together that can support you as you travel, from journaling to walking, dreams to meditation. Each week we will drop into an exploration of a new step on your journey of recovery.

Healing Community 

Deep resources with nature, labyrinths, retreat space, & Harmony Hill Cancer Center nearby.
  • Come to a retreat center designed to heal you with a land-based curriculum that honors life, love & hope.
  • Circle with others who share your experience to experience inspiration, understanding & mirroring.
  • Gain insight as you vision quest on the land, walking trails, creating rituals, gathering, sharing & healing. 


To help you become successful in your field, our experts will teach you tips and tricks as well as the best practices.
Empty space, drag to resize

Books to support your journey . . .

Additional resources are all around us & we include a list of recommended reading with 3 strong suggestions: Dr. Kelly Turner's Radical Remission; Dr. Joe Dispenza's You are the Placebo; & Dr. Marion Woodman's Bone: Dying into Life.

Lists of apps, podcasts, recipes & more

We believe in our own on-going education and keeping up with state-of-the-art technology and industry standards. This ensures our students receive quality instruction while earning the credentials they need.

Real world contacts & connections

We understand that staying at the top of your profession means accessing education and earning certificates efficiently and effectively.

It is time to PLAY! (yes)

Cancer is too serious to be taken seriously. Have fun! Be real, of course but also let go & do what you love.
  • With laughter yoga, comedy, child-like play & wonder 
  • Art helps us return to childhood (when we often last created)
  • This is a trust exercise with life in which silliness is essential
  • Heather is innately playful & will remain so . . . even though she knows the moments when it is so real it's hard to breathe 

Body & art reach the unconscious 

From making a hypnotherapy tape to help you work with your unconscious to a creative cancer care journal and workbook, this is a chance to access the power of integrative medicine and applied psychology in ways that are practical, personal, and profound. The unconscious is responsible for 95% of our thoughts, feelings & action, not to mention that it is the most powerful in regards to the physical body. For these reasons & more, almost everything we do will have a conscious implication & a deeper unconscious message too. 
Art can permeate the very deepest part of us, where no words exist. [Verified by science but words are art too.]
Eileen Miller

Compassion + Care = Ease (not Disease)

Content deeply rooted in your needs and your life
 Preparation for the journey 
From hearing the news of your diagnosis to gathering resources and information to assembling a team, this is an essential time to establish deep self-care practices that support you in creating ease in your life to drop deep & rest.
Choices as you journey
While each person's situation is unique, archetypal practices can help us navigate our journey, identifying underlying psychological complexes that can obscure our path & recognizing intuitive insight to guide us. 
Treatment as you travel
Undergoing treatment can be challenging, & yet Heather experienced a positive & restful response to her treatment clinic, patterning deep relaxation & restoration. This is a time for self-care & love.
Looking to the future
Dreams feed us. When we cultivate our dream garden, we reap the benefit n ways known and unknown, as dream images stimulate our imagination and intuition to grow.

Circles of Support

Make a medicine wheel to hold the circles of your support. 

By yourself

A circle of 1

You move through this process by yourself to promote deep healing & growth.

With a partner

A circle of 2

You partner so that you can be supported and mirrored in your transformation.

With Family

A circle of family

You are held in a circle to soak in the powerful support of community.

In Community

A circle of support

You move through this process by yourself to promote deep healing & growth.

Deepen connections

We form a circle of compassionate care that holds your both together and apart. When we need help, & cancer definitely qualifies, we can feel cut off from the support we need when we need it most. In our inward movement to heal, we can feel even more isolated and alone. So, the course combines active individual work with group work, caring for ourselves and each other. This course offers individual weekly work/play along with monthly drop-in groups to share our stories and provide each other with support along the way. 

Drop into partnership

To accompany your group work, you will have a power partner to help you work and play through lessons, share ideas and experiences, and be there for you when you need it most. The power partner is built into the structure because it has been found really effective. Your partner can be a caretaker, best friend or family member (none or all 3), someone to deepen your connection to. Besides having cancer herself, Heather has had a number of good friends & a best friend die of cancer, learning how hard supporting can be.

This offering comes with a support group

Partnering with nature

Partnering is also about connecting with nature. This is a healing journey that gets you back in touch with your nature in nature. Nature changes your brain state and biochemistry. It helps regulate your body so that you are relieved of the burden of stress, depression, and fear that you carry. Whether hiking a forested path, sitting on a swing watching a sunset, or meandering through a neighborhood park, getting out into nature is designed into the program to help you self-regulate and return to a natural (healthy) life. 
The soul is not the body, the body is the soul.
Hildegarde von Bingen

Ancient wisdom and modern science

Beyond modern treatments like chemotherapy, immunotherapy & radiation, more ancient practices of meditation, contemplation & yoga offer evidence-based healing support to ease your way through & emerge transformed. While recent science may be woven in, it is really the deep past that is returned to the most, informed by a contemporary understanding to offer us a new & yet also old path forward. From affirmations to prayer, visualization to mindfulness, Compassionate Cancer Care introduces techniques, tools & practices to release fear & worry & increase resilience, peace & love on your healing journey.
There is no coming to consciousness without pain. People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own Soul. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious. [Cancer does this.]
c g jung

Self-generated ritual to heal

This is a chance & a time to explore what you think, feel, and believe. To touch into what is inside and around your, seen and unseen, known and unknown that offers a deepening of your compassionate care and support. Whether you believe in the beauty of a sunset of the blessing of deeply felt gratitude or a god by whatever name, this is a time to experience the feelings associated with your belief and really get to know the foundational support that holds you and is available to your. Whether you are deepening a life-long faith or moving in a different direction, the coursework playfully encourages diving into the depths of what support is there for you yet untapped and unrecognized. A belief in something, whether Christ or the goodness of humanity has been shown to offer healing benefits along with prayer or reflection--by whatever name. 

Repatterning yourself and life

With practices that take you into nature and yourself, Compassionate Cancer Care also offers real-world advice about how to pattern and create health. Our habits support us when we need them the most, and so we create meaningful patterns from affirmations to smoothies. As with all of the offerings, this is your chance to find your way and create yourself and life. Take what works for you and let the rest go as you navigate your journey through healing to heath. 

Moving with the seasons of your life.

Moving from diagnosis to decision and treatment, we shift with the seasons of our life. Like the food that grows in each season, each transition offers a gift that teaches us how to nurture and heal ourselves from the new growth of spring to the fullness of summer that falls away to die down and rest in winter.

This is creative healing your way

Beyond treatments like chemotherapy and radiation, practices like meditation, relaxation, and yoga help you get through treatment with greater ease and better outcomes. From affirmations to prayer, visualization to mindfulness, Compassionate Cancer Care introduces techniques and practices to release fears and increase resilience. 

Find your technique . . . journaling

Journals are a great way to get our thoughts and feelings out to heal. So, we offer and support a journaling practice to help you through your experience. Come journal with words, doodles, and even art. It can be totally messy with coffee spills (smoothie or tea?) or precise & perfectish. Remember your way is perfect. Your are perfect. What you want to do is let go of all the restraints you have put on yourself over the years (others probably helped) to find your true self & way of doing. . . everything. Try different ways. No judgement just love.  

Be comfortable and snuggle in

What do you love? Tea? Candles? Slippers? Your cat, guinea pig . . ? Gather the things that bring you joy to surround and aid you in your recovery. Think outside the box. Do you like lavender? What about aromatherapy? Create a ritual & a space as you learn to consciously live & co-create your life. There is a reason that retreat centers have piles of blankets & pillows, tea & flowers. The setting or container you create creates you . . . your frame of mind & state of embodied heart. When you are comfortable, you are more likely to deeply inhabit your body to really life. Create a loving environment as an act of deep self-care & self-compassion. Drop in & drop deep. Lie there. Treat yourself.

Simple pleasures & deep gratitude

This is my cat who wins the award for what I am the most grateful for in my daily gratitude practice with my mom & an off & on practice with one of my sons. Gratitude trains us to focus on the positive & create what we want by extending our energy toward it. Just as it is said that worrying is praying for what you don't want to have happen, gratitude is a great way to really pray. It is a form of communion with life in which you communicate you are receptive, alive & in harmony. It is an essential part of really living, especially when you have to dig deep to be grateful. When I was in chemo, I was magically & ridiculously grateful for everything. In particular, my sheets & blanket (I was in bed more) were SOOOOO soft. Gratitude is a gift that invokes & invites grace.

Do what you love with your love (s)

Compassionate Cancer Care includes information on the healthy foods and supplements along with recipes and rituals that nurture you in mind, body, and spirit. Get support shopping and cooking to nurture yourself.

Cancer cultivates DEEP appreciation

My cancer diagnosis made me instantly realize how much I loved life & wanted to live. It is an instant reorientation to what is meaningful & essential. Everything else falls away. I could lose a breast or leg or whatever. I could be wheelchair bound. I just want to live. That is how I felt. I was instantly in such deep appreciation for everything a second before I had taken for granted. Grudges or victimhood be damned, I was immediately centered in my soul. They had my full attention & that is why I believe cancer is such a profound opportunity for initiation. We rise from kneeling, & cancer (or whatever hardship or disease you have) brings you to your knees. This is an AMAZING opportunity to do what we need to do & be who we really are: to really live.