We need each other!!!!
Depth Community
At Soul Space we cultivate a deep intimacy born from crisis called communitas, a sacred sense or spirit of community that emerges from the unstructured transitional or liminal experience of initiation (conscious transformation in crisis).
Initiation means to "begin," and Soul Space is a place of new beginnings in which we are reborn like the flower from the earth and the butterfly from the cocoon. It is a renaissance of heart & soul embodied in the ourselves and the earth to blossom in the communion of our shared intimacy and suffering.
This communitas is the goal and model for Soul Space. Based on the root of communion and communication "to unite," communitas is a form of at ONEment. Like the Chinese character for crisis, communitas is a change or turning point in which crisis leads to collective transformation based on equality.
"We want a culture that is inclusive of everyone and where everyone who joins feels they have opportunities to succeed and grow." Nellie Borrero
This communitas is the goal and model for Soul Space. Based on the root of communion and communication "to unite," communitas is a form of at ONEment. Like the Chinese character for crisis, communitas is a change or turning point in which crisis leads to collective transformation based on equality.
"We want a culture that is inclusive of everyone and where everyone who joins feels they have opportunities to succeed and grow." Nellie Borrero

Creating rich soil as we co-create a garden together
As the archetype of life itself, soul holds diversity within unity. At Soul Space we honor both in an ethos of tolerance, humility, and compassion where understanding holds room for mystery. Studies show that optimal transformation comes when a diverse group is held together by a core belief, and so we gather a diverse community that believes in a better and more sustainable world. Like a community garden, we cultivate the rich soil of common ground by tending relationships through the web of life.

Mission: Tending the soul in ourselves and the world.
Motto: animae mundi colendae gratia, for the sake of tending the soul in and of the world as the kinship between all living things
Vision. This is a global community and transformational movement
Calling. Honor all life for a enlightened and sustainable future
Challenge. Bridge eco-psychological divides for an equitable future

Kinship with all life
Like roots of a mother tree, Soul Space connects through the common ground of our shared psychic soil and the collective unconscious/superconscious. We are:
- a place to meet and drop deep by sharing our experiences
- a forum for images from dreams, visions, & synchronicities
- a landscape to explore new approaches, tools, and teachings
- a community of heart-felt and open-minded peace building
- a resource for eco-psychological activism in the world
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Kinship: we are on family

Come Alone
On some level this is always your journey . . . one that is self and soul-paced.
Bring a Friend
Deepen your relationships with in shared growth. Discounts available.
Gather a Group
Group discounts are available for friends and families. Please Inquire.
Sponsor Others
In a time of need, you can help those in need. Tax deduction is pending.*
"there is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about."
Communitas: the spirit of COMMUNITY
Communion with our nature & the natural world.
Returning to the roots of connection with ourselves, others, & the world.
Drop deep and grow up strong as ONE

Your journey, your way
Whatever nature is to you
Playful, natural, hard & fun
Held in the heart of soul
Renaissance and the rebirth of soul love (& service)
After 3 years of confronting death and darkness with COVID,-eco-catastrophe, war, a divided nation (name your poison), the light of a new dawn is rising . . . in us. Like the bumper sticker that says the light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off to save energy, it's time for us to realize that we are the light that illuminates the Dark Night of the Soul. Whether suffering from disease, divorce, or death, Soul Space is a place to cultivate our light to offer to the world, creating an enlightenment of consciousness.

Image = soul seed
Heather reached out to soul for a guiding seed image & Black Elk's archetypal vision came, echoed by the native Sun Dance, Tree of Life of the Garden, the flowering tree of light of Carl Jung, the Mother Tree of Susan Simard.
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Spirit of the Depths and a time to heal emotions
After a time of separation and isolation in which social and political division has become more violent and prevalent, it is time to come together. To make it through the darkness of our times we need to harvest the buried treasure that can only come from alchemizing our suffering into the gold of transformation. Soul calls us to heal ourselves and our communities through greater vulnerability, intimacy, and integrity. Though we may not like the suffering, we are primed to transform. For the first time, we are transforming together globally. Reach out in the darkness to illuminate others.

Myth Image
The image of a rainbow is a shared myth from the past to the present that serves as a unifying mythic image & bridge to guide us.
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This is a free course on designing, creating, and facilitating deep transformation in community.
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Soul is the connective web of community
Soul connects the personal and global in a web that is fractal and scalable, transcending your soul or my soul in a world soul, our life in all life. Always connecting to something bigger, soul is a bridge that unites the world. It is a network that transcends difference with our shared world and experience. In soul, we are all one people and race: the human race. We are a tribe as big as the world in which all people are welcome, connecting human and nonhuman life.
Soul is universal but lost and misunderstood in our time as something unreal and religious.
Our modern disconnect from soul separates us from life, leading to a life crisis on earth.
Soul brings us back to life, connecting our nature to nature. When we are natural we heal.
When we heal, we heal the planet and others, realizing that we are a part of a larger web of life.
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Transform Through Conflict
Learn to harness the power of difference and crisis to transform into something new and more.
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Intergenerational & Ancestral Healing
Reconnecting the generations to complete the circle.
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110 hours in total
Text material
382 pages
24 challenges
3 Certificates
civil rites> civil war
Soul Space is a place to initiate an inner creative revolution to be the change in the world we seek.
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Minds are like parachutes, they only work when open.
Bumpersticker that is equally true of the heart

Safe Passage ROP
Like it or not, we are going through a collective rite of passage through the darkness of our time. As much as we may want to hide in bed, now is the time to confront the darkness . . . inside and out. This ROP (not RIP) weaves self-generated reflection and ritual to alchemize the darkness into light. Built around an archetypal ROP structure of separation, transformation, and integration, this is a chance to confront the darkness in order to move into the dawn. No tattooing or fasting required.
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Plant Seeds of Change
In case you missed it (really?), we need a break. Crisis is opportunity but only if we make it a "change" or "turning point," the meaning of crisis reflected in many languages and the chance to go in a different direction--to embrace and embody soul to become whole. This is a collective movement of our time and all time transcending your soul and mine but in the collective unconscious that unites us in the world souls. Soul connects us like the roots of a forest or garden whose rhizomal network helps reach the 95% of our thoughts, feelings, and actions that come from the depths.

Anybody whose calling is to guide souls should have his own soul guided first, so that he knows what it means to deal with the human soul.
c g jung

Contact Heather to find out more about how Soul Space can change your life. Scholarships available. Soul Space is designed to help you hear and heed your soul's call, supporting you as you chart your course and embark on a journey into greater light and life. We need you!

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