Go from surviving to thriving! Just as we lose parts of ourselves to adapt in trauma, being lost can be a great way to find our soul.



101 (Let's go!) Come on the first step of a healing journey into the body.

Healing is an act of radical empowerment!

This is a first step of our journey because we need to start where we are. We all have some wounds. These are a source of power because they hold a fragment of ourselves that we have lost to the experience. So, we begin by remembering our wholeness & reclaiming lost & forgotten parts of ourselves & soul. To be a vessel for our soul's creativity means to atone--which simply means to be one or whole ("to heal"). As our biography becomes our biology, we look to our shadowed past. Go! (Sorry to sound like a cheerleader, but this is so needed!)
Whenever we suffer a physical or emotional trauma, it is said that a part of our soul flees the body in order to survive the experience. With every cut and wound, our essence and vitality grows weaker.  
mateo sol

Reclaiming Soul power & protection

Reclaim soul for a more purposeful & powerful life of healing love & radical authenticity (also responsibility)
Write your awesome label here.

Why take this?

Everything included in the kit is evidence-based with both modern science & ancient wisdom behind it. Weaving archetypal practice with emerging revelation, SR is an offering for everyone because we all have wounds.

Do you want to feel centered?

In our center we are stable & empowered: soul-regulated.

How about relationship?

Relationship, kinship & belonging are what hold us.

What about connected?

Soul connects us to the web & flow of life energy to feel alive to thrive in connection.

Understanding compassion?

If we can't feel compassion, we can't see ourselves or be seen . . .& that's a hot mess.

Want unconditional love?

Obviously. Who doesn't.

Peace & acceptance?

Dare we dream? Yes, we do!

Loss of power, soul or boundaries?

We all have issues. This is a chance to root them out at a psychological level.

Power Loss & Chronic Suffering

Do you experience loss of vitality or personal power with symptoms of depression, anxiety & confusion? Power loss is rampant & the crazy thing is that we disempower ourselves (once someone has shown us how). Let's stop the madness & reclaim our power!

Soul Loss & Leaving the Body (to cope)

Causes: abuse, loss (death or divorce), shock & wounding of all kinds (i. e. being human!). Anything traumatic can cause the soul to disassociate to survive. Do you feel like you observe not participate, have PTSD, addiction or say, "I've never been the same since."

Boundary Loss & Intrusion

Often conditioned in childhood, lack of boundaries is a modern epidemic, leading to allowing things "in" that don't belong or taking on other people's "stuff." As a result, we may experience chronic pain, sickness, fatigue or negativity. Yet, the power to heal is ours.
The process of individuation, generally begins with a wounding of the personality and the suffering that accompanies it. This initial shock amounts to a sort of 'call,' although it is not often recognized as such. [A call to befriend darkness, called the Dark Night of the Soul] 
C g jung

Deep Healing Gnosis

This is a healing path led by your soul as an inner shaman ("knower, one who sees in the dark, healer"), rooted in shamanism as the earliest spiritual practice (30-40,000 years old) & our deep ancestral past. A form of self & Self (whole self)- integration through soul, soul retrieval is a process of atONEment with Creation that takes us back to heal ourselves & lineage.
This kit accesses & activates an inner gnosis (also a word for "knowledge") that is different from our modern understanding, returning us to an embodied, instinctual & intuitive knowing reaching from our deep or remote past. This way of knowing is the taproot of all of the Soul of Creativity offerings, leading us on a journey of integration through remembering our dismembered parts in soul--who is the taproot or eternally living core. A soul retrieval is a form of communion & communication with the soul in which we remember & realize that we are not apart from but a part of a larger whole or Soul. As we gather the wounded fragmented parts of ourselves to "pull ourselves together," love is the glue that binds us in a process that is about healing pain . . . not reliving it. Whew!

When we remember our separate parts, we realize we are not separate but a part of creation & creators on a path of soul & Self-discover, recovery & recreation. While this act of soul retrieval is ongoing, reflecting the continuing nature of the transformational or individuation journey, this is an important first step toward knowing ourselves as soul. To "know thyself" is an ancient Greek aphorism & the first of 3 at the Temple of Delphi with: "nothing too much" & "give a pledge to the troubled." This is a good summary of what we are doing at SS & in soul retrieval.  

Calling us home

Soul retrieval is an ancient & archetypal practice of gathering fragments of ourselves & soul lost to past trauma to return home to our Self or whole self. It is a path of self-love, acceptance, empowerment & compassion that prepares the vessel of our body & life for our soul's influence & energy. While soul healing takes us to core wounds, it is gentle & flexible, guiding us through inner revelation within a structure that is trauma-informed & evidence-based for deeply profound & lasting change. 
  • asynchronous timing

    allows flexible learning
  • 24 daily videos

    for instruction
  • 24 daily exercises

    creative activities to heal
  • 24 daily prompts

    for journaling
  • live weekly support

    drop in sessions
  • live discussion group

    creates a safe container
The wound is the place where the Light enters you.

  Day 1


Creating a container & circle

Day 2


Body, mind & soul Connect

Day 3 


Embodiment Exercise

 Day 4


Presencing Awareness

Day 5 

Embodied Shadow

Embodied trauma intro

Day 6

Body Inventory

Body Map & journaling

Day 7

Shadow Inventory

Inner reflection & BTQ tool

Day 8

Life Inventory

Life story creative writing

Day 9

Past Experiences

Map timeline in art

Day 10

Unconditional Love

Unconditional love of nature

Day 11

Body Language

Embody feelings

Day 12



Day 13

Auto suggestion

Guided self-hypnosis

Day 14 

Eco Mindfulness

Healing in & with nature

Day 15


Listen for soul & talk back

Day 16


Create an Art Mirror

Day 17 


Cultivate inner kindness

Day 18


Bring presence to life

Day 19 


A corner stone of creation

Day 20


Write a love letter to yourself

Day 21

Self-Made Ritual

Ritualize your healing

Day 22

Gratitude Prayer

Give thanks your way

Day 23

Soul Integration

Mandala healing whole

Day 24

Closing Circle & Ritual

Closing container & ritual

Your Body

Licensed Counselor, MA
ROP certified leader

Buck is drawn to the circle of rites of passage as a way to open hearts and minds. Extending his work with youth as a counselor, he believes in the gifts of the land that offer hope and renewal.

Your Psyche or Soul

Youth Counselor
ROP certified leader

Jordan is passionate about helping people find their way to a deeper and more authentic life. A youth counselor for years, Jordan loves helping people discover their passion and purpose.


Eco-Art Psychology, PhD
ROP certified leader

Heather has a deep calling and commitment to helping people live authentic lives of deep meaning: to be themselves. She feels a special call to help youth find themselves and their way.
A crisis of meaning & the shadow of our time

Soul illuminates shadow

We are living in a time of crisis & conscious creation in which we become conscious of how you are creating from our wounds. Like it or not, we are all the walking wounded and in order to heal, we have to look into the darkness of ourselves to let in light. The current crisis has many facets and is bio & psycho-individual (unique to you), but here are some highlights of our need to heal:

After the COVID epidemic we are experiencing an epidemic of: anxiety; depression; deaths of despair (suicide & addiction); school dropout; domestic violence; divorce; loan default, homelessness . . . as the saying goes "Where are we going and why am I in a handbasket." (*in US)

Create stunning sales pag

Loss of a support network: whether from the insufficiency of the "mental" health system; a loss of connection to family and community; or in your own interior framework of belief as you experience doubt, fear & distrust in the direction, guidance & experience of your life. 

Sell more online courses with coupons, bundles, subscriptions, and Drip Feed. Our tools give you unparalleled flexibility in marketing your courses.

Cultural & planetary crisis: from economic, racial & gender (etc.) injustice to a war in Ukraine (that involves everyone) & our current path of ecological species extinction, humanity faces unprecedented systemic issues that transcend our conscious ability to cope, act & heal. 

A complete built-in social network for connecting with your students. The only online course platform that helps your students connect with peers.

Trauma & Shadow Healing for Individuals & Groups

  • engage a friend or group
  • take an assigned partner 
  • life lessons for family 
  • cultural shadow work 
  • service orientation

partner & group support 

Interactive partner & group support  increases empathy, compassion & understanding in yourself & others to foster deep community healing.

embodied individual support

Holistic & embodied support grounds you & your experience in your body, life & community for practical, lasting and powerful positive transformation. 

Shadow Work = Earth Healing

Move from surviving to thriving & separation to connection as you explore archetypal practices that are uniquely powerful, challenging & engaging to enrich your life now and in the years to come. (Ongoing access)

Personal Trauma

Healing yourself is the most important thing that you can do and the foundation of all transpersonal growth to come. 

Transpersonal Trauma

Our world needs us. We are the walking wounded, called to heal one another from our shared trauma species history. 

Ecological Trauma

Nature calls to us as kin. We are nature & our connection to nature shares the pain that we inflict on our greater being.

Healing requires change . . . 

1. Try to do the things you know you should (live what you believe)
2. Do not gossip. If you have something to say, say it to the person
* go to the community page & deep conflict transformation course for help
3. Only say what is true, helpful and necessary & ask first (humor is good)
4. Look for the soul behind the person & in their story (& the world)
5. Judge not lest you be judged (no stones . . . this is always effective for me)
6. Think before you speak & wait a day before major decisions. Contact soul
7. Be loving & forgiving with yourself & others for the ways we struggle

soul= whole Self & whole Life

Practical approach

Our training is designed to provide the skills in a practical approach. Our students' success is our best asset in showing the quality of our training.

Globally oriented

Strategies shared and knowledge earned allows our students to immediately set up their business and start offering their services around the globe.

For your career

Whether you want to boost your career within the company you are working or grow at your own business by applying the latest strategies we teach, this is the way.

Art Therapy

Body mapping, painting feelings, deep unconscious imagery & memories

Creative Writing

Morning journal practice with prompts, story writing & creative soul dialogue

Body Practice

Gentle, exploratory yoga, nature medicine walks, movement & free dancing

Music Therapy

Music memory retrieval, natural rhythms, relaxation, reverie & sleep

Shadow Work

Work & play with the unconscious to uncover repressed material to heal

Self-Made Ritual

You create your own rituals in your own way as a way to talk to & honor soul in life

Image Activation

Morning journal practice with prompts, story writing & creative soul dialogue

Mystical Practice

Gentle, exploratory yoga, nature medicine walks, movement & free dancing

Archetypal Lens

Wounded healer & other archetypes create a symbolic lens for deep healing


Body mapping, painting feelings, deep unconscious imagery & memories
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
"everything you can imagine is real." picasso

Create Your Reality

It is time to consciously & compassionately create a new reality for ourselves, others & the world. This starts with the basic axis of our belief: time & space, which will weave throughout the coursework as quantum creativity. Our creation is rooted in soul, not the world & our ego.

When we shift the world shifts too

In a way, everything is about alignment--between our beliefs, thoughts, words and actions, between ourselves and our soul, and between ourselves, others and the world itself. Whether we are talking about the right relationship or alignment of the creative centers within ourselves (chakras), our family or the world, everything comes down to our alignment. For, this is how we contact our soul. We have to align to them by doing what we intuitively know to do. There is no short way or pill but the honest commitment to being ourselves.
Time and space are not conditions of existence, time and space is a model of thinking. . . A human being is a part of the whole called by us the universe; a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts, and his feelings as something separate from the rest--a kind of optical delusion of consciousness.
albert einstein 
Be grateful for your difficulties and challenges, for they hold blessings. In fact . . . Man needs difficulties; they are necessary for health, personal growth, individuation and self-actualization.
C g jung

This will bring you into ego conflict

Your ego is rooted in the world and the spirit of the time--of materialism, conformity, tradition, etc. While there are traditions that are powerful and need to remain, many are rooted in the falsehood of collective or tribal ego. As you change, your vibration will change and way of being will change. This is good but not everyone will see it this way. It may read as judgment to others (don't judge them). It may feel threatening as if you are leaving. Just stay your course in loving kindness (or our approximation of that). Crisis is a part of the journey and your showing others a different way (through actions) is an invitation to join you. Be self-compassionate. I remember being told that someone wanted the old Heather back. It's ok. You are becoming yourSelf. 

This kit comes with a discussion group, weekly support partner & group 

The first step is into yourself. . . sorry

This path is for anyone who is ready to take the next step on the path of their own transformation--wherever it leads. Are you called to move deeper into a more intimate connection with yourself, others, and the world? Do you want to have a meaningful and transformational experience that can help you know and love yourself more fully? Following in the footsteps of rites of passage throughout time, this course is designed to lead you to a new name, identity, life, and purpose.

A circle of ONE

You are alone on the land

On the land and throughout this process you are fundamentally alone, reflecting on yourself and your life. 


You check in with a partner

In this process you are held by a power partner who you check in with throughout the weeks and on the land. 

A group CIRCLE

You are held within a circle

From beginning to end, you are held within the circle of the group to mirror and provide a container for your passage.
Our bodies are just temporary vessels for our souls, which will go on forever. You really are an extension of the power that created the whole universe, no matter what drags you have on.

Soul commitment . . . rubber & road

BE SELF-HONEST!!! Write what you know you should do but don't do. Why? Write, draw, dance . . . let it flow. And then do those things. It can be slowly or one at a time, but those are the things you know intuitively to do and don't. Your soul is not going to communicate with you and be in relationship if you don't listen & respond. The trick is that the soul is about healing and that requires looking in our closet and under the bed (because you can't fool you soul). Being self-honest is being soul honest. Trust me, this makes me nervous writing this, but it is the only way to really clean our house and clear our body. 
The ego seeks to divide and separate Spirit seeks to unify and heal. [ego is rooted in fear, soul in love]
pema chodren

24 days to a new sense of yourself

It takes this long to change an old habit and make a new one.