Eco-Art & Play your WAY
Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen. [Conspire is to 'breathe' + 'together.']
(We conspire together.) Ralph Waldo emerson

Soul Guidelines
The secret of artistic creation & the effectiveness of art is to be found in a return to the state of 'participation mystique' [mystical participation with nature]-to that level of experience at which it is [soul, collective or archetypal] man who lives, and not the individual.
c g jung
Resources are all over

Art Journal
Create & keep a book of dreams & guidance
Mindfulness with a twist. Soul is heartfelt.
Personal Ritual
Make & dedicate art, an altar & safe space
Wilderness Rites
A vision quest in the wilderness for rebirth
Natural Medicine
Medicine walk, forest bath, hike & eco-art
Scholarliness alone is not enough; there is a knowledge of the heart that gives deeper insight. The knowledge of the heart is in no book and is not to be found in the mouth of any teacher, but grows out of you life the green seed from the dark earth. [This is our creation.]
c g jung

Astrology +
Archetypal, Evolutionary Soul & Esoteric
Bridge the heavenly planets & stars above with the earth below
Wisdom Traditions +
& Alchemy (etc.)
Kabbalah, Human Design, I Ching, Tarot, Polarity Therapy . . .
Science + Quantum Creativity & Biocentrism
Neurobiology, Physics,
Morphogenesis & Consciousness Studies
Morphogenesis & Consciousness Studies
Embodiment + Yoga, Dreams Chakras & Mantras
Dream, Laughter & Exploratory Yoga, Forest Bathing . . .
Creative Therapies + (art, music, dance, nature & more)
Incorporate multiple modes of healing for whole body wellbeing
Cocoon to transform together.
The transformation of the world is brought about by the transformation of oneself...one must know oneself.
Breath. This is about you being you.
Art is a kind of innate drive that seizes a human being & makes him its instrument. The artist is not a person endowed with free will who seeks his own ends, but one who allows art to realize its [soul] purpose through him. . . he is a 'man' in a higher sense--he is 'collective man'-- who carries and shapes the unconscious, psychic forms of mankind. [art is a natural way for soul to teach us.]
c g jung

Art is a necessity--an essential part of our enlightenment process. We cannot as a civilized society, regard ourselves as being enlightened without the arts.
ken danby

Depth Psychology +
(unconscious & superconscious)
Mythic & symbolic soul images from the creative imagination
Eco & Terra Psychology
+ (land-based knowing)
Honoring the spirit of place & land in ritual, story & relationship
Integral Psychology + (integrated consciousness)
Art is transdisciplinary integrating body, mind & spirit in soul
Archetypal Psychology + (creative patterns & power)
Recurring patterns & images guide our emergent soul path
Transpersonal Psychology + (human & nonhuman)
Co-create with multiple intelligences within nature to learn

Write your awesome label here.
Soul of Creativity
Art-based path of playful depth psychology & nature
Write your awesome label here.
Circle Passages
Nature-based approach to modern rites of passage
Write your awesome label here.
Guest Teachers
Otter (maybe) plus 19 new teachers & guest teachers
Write your awesome label here.
Core Resources
Tutorials, videos, activities, classes & forums to help

Art Tutorials & Techniques
(from supplies to techniques)
Guidance from collage to painting, journaling clay & calligraphy
Create Sacred Space to BE (altars, studios & businesses)
Create a inspiring safe container for your transformed life
Writing Prompts & art journaling (soul dialogue & words as images)
Explore active images with journaling, myth, story telling & poetry
Self-Generated Ritual & Belief (create your own soul relationship)
Ritual, ceremony, prayer & affirmations are powerful soul tools
Visioning & Dreaming
(in your life, business & more)
Co-create with multiple intelligences within nature to learn
biocentric: we Grow online to root deep into our nature & nature in creativity sanctuary
Soul Space is co-created with Nature as our teacher
Write your awesome label here.
Soul Space: Constellating in Virtual Space
to reach people everywhere (especially in need)
Write your awesome label here.
Common Ground: In Person Classes & Retreats
to vision, imagine, root deep & grow up in nature

Lesson series
Living Creative Activism
This is eco-art & play done soul's way, Soul Space creativity is a combination of archetypal power, time-tested practices, modern science & ancient wisdom traditions. It is psychology in a whole, new & newly emergent primordial way. To get a living sense of it & see Heather answer some questions you might have, watch the interview below.

Grounded Theory
Embodied Knowledge
Applied & grounded in you, your life, community & the world
Personalized Belief
Self-Generated & Natural
Belief & ritual alchemize the hard things that are too big to hold
Inner Guidance
Healing Intuition
Creative imagination & visionary insight to help you navigate
Needed Connection
Community Support
We need support now more than ever. It is time to come together

As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul [Alchemy is the Great Work of Art]
Hermes Trismegistus, the famed founder of Alchemy

Unconscious +
Shadow Work in Mythology, Art, Body & Nature
95% of thought, feeling & action are buried in the unconscious!!!!
Belief & Story + self-author your life, past, present & future myth
Remember, retell &
reimagine your life story & beliefs
reimagine your life story & beliefs
Self-Love + Care Self-Compassion,
Acceptance &
Inner compassion & loving forgiveness are essential nourishment
Mindfulness +
Meditation, Observation & polarity therapy
Meditation, Observation & polarity therapy
Center with tools & techniques for peace & power inside & out
Psychosomatic +
Neurographics, Presencing & Remembering
Activities grounded in the heart relationship between mind & body

Your Story
You are rewriting your story & mythology
Your Connection
You are connecting to YOU & being yourself
Your Belief
You are finding YOUR belief - limiting lies
Your Imagery
You are guided by imagery unique to you
Your Rituals
You create in self-generated rituals

Follow Path
Take the courses as they come in order
Follow Intuition
Go where & when you are guided to go
Go with Friends
Transform & gather as a group together (fun)
Bundle Up
Get the bundles and learn by topic
Take your Time
No hurry. You can return again. Go deep

+ Energy
Soul purpose creates a flow of energy in you
+ Creativity
Soul creativity inspires new life within you
+ Understanding
Soul gets to the root of life to give deep gnosis
+ Courage
Soul's deep meaning gives you courage
+ Compassion
Soul connection gives you compassion