
Tools, Skills,

HELP Creating Soul Space Community

This is a circle of support for our community to foster deep relationship through appreciation & celebration of difference by reimagining conflict as a beneficial opportunity for deep transformation. Come explore, discover & play with conflict to create belonging in this kit & the coursework beyond. Come back as needed!

Crisis = an opportunity for initiation

We have the chance to create harmony & community, turning conflict, anger, animosity, hatred, domination & subordination into equity & equality.
Conflict transformation refers to the process of moving from conflict-oriented & habituated systems to peace systems. This process re-orients conflict as a necessary dynamic, providing the needed energy for growth & change. Distinguished from the more common term of conflict resolution, this kit recognizes that conflict does not cease (OMG!) but transforms, transforming us from one state to another within a dynamic ecosystem emergent change.

Get your free DCT guide!

By downloading this 2-page "cheat sheet," you will gain:

  • A simple, reusable practice to apply on the fractal levels of scale of the soul & unconscious together
  • An ability to aid others in their transformation, mediating conflict within yourself, family & world
  • Craft your own unique approach to conflict transformation as initiation to apply when needed
Write your awesome label here.
Conflict exists strictly as an opportunity to raise our consciousness. . . Be grateful for your difficulties & challenges, for they hold blessings. In fact , . . Man needs difficulties; they are necessary for health. personal growth, individuation & self-actualization.
c g jung

Our mission is to transform together.

Conflict transforms a - into +
How do you live your beliefs?
World relationship is essential
Heal human & non-human love

Commitments & Agreements

Soul Space is committed to creating & cultivating community in right-relationship with each other & the earth, reflecting a kinship model of equality held throughout human history. Reflecting our commitment to a socially altruistic community, Soul Space embraces giving within a gift economy in contrast with the larger greed economy of society. We recognize that we are co-equal with gifts to offer & receive within a model of reciprocity. At its heart, Soul Space supports the transformation inherent in soul, rippling out in circles of connection & community, from the individual to the world & beyond.

Barefoot Soul Ethic 

In honoring our barefoot soul ethic, we hold the earth as one Being, alive in soul as a part of the whole world. As a part of our ecological versus egotistical perspective, we come in humility (rooted etymologically in the earth), offering respect, appreciation & gratitude for differences in identity, politics, religion, age, class, gender, race, sexual orientation & worldview.

As a part of our commitment to group soul-tending, we agree to listen deeply with an open heart & mind with curiosity & tolerance for perspectives other than our own.

Guiding Principles & Agreements:

• To stop, reflect, think, feel & intuit as we navigate points of difference through a soul model in which we hold the highest potential & possibility within ourselves, each other & the world.
• To reflect inward & honor the level of our commitment to a sustainable community, giving what we can to honor the value of our shared belonging & the coursework in reciprocity with all.
• To walk the path with curiosity & generosity of heart, mind, soul & spirit in our own way without imposing our beliefs, values, words, or actions on others, instead being receptive to other views.
• To journey in courage & commitment to the highest potential of ourselves & community.
• To honor practical considerations from being on time to coming prepared & being receptive.
• To honor our needs through self-care & self-compassion recognizing our own gifts & greatness.

Create You Soul Contract

Reflect on Your Soul Agreement.  What does this mean for you? Write in your journal, draw & doodle in response to the following questions:
1.  What is your commitment to your soul, family, community & world?
2. What does this mean for you?
3. What does this look & feel like for you?
4. Create an outline (left hemisphere) of tangible steps & objectives with incentives & metrics.
5. Create a visual model of what this will look & feel like with rewards for reaching your goals.
While rooted in the transcendent function of the soul & Jungian depth psychology, Soul Space's approach to conflict has many roots.

Deep roots ground us.

We follow in many footsteps on our conflict transformation journey, based on the legacy of
  • Indian Satyagraha, a term for nonviolent resistance movement & the peaceful work of Mahatma Gandi.
  • Martin Luther King & the African American Civil Rights & Christian theology Movements.
  • South African anti-apartheid movement & the work of Nelson Mandela, as well as the establishment of the Truth & Reconciliation Commission.
  • South American liberation theology & the work of educators & activists like Gustavo Gutierrez. 
  • Christian pacifist tradition, specifically the work of Dr. John Paul Laderach at Notre Dame University
  • Indigenous peacemaking movements & traditions.
  • Restorative Justice Traditions around the globe.
Instead of rushing to resolve or simply trying to contain damage, conflict transformation practitioners focus on repairing systemic power imbalances & healing broken relationships [in a sustainable ecological approach].
melody stanform martin

Who is this path for? All of us.

This path is designed to help support all of us, including individuals, couples, families & communities, because we heal within circles of support. This kit includes journaling, prompts & activities designed to strengthen our insight & capacity to transform conflict as a tool & energy source for ongoing growth.

Helping people heal.

This free offering is designed to help people heal as they find safe passage and learn to navigate our time. Designed to help you meet and get to know others as much as to know and understand yourself, this is a place and course to return to process the suffering of your past.
Write your awesome label here.

Remember Community through conflict.

Soul Space is a place for you to drop deep, heal wounds, create positive change & make friends. More than anything, this is a place of soulful community & this offering is designed to cultivate community by recognizing that conflict happens.
  • Creating Partnerships in cooperation & collaboration
  • Fostering Intimacy through compassionate & safe vulnerability
  • Forming Groups with skills designed to channel conflict into growth
  • Teaching Conflict Resolution Skills that can be applied in many situations
  • Guiding Visualizations used to help self-regulate yourself, partner & group
  • Charting Strategies for ongoing structural & systemic change
The apparently unendurable conflict is proof of the rightness of your life. A life without contradiction is only half a life; or else a life in the Beyond. 
c g jung
We are a socially altruistic community. Let's go!

Conflict changes all of us

Conflict is a part of life, a renewable & reliable resource to leverage for change. Yet, conflict can also be destructive, so facilitating its transformation is essential.